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Populated by a host of colorful characters, author Jeffrey E. Barlough's new, tenth volume in his acclaimed Western Lights series of fantasy-mysteries is a delight of the imagination - a voyage of discovery, a puzzle, a chilling tale of horror, and a light-hearted cavort, all in one. Set in the ancient episcopal city of Bogminster, in deepest Slopshire, the new work is an engaging mix filled with surprises. What, for example, is the thing that has been haunting the hallowed walks of the Cathedral close? Who is the enigmatic stranger who has descended - literally - upon Bogminster in the dead of night? And last but hardly least, what to make…
Цикл: Западные Огни, книга №10

Форма: роман

Дата написания: 2018

Первая публикация: 2018

Язык: Английский

Популярные книги

Всего 750

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Всего 241