Юсси Адлер-Ольсен4.1 Пять лет назад депутат датского парламента, красавица Мерета Люнггор, бесследно исчезла с парома между Данией и Германией. Принято считать, что она случайно упала за борт и утонула. Однако Карл Мерк, начальник вновь созданного отдела по расследованию особо важных дел, не согласен с таким выводом. С чего бы это молодой здоровой женщине падать за борт при спокойной погоде?
Но кто мог ей "помочь"? Ее брат Уффе, в давней аварии лишившийся дара речи и отчасти рассудка? Или загадочный поклонник, появившийся незадолго до ее исчезновения? Чтобы докопаться до правды, Карлу Мёрку и его помощнику, сирийцу по имени Хафез Ассад, придется тщательно изучить прошлое Мереты.
Линвуд Баркли4.0 От трагедии в семье не застрахован никто... Однажды жена Глена Гарбера, Шейла, не вернулась домой. А потом ему позвонили и сообщили: она погибла в автокатастрофе, которая унесла жизнь еще двоих людей. Полиция уверена: в случившемся виновата именно Шейла. Однако Глен слишком хорошо знал жену, чтобы поверить в это. Он намерен установить истину. Но тихий провинциальный городок ревниво хранит свои тайны, порой очень и очень опасные. И скоро жизнь Глена превращается в ад. Соседи, которых он еще недавно считал друзьями, шантажируют его. На него совершаются покушения. Под угрозой оказывается жизнь не только самого Глена, но и его ребенка...
Хеннинг Манкелль4.2 Зимним днем во время ежедневной прогулки в лесу бесследно исчезает пенсионер, в прошлом морской офицер высокого ранга, Хокан фон Энке, а следом — его жена. Для шестидесятилетнего комиссара полиции Курта Валландера это дело оказывается еще и личным: пропавшие — свекор и свекровь его дочери Линды, дед и бабка ее маленькой дочки. Запутанные нити, похоже, ведут в прошлое, в эпоху холодной войны. Кажется, неугомонный комиссар вплотную подобрался к шпионской тайне. Тем временем на него самого надвигается непредвиденная опасность.
Reed Farrel Coleman0.0 "The biggest mysteries in our genre are why Reed Coleman isn't already huge, and why Moe Prager isn't already an icon."—Lee Child
At a pre-wedding party for his daughter Sarah, Moe Prager is approached by his ex-wife and former PI partner Carmella Melendez. It seems Carmella's estranged sister Alta has been murdered, but no one in New York City seems to care. Why? Alta, a FDNY EMT, and her partner had months earlier refused to give assistance to a dying man at a fancy downtown eatery. Moe decides to help Carmella as a means to distract himself from his own life and death struggle. Making headway on the case is no mean feat as no one, including Alta's partner Maya Watson, wants to cooperate. Moe chips away until he discovers a cancer roiling just below the surface, a cancer whose symptoms include bureaucratic greed, sexual harassment, and blackmail. But is any of it connected to Alta's brutal murder?
Reed Farrel Coleman has won or been nominated for nearly every major award in crime fiction. His Moe Prager series was selected by NPR's Maureen Corrigan for inclusion in her Best Of list.
John Hart2.0 An old man is dying.
When the old man is dead they will come for him.
And they will come for her, to make him hurt.
John Hart delivers his fourth novel -- a gut-wrenching, heart-stopping thriller no reader will soon forget.
He would go to Hell
At the Iron Mountain Home for Boys, there was nothing but time. Time to burn and time to kill, time for two young orphans to learn that life isn’t won without a fight. Julian survives only because his older brother, Michael, is fearless and fiercely protective. When tensions boil over and a boy is brutally killed, there is only one sacrifice left for Michael to make: He flees the orphanage and takes the blame with him.
To keep her safe...
For two decades, Michael has been an enforcer in New York’s world of organized crime, a prince of the streets so widely feared he rarely has to kill anymore. But the life he’s fought to build unravels when he meets Elena, a beautiful innocent who teaches him the meaning and power of love. He wants a fresh start with her, the chance to start a family like the one he and Julian never had. But someone else is holding the strings. And escape is not that easy. . . .
Go to Hell, and come back burning....
