Моя оценка

When WPC Jane Tennison is promoted to the role of Detective Constable in London’s Bow Street CID, she is immediately conflicted. While her more experienced colleagues move on swiftly from one criminal case to another, Jane is often left doubting their methods and findings. As she becomes inextricably involved in a multiple rape case, Jane must put her life at risk in her search for answers.

Will she toe the line, or endanger her position by seeking the truth?
Цикл: Теннисон, книга №2

Главный подозреваемый 1973 (2017)Мини-сериал, 6 серий. Сериал снят по мотивам цикла книг, который на русский язык не переводился.

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Hidden Killers

Дата написания: ~2016

Первая публикация: October 20, 2016

Язык: Английский

Популярные книги

Всего 750

Новинки книг

Всего 241