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Kami Glass is in love with someone she’s never met – a boy the rest of the world is convinced is imaginary. This has made her an outsider in the sleepy English town of Sorry-in-the-Vale, but she doesn’t complain. She runs the school newspaper and keeps to herself for the most part – until disturbing events begin to happen. There has been screaming in the woods and the dark, abandoned manor on the hill overlooking the town has lit up for the first time in 10 years. The Lynburn family, who ruled the town a generation ago and who all left without warning, have returned. As Kami starts to investigate for the paper, she finds out that the town she has loved all her life is hiding a multitude of secrets- and a murderer- and the key to it all just might be the boy in her head. The boy who everyone thought was imaginary may be real…and he may be dangerous.

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На сайте еженедельно создается чудеснейшая тема "Что читаете на этой неделе?" с коллажами - загадками, ассоциациями к прочитанному. Именно она навела на следующую идею - почему бы нам всем вместе не собрать свои ассоциации в этой подборке?) Буду добавлять по мере возможности коллажи из вышеуказанной темы. Однако не…

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