The mob boss who gave Michael his blessing to begin anew is dying, and his son is intent on making Michael pay for his betrayal. Determined to protect the ones he loves, Michael spirits Elena—who knows nothing of his past crimes, or the peril he’s laid at her door— back to North Carolina, to the place he was born and the brother he lost so long ago. There, he will encounter a whole new level of danger, a thicket of deceit and violence that leads inexorably to the one place he’s been running from his whole life: Iron House.
Крейг Джонсон0.0 Wyoming's favorite sheriff braves a frozen inferno as he races to capture an escaped murderer.
Well-read and world-weary, Sheriff Walt Longmire has been maintaing order in Wyoming's Absaroka County for more than thirty years, but in this riveting seventh outing, he is pushed to his limits. Raynaud Shade, an adopted Crow Indian, has just confessed to murdering a boy ten years ago and burying him deep within the Big Horn Mountains. After transporting Shade and a group of other convicted murderers through a snowstorm, Walt is informed by the FBI that the body is buried in his jurisdiction-and the victim's name is White Buffalo. Guided only by Indian mysticism and a battered paperback of Dante's Inferno, Walt pursues Shade and his fellow escapees into the icy hell of the Cloud Peak Wilderness Area, cheating death to ensure that justice-both civil and spiritual-is served.
Тейлор Стивенс3.6 В экзотической стране бесследно исчезла Эмили - наследница огромного состояния.
За четыре года обнаружить девушку не удалось ни полиции, ни частным детективам.
И тогда ее отчим - техасский нефтяной магнат - решил нанять Ванессу Монро. Ее профессия - сбор секретной информации. Она умеет работать в любых условиях и при любых обстоятельствах и виртуозно владеет оружием.
Однако стоит Ванессе принять заказ - и па се жизнь начинается настоящая охота.
Покушение следует за покушением, и вскоре Ванессе становится ясно: чтобы остаться в живых, ей необходимо отказаться от поисков Эмили или любой ценой узнать, кто и почему так не хочет, чтобы богатую наследницу нашли...
С. Дж. Уотсон4.0 Каждое утро Кристин Лукас просыпается в незнакомой комнате, в постели с мужчиной, которого не узнает. Каждое утро этот мужчина терпеливо объясняет Кристин, что он ее муж, а она страдает амнезией с тех пор, как в молодости попала в аварию. По совету врача, занимающегося ее случаем, Кристин втайне от мужа начинает вести дневник, записывая туда все, что ей удается узнать и вспомнить в течение дня. Отчаянно пытаясь сложить из обрывков воспоминаний свое прошлое, Кристин задает все больше вопросов — себе и окружающим. Но каждое новое воскресшее воспоминание все больше пугает ее, ей все сложнее понять, что же на самом деле случилось с ней много лет назад, что именно стерло из памяти всю ее прежнюю жизнь?
Кэйго Хигасино4.2 В безлюдном месте найден изуродованный труп мужчины. Полиции быстро удается напасть на след, и дело, которое расследует детектив Кусанаги, на первый взгляд кажется простым: есть тело жертвы, есть очевидная подозреваемая - бывшая жена убитого, чье алиби Кусанаги пытается опровергнуть. Но несмотря на все усилия полиции, каждый раз что-то не сходится, словно в головоломке недостает самого важного фрагмента. Как будто за преступлением стоит математический гений, просчитавший наперед все возможные комбинации. На помощь Кусанаги приходит его друг, профессор физики и сыщик-любитель Манабу Югава…
Элис Лаплант3.0 Дженнифер подозревают в убийстве лучшей подруги. Да, женщину с прогрессирующей болезнью Альцгеймера всерьез в этом подозревают. Улик слишком много. Чтобы защитить себя и узнать правду, Дженнифер приходится каждый день собирать по кусочкам свою жизнь. Но, может, подсознание неслучайно противится открыть правду?
Сара Генри0.0 "If I'd blinked, I would have missed it. But I didn't, and I saw something fall from the rear deck of the opposite ferry: a small, wide-eyed human face, in one tiny frozen moment, as it plummeted toward the water."
