Энн Янгсон

Anne Youngson

  • 10 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 47 читателей
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Энн Янгсон — новинки

  • The Six Who Came to Dinner Энн Янгсон
    ISBN: 9780857528254
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Doubleday
    The village cleaning lady who holds everyone's house-keys opens a boot to find some unexpectedly dead contents; a vengeful dinner party host serves more than just a roast to her six guests; and driven to distraction by his new young wife, a man resorts to two grisly acts, in a gripping re-imagining of a famous Irish ballad.
    Ripping away the polite facade of small communities, these stories of love, lies and revenge reveal the roiling emotions and frustration that can lead seemingly good people to do bad things. Rich in compassion, pathos and humour, Anne Youngson offers us her dark take on human foibles, pettiness and rivalry in this sparkling, unputdownable collection.
  • A Complicated Matter Энн Янгсон
    ISBN: 9780857528230
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Doubleday
    I used to believe the world had been created for me; every stone and grain of sand. As I grew older, I began to think of myself as something tacked on to the edge.
    1939, London: From McPhail's Passage to Kensington's Grand Palace Hotel, Rose Dunbar is evacuated from her humble home on the Rock of Gibraltar and dropped into a chaotic city of falling bombs, perplexing class rules and bad weather. Despite being 'flagrantly foreign' to the locals, she becomes an efficient go-between for the upper-class ladies helping out with the war effort and her own tribe of noisy displaced families.
    It is only when she is shifted to the countryside to become secretary to the plain-speaking and sightless Major Inchbold that Rose's dizzying journey to womanhood will become more surreal than ever, as she drinks tea at the vicarage and stands up for the lower orders. But Rose's greatest dilemma is yet to come, as she must decide where her home - and her heart - really lies.
    In Anne Youngson's wry and sublimely understated prose, this unique and beautiful story of love, class and belonging is also a profound and intimate meditation on what it takes to find our place in the world.
  • Встретимся в музее Энн Янгсон
    ISBN: 978-601-271-591-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Фолиант
    Язык: Русский

    Когда куратор датского музея Андерс Ларсен отвечает на вопрос о древних экспонатах, он не ожидает продолжения переписки. Когда прозябающая в английской глубинке фермерша Тина Хопгуд впервые написала в Силькеборгский музей, она тоже ни на что не надеялась... Профессор Ларсен, вежливый человек фактов, с потерей жены утратил также надежды и мечты о будущем. Он не знает, что вопрос миссис Хопгуд о всемирно известной древности в его музее вот-вот изменит ход его жизни. Разделенные сотнями километров, взрослые мужчина и женщина неожиданно вступают в переписку, обнаруживая общие увлечения и привязанности: к истории и природе; к бесполезным…

  • Three Women and a Boat Anne Youngson
    ISBN: 9781784165338
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    Tender and humorous novel of second chances and life-changing new friendship for fans of Rachel Joyce, Clare Chambers and Barbara Pym
    Meet Eve, who has departed from her thirty-year career to become a Free Spirit; Sally, who has waved goodbye to her indifferent husband and two grown-up children; and Anastasia, a defiantly independent narrowboat-dweller, suddenly vulnerable as she awaits a life-saving operation.
    Inexperienced and ill-equipped, Sally and Eve embark upon a journey through the canals of England, guided by the remote and unsympathetic Anastasia. As they glide gently - and not so gently - through the countryside, the eccentricities and challenges of canalboat life draw them inexorably together, and a tender and unforgettable story unfolds.
    Disarmingly truthful and narrated with a rare wit, Three Women and a Boat is a journey over the glorious waterways of England and into the unfathomable depths of the human heart by an inspirational new talent now in her seventies.
  • Spotkajmy się w muzeum Anne Youngson
    ISBN: 9788380158818
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Czarna owca
    Язык: Польский
    W pewnym wieku życie pozbawione jest piękna i uroku – tak przynajmniej myśleli Tina i Kristian. Oboje są po sześćdziesiątce, jedno straciło żonę, drugie najlepszą przyjaciółkę. Zapomnieli o pragnieniach i przestali żywić nadzieje na nowy początek.

