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Toni V is a teenager working for the City Five demolition crew. While drilling through concrete he unearths a battered water can containing a parcel wrapped in faded brown paper. Though he's supposed to turn over anything he salvages, Toni V smuggles the package back to his room, unwraps it, and finds a notebook.
This is the diary of Pelly D. It's totally secret, so if you're reading it I hate you already.
Toni V figures there's no harm in paging through it since he doesn't even know this Pelly D.
I'm not being arrogant. That's just the way it is at school. . . . I'm Pelly D. It's pretty simple. I RULE!
The more Toni V reads, the more he thinks Pelly D is rich, stupid, and petty. Yet he can't help starting to care for her, especially as her words slowly reveal the chilling state of her world.
I know it doesn't matter what gene tag you have—Mum's made that clear again & again like a stuck CD. It's just . . . How can I face everyone at school if . . .
What happened to Pelly D? Toni V needs to know. And he has one clue:
Dig—dig everywhere.
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ПерейтиISBN: 0060766158
Год издания: 2005
Язык: Английский
Hardcover, 288 pages
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