When she witnesses a small child tumbling from a ferry into Lake Champlain, Troy Chance dives in without thinking. Harrowing moments later, she bobs to the surface, pulling a terrified little boy with her. As the ferry disappears into the distance, she begins a bone-chilling swim nearly a mile to shore towing a tiny passenger.
Surprisingly, he speaks only French. He'll acknowledge that his name is Paul; otherwise, he's resolutely mute.
Troy assumes that Paul's frantic parents will be in touch with the police or the press. But what follows is a shocking and deafening silence. And Troy, a freelance writer, finds herself as fiercely determined to protect Paul as she is to find out what happened to him. She'll need skill and courage to survive and protect her charge and herself.
Sara J. Henry's powerful and compelling Learning to Swim will move and disturb readers right up to its shattering conclusion.
Лине Кобербель, Агнете Фриис0.0 Nina Borg, a Red Cross nurse, wife, and mother of two, is a compulsive do-gooder who can’t say no when someone asks for help—even when she knows better. When her estranged friend Karin leaves her a key to a public locker in the Copenhagen train station, Nina gets suckered into her most dangerous project yet. Inside the locker is a suitcase, and inside the suitcase is a three-year-old boy: naked and drugged, but alive.
Is the boy a victim of child trafficking? Can he be turned over to authorities, or will they only return him to whoever sold him? When Karin is discovered brutally murdered, Nina realizes that her life and the boy’s are in jeopardy, too. In an increasingly desperate trek across Denmark, Nina tries to figure out who the boy is, where he belongs, and who exactly is trying to hunt him down.
Майкл Стэнли0.0 “The best book yet in one of the best series going: a serious novel with a mystery at its core that takes us places we’ve never been.”
—Timothy Hallinan, author of The Queen of Patpong
Mystery readers who have not yet made the acquaintance of larger than life African investigator Detective David “Kubu” Bengu are doing themselves a great disservice. Death of the Mantis is the third Kubu novel from author Michael Stanley—following the critically acclaimed A Carrion Death and The Second Death of Goodluck Tinubu—and it plunges the robust manhunter into the chaotic center of a murder case involving nomadic Bushmen that is stoking the fires of prejudice and tribal hatred. Set in Botswana—the fascinating equatorial country also explored by Alexander McCall Smith in his #1 Ladies’ Detective Agency novels—Death of the Mantis is a book alive with the sights and sounds of an exotic and breathtaking land. The exploits of Stanley’s singularly captivating policeman protagonist will delight you and keep you guessing.
Оливер Пётч4.0 Якоб Куизль – грозный палач из древнего баварского городка Шонгау. Именно его руками вершится правосудие. Горожане боятся и избегают Якоба, считая палача сродни дьяволу… В апреле 1659 года жителей Шонгау охватил ужас. В канун весенних празднеств один за другим погибают дети-сироты. У каждого на плече таинственный знак, похожий на колдовскую отметину. Видит Бог, во всем виновата местная знахарка – старая ведьма Марта Штехлин! Она подозрительно часто общалась с бедными детьми! Якоб Куизль, по распоряжению городского совета, каленым железом должен вырвать из ведьмы признание в совершении богопротивных деяний. Но палач слишком хорошо знает Марту… Он не верит в ее вину и начинает свое собственное расследование. Расследование, обреченное на трагичный финал, если бы не помощь его дочери - красавицы Магдалены…
Апсон Николь3.8 В 1903 году две женщины - Амелия Сэч и Энни Уолтере - были казнены в Лондоне за детоубийство.
Прошло тридцать лет, и Джозефина Тэй решила написать роман о печально знаменитых "губительницах младенцев".
Однако работа по сбору материала внезапно прервалась.
Буквально в двух шагах от элитного лондонского ателье, где собирается весь модный свет, совершено жестокое двойное убийство юной модистки Марджори Бейкер и ее отца Джозефа.
Поначалу Арчи Пенроуз, которому поручено расследование, склоняется к самому простому объяснению случившегося. Но вскоре становится известно, что под именем Джозефа Бейкера скрывался муж детоубийцы Амелии Сэч.
Тогда к делу подключается Джозефина Тэй, которая с самого начала догадывается: ключ к разгадке этого преступления следует искать в прошлом...
Brett Battles5.0 Professional 'cleaner' Jonathan Quinn has a new client and a strange job: find and remove the remains of a body hidden twenty years ago inside the walls of a London building, before the building is demolished.