    Do czasu… Gdy z pozoru nic nieznacząca korespondencja przeradza się w pragnienie bliskości i zrozumienia. Otwierają się przed sobą – opowiadając o swojej codzienności, rodzinie, pracy, ale i pasjach, sztuce, muzyce i przyrodzie. Listy Tiny i Kristiana są przenikliwe, dowcipne, szczere i pokazują, jaką radość może dać spotkanie dwóch ciekawych osobowości. Niepostrzeżenie, z nieznajomych stają się bliskim przyjaciółmi.

    Ta powieść to pochwała miłości i życia, a także niespodzianek, jakie nam ono przynosi!
  • Meet Me at the Museum Anne Youngson
    ISBN: 1784163465, 9781784163464
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    When Tina Hopgood writes a letter of regret to a man she has never met, she doesn't expect a reply.

    When Anders Larsen, a lonely museum curator, answers it, neither does he.

    They're both searching for something - they just don't know it yet.

    Anders has lost his wife, along with his hopes and dreams for the future. Tina is trapped in a marriage she doesn't remember choosing.

    Slowly their correspondence blossoms as they bare their souls to each other with stories of joy, anguish and discovery. But then Tina's letters suddenly cease, and Anders is thrown into despair.

    Can their unexpected friendship survive?
  • Nos vemos en el museo Anne Youngson
    ISBN: 8417708413, 9788417708412
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Maeva
    Язык: Испанский
    Tina, una granjera inglesa, esposa y madre, acaba de perder a Bella, su mejor amiga; Anders, conservador de un museo arqueológico en Dinamarca, enviudó hace años. Aunque no se conocen, su nexo de unión es el hombre de Tollund, un hombre prehistórico que se exhibe en el museo donde trabaja Anders y que Tina siempre quiso visitar junto a Bella. Tina envía una carta al museo sin esperar una respuesta, pero sorprendentemente esta llega, y así empieza una correspondencia en la que Anders y ella compartirán reflexiones y sentimientos y en la que pondrán al descubierto cómo es la vida que llevan. De un modo pausado y lleno de delicadeza, Tina y Anders se hacen amigos.
  • Meet Me at the Museum Энн Янгсон
    ISBN: 0857525514, 9780857525512
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Английский
    When Tina Hopgood writes a letter of regret to a man she has never met, she doesn't expect a reply.

    When Anders Larsen, a lonely museum curator, answers it, neither does he.

    They're both searching for something - they just don't know it yet.

    Anders has lost his wife, along with his hopes and dreams for the future. Tina is trapped in a marriage she doesn't remember choosing.

    Slowly their correspondence blossoms as they bare their souls to each other with stories of joy, anguish and discovery. But then Tina's letters suddenly cease, and Anders is thrown into despair.

    Can their unexpected friendship survive?
  • Das Versprechen, dich zu finden Anne Youngson
    ISBN: 9783961090747
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: HarperCollins bei Lübbe Audio
    Язык: Немецкий
    Tina und Anders hatten einmal andere Wünsche ans Leben. Jetzt sind sie Anfang sechzig und haben beide gerade jemanden verloren, der ihnen sehr nahestand und der eine Lücke hinterlässt, die zu füllen ihnen unmöglich scheint. Und auch ihre Hoffnungen und Träume haben sie mit den Jahren aus den Augen verloren – das Leben zog vorbei, und dieser eine Moment kam nie. Tina und Anders sind sich noch nie begegnet, doch durch Zufall beginnen sie einen Briefwechsel. Sie teilen Glück und Sorgen, tauschen sich über Familie und Arbeit, Kunst und Natur aus. Durch ihre Freundschaft entwickeln sie bald einen Hunger nach Veränderung, der es ihnen unmöglich macht, wieder in ihre alte Rolle zurückzukehren.
  • Meet Me at the Museum Anne Youngson
    ISBN: 9781250295163
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Flatiron Books
    Язык: Английский
    In Denmark, Professor Anders Larsen, an urbane man of facts, has lost his wife and his hopes for the future. On an isolated English farm, Tina Hopgood is trapped in a life she doesn’t remember choosing. Both believe their love stories are over.

    Brought together by a shared fascination with the Tollund Man, subject of Seamus Heaney’s famous poem, they begin writing letters to one another. And from their vastly different worlds, they find they have more in common than they could have imagined. As they open up to one another about their lives, an unexpected friendship blooms. But then Tina’s letters stop coming, and Anders is thrown into despair. How far are they willing to go to write a new story for themselves?