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Isaac Fitzgerald has lived many lives. He's been an altar boy, a bartender, a fat kid, a smuggler, a biker, a prince of New England. But before all that, he was a bomb that exploded his parents' lives-or so he was told. In Dirtbag, Massachusetts, Fitzgerald, with warmth and humor, recounts his ongoing search for forgiveness, a more far-reaching vision of masculinity, and a more expansive definition of family and self.
Fitzgerald's memoir-in-essays begins with a childhood that moves at breakneck speed from safety to violence, recounting an extraordinary pilgrimage through trauma to self-understanding and, ultimately, acceptance. From growing up in a Boston homeless shelter to bartending in San Francisco, from smuggling medical supplies into Burma to his lifelong struggle to make peace with his body, Fitzgerald strives to take control of his own story: one that aims to put aside anger, isolation, and entitlement to embrace the idea that one can be generous to oneself by being generous to others.
Gritty and clear-eyed, loud-hearted and beautiful, Dirtbag, Massachusetts is a rollicking book that might also be a lifeline.
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ПерейтиISBN: 1635573971
Год издания: 2022
Язык: Английский
Hardcover, 256 pages
"... introspective yet entertaining ... The writing is heartbreaking in its simple and straightforward description of the world in which he was trapped ... a memoir composed of essays, some initially published (in somewhat different forms) almost 10 years ago. Perhaps because of this, the book's most wrenching scenes only come after 200 pages, while in the opening essays about his childhood, Fitzgerald skims over the surface of what he endured. Vital information is scattered throughout and the book's haphazardness somewhat dilutes our understanding of adolescent Isaac's emotional turmoil, as well as the self-destructive tendencies of his 20s ... That said, this essayistic approach frees up Fitzgerald to tell long stories, unhampered by the demands of chronology ... Like every story in Dirtbag, Massachusetts, it's one worth hearing and thinking about, even if, like life, it's sometimes messy and out of order."
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