Моя оценка

A man and a woman take a dark, snowy train ride to the “edge of the world” to meet the child they intend to adopt. During their unintentionally extended stay at a formerly grand hotel full of eccentric and sometimes unsettling patrons, the true purpose for their journey is tested far beyond their expectations Moody, cinematic, and hypnotic, What Happens At Night is an allegorical story about our shifting desires, and the uncertainty of reality, that recalls The Comfort of Strangers by Ian McEwan and The Castle by Franz Kafka, or Undermajor Domo Minor by Patrick DeWittBeloved and critically acclaimed author Peter Cameron expertly…

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2020

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2020 г.Премия Лос-Анджелес Таймс (Художественная литература)

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