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In Berlin Street Style, noted design expert Angelika Taschen explains the unique style of this hip city. Where Parisians may covet a Hermes bag, a Chanel little black dress or chic ballet flats, Berliners don military parkas, sneakers and jeans. The look is casual, edgy, accessible, eclectic and a little rock and roll. The book shows the popular “anti-chic” look seen throughout the city, offering advice on how to achieve the appealingly disheveled Berlin look with vintage pieces, stylish basics and carefully selected accessories. With street style photography and hand-drawn illustrations, this accessible style guide explores how Berlin women dress and where they find their fashion inspiration, highlighting trendsetting blogs and local labels. Taschen also recommends the top destinations for fashion, beauty, design and culture in the city. She has curated a list that includes the most popular places, as well as hidden and up-and-coming spots around the city.

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    ISBN: 9781419712579

    Год издания: 2014

    Язык: Английский


  • Жанры

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