Майкл Стэнли

Michael Stanley

  • 2 книги
  • 1 подписчик
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Майкл Стэнли — об авторе

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Биография — Майкл Стэнли

Michael Stanley is the writing name of Michael Sears and Stanley Trollip. Both natives of Africa, we have traveled regularly together to Botswana and Zimbabwe over the past twenty years to experience the country with its wide diversity and interesting peoples. Our books reflect the authentic Africa of the 21st century: not merely the politically unstable, desperately poor Africa of the nightly news, but also the emotional conflicts of people with one foot in traditional culture and the other in Western-instigated globalism. The new Africa is not a safari jungle, but a collection of diverse groups and nations struggling to find their way in a rapidly changing context.

We enjoy both a local…

and transglobal collaboration, mainly via e-mail and Skype. Michael lives in Knysna, South Africa; Stanley spends half the year in coastal South Africa and half in Minnesota.

Our Botswana thrillers are set around the smart and huge Detective Kubu of the CID. Don't get in his way. His nickname means Hippo!


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2012 г.Премия Барри (Лучший роман в обложке, Death of the Mantis)


2012 г.Премия Энтони (Лучший роман в обложке, Death of the Mantis)
2009 г.Премия критиков журнала "Стрэнд" (Лучший дебютный роман, A Carrion Death)
2009 г.Премия Барри (Лучший дебютный роман, A Carrion Death)
