Томас Эдвард Лоуренс - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку
- 22 произведения
- 28 изданий на 4 языках
Лоуренс Аравийский (сборник) Томас Эдвард Лоуренс, Бэзил Лиделл Гарт
ISBN: 5-17-011993-3, 5-7921-0481-6 Год издания: 2002 Издательство: АСТ, Terra Fantastica Язык: Русский Сборник посвящен легендарной фигуре Лоуренса Аравийского, некоронованного короля Аравии, знаменитого британского разведчика и талантливого ученого-востоковеда, теоретика и практика партизанской войны - полковника Томаса Эдуарда Лоуренса (1888-1935). -
Чеканка Томас Эдвард Лоуренс
Язык: Русский Чеканка (The Mint) — воспоминания знаменитого разведчика и путешественника Т. Э. Лоуренса (1888–1935) об обучении в качестве новобранца в школе Королевских военно-воздушных сил в Аксбридже. Книга закончена в 1927 году, но, по воле Лоуренса, была издана только после смерти автора в 1955 году. -
The Collected Works of Lawrence of Arabia Томас Эдвард Лоуренс
ISBN: 9788026845553 Издательство: Bookwire -
The Collected Works of T. E. Lawrence Томас Эдвард Лоуренс
ISBN: 9788075836526 Издательство: Bookwire Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created collection of T. E. Lawrence aka the Lawrence of Arabia. This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935) was a British archaeologist, military officer, and diplomat. He was renowned for his liaison role during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign, and the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-18. The breadth and variety of his activities and associations, and his ability to describe them vividly in writing, earned him international fame as Lawrence of Arabia. Throughout his life, Lawrence was a prolific writer. A large portion of his output was epistolary; he often sent several letters a day.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom is an account of his war experiences. In 1919 he had been elected to a seven-year research fellowship at Oxford, providing him with support while he worked on the book. In addition to being a memoir of his experiences during the war, certain parts also serve as essays on military strategy, Arabian culture and geography, and other topics. Lawrence re-wrote Seven Pillars of Wisdom three times; once «blind» after he lost the manuscript while changing trains at Reading railway station.
The Mint is a memoir of his experiences as an enlisted man in the Royal Air Force (RAF). It concerns the period following the First World War when Lawrence decided to disappear from public view. He enlisted in RAF under an assumed name, becoming 352087 Aircraftman Ross. The book is a closely observed autobiographical account of his experiences. He worked from a notebook that he kept while enlisted, writing of the daily lives of enlisted men and his desire to be a part of something larger than himself: the Royal Air Force.
Table of Contents:
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Mint
The Evolution of a Revolt
The Odyssey
The Forest Giant
Letters (1915-1935) -
Lawrence of Arabia: The Man Behind the Myth Томас Эдвард Лоуренс
ISBN: 9788026845577 Издательство: Bookwire -
Revolt in the Desert Томас Эдвард Лоуренс"Revolt in the Desert" by T. E. Lawrence. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
Lawrence von Arabien - Die W?stenrebellion Томас Эдвард Лоуренс
ISBN: 9783750264670 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Немецкий "Die W?stenrebellion" ist ein autobiografischer Bericht des sp?ter als «Lawrence von Arabien» bekannt gewordenen Engl?nders Thomas Edward Lawrence. Sachlich-kritische Beschreibungen und emotionale Schilderungen machen diesen Insiderbericht ?ber den arabischen Aufstand gegen die t?rkische Herrschaft in den Jahren 1916-1918 zu einer fesselnden Lekt?re. Dieses E-Book enth?lt eine vollst?ndige deutsche Ausgabe des Werkes «Die W?stenrebellion» von Thomas Edward Lawrence.