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On some days, New York is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. This was one of the other days... Melody Malone, owner and sole employee of the Angel Detective Agency, has an unexpected caller. It's movie star Rock Railton, and he thinks someone is out to kill him. When he mentions the 'kiss of the Angel', she takes the case. Angels are Melody's business... At the press party for Railton's latest movie, studio owner Max Kliener invites Melody to the film set of their next blockbuster. He's obviously spotted her potential, and Melody is flattered when Kliener asks her to become a star. But the cost of fame, she'll soon discover, is greater than anyone could possibly imagine. Will Melody be able to escape Kliener's dastardly plan - before the Angels take Manhattan?

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About the author Melody Malone is the owner and sole employee of the Angel Detective Agency in Manhattan. She is possibly married but live alone usually, and is older than both her parents. Sometimes. Why not visit her website? Ah - probably because the internet hasn’t been invented yet. Sorry, Sweetie. ©

Аха! Наконец и Ривер дождалась своей книжки. Мне досталась аудиоверсия, которую читает Алекс Кингстон, что придает неимоверный шарм всей истории :)

Книжка нагло мелькала в последней серии Пондов, НО это не она, а, собственно, приквел к серии. Да-да, все ждали той же самой книжки, что читал Доктор, и крупно обломались) 1930-е. Историю рассказывает Мелоди Мэлоун, самый главный и единственный актив Angel Detective Agency. Однажды к ней приходит клиент, некий голливудский актер, который…

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