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This is the gripping sequel to the award-winning fantasy, "The Tygrine Cat". Long before humans walked the earth, there were two tribes of cats: the Sa Mau of the Nile Delta, and the Abyssinia Tygrine from ancient Nubia. Armed with mysterious powers, the ruthless Sa sought to crush the Tygrine and condemn all cats to darkness. Even those who believe the legend claim the tribes became extinct 9,000 years ago with the domestication of cats. They are mistaken...Mati lives among the street cats at Cressida Lock. But Mati is different - he is a Tygrine, the last of his kind. The Suzerain, his implacable foe, has set a murderous creature on his trail. As a shadow falls over Cressida Lock, the young cat must find the strength to lead his friends from danger. In this heart-stopping sequel to The Tygrine Cat, Mati must pass through three gates of the feline spirit realm and confront his enemies. The first gate takes him to a place of chaos and flame; the second to the ancient land of his ancestors; the last to the world of memory, where his fallen friends remain. Can cruelty and despair crush Mati's will - or is there an even greater power at work?

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    ISBN: 978-1406320176, 140632017X

    Год издания: 2011

    Язык: Английский

    Paperback, 288 pages

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