But Quinn and his team are being watched. Suddenly caught in the crossfire between two dangerous rivals, Quinn must unravel the identity of the body and why it still poses so great a threat even in death. Because a plot stretching from the former Soviet Union to Hong Kong, from Paris to London, from Los Angeles to Maine is rapidly falling apart. And Quinn hasn't just been hired to tie up loose ends - he is one.
А. Д. Скотт0.0 Nothing is ever quite at peace on Scotland's Black Isle- the Traveling people are forever at odds with the locals, the fishermen have nothing in common with the farmers, and the villagers have no connection with the town. But when two deaths occur on the same day, involving the same families from the same estate- the Black Isle seems as forbidding as its name.
Joanne Ross, typist at the Highland Gazette, is torn whether to take on the plum task of reporting on these murders- after all, the woman at the center of both crimes is one of her closest friends. Joanne knows the story could be her big break, and for a woman in the mid-1950's- a single mother, no less- good work is hard to come by.
But the investigation by the staff on the Gazette reveals secrets that will forever change this quiet, remote part of the Highlands. The ancient feudal order is crumbling, loyalties are tested, friendships torn apart, and the sublime beauty of the landscape will never seem peaceful again.
Duane Swierczynski0.0 harlie Hardie, an ex-cop still reeling from the revenge killing of his former partner's entire family, fears one thing above all else: that he'll suffer the same fate.
Languishing in self-imposed exile, Hardie has become a glorified house sitter. His latest gig comes replete with an illegally squatting B-movie actress who rants about hit men who specialize in making deaths look like accidents. Unfortunately, it's the real deal. Hardie finds himself squared off against a small army of the most lethal men in the world: The Accident People.
It's nothing personal-the girl just happens to be the next name on their list. For Hardie, though, it's intensely personal. He's not about to let more innocent people die. Not on his watch
Thomas Perry0.0 In Thomas Perry’s Edgar-winning debut The Butcher’s Boy, a professional killer betrayed by the Mafia leaves countless mobsters dead and then disappears. Justice Department official Elizabeth Waring is the only one who believes he ever existed. Many years later, the Butcher’s Boy finds his peaceful life threatened when a Mafia hit team finally catches up with him. He knows they won’t stop coming and decides to take the fight to their door.
Soon Waring, now high up in the Organized Crime Division of the Justice Department, receives a surprise latenight visit from the Butcher’s Boy. Knowing she keeps track of the Mafia, he asks her whom his attackers worked for, offering information that will help her crack an unsolved murder in return. So begins a new assault on organized crime and an uneasy alliance between opposite sides of the law. As the Butcher’s Boy works his way ever closer to his quarry in an effort to protect his new way of life, Waring is in a race against time, either to convince him to become a protected informant—or to take him out of commission for good.
Том Кейн0.0 The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 sent shockwaves around the financial world. Never before had such a large and prestigious organisation been allowed to fail, and to fail so quickly. It began a domino effect, hitting banks and economies around the world. Theories abound as to the cause of the collapse - the sub-prime bubble, bad management, even good old fashioned greed. But what if it was none of the above. What if Lehman Brothers had been brought to its knees by the deliberate and wilful act of one man bent on a course of financial terrorism? Moreover, what if it was only a dry run for a bigger and even bolder attack on the financial capital of the world, the City of London? Samuel Carver is about to find himself on the biggest mission of his life.
Бен Коэс0.0 Wanting only a peaceful, obscure life, Dewey Andreas has gone to rural Australia, far from turbulent forces that he once fought against. But powerful men, seeking revenge, have been scouring the earth looking for Dewey. And now, they've finally found him - forcing Dewey to abandon his home and to fight for his life against a very well armed, well trained group of assassins. Meanwhile, a radical cleric has been elected president of Pakistan and, upon taking power, sets off a rapidly escalating conflict with India. As the situation spins quickly out of control, it becomes clear that India is only days from resorting to a nuclear response, one that will have unimaginably disasterous results for the world at large. With only days to head this off, the President sends in his best people, including Jessica Tanzer, to do whatever it takes to restore the fragile peace to the region. Tanzer has only one viable option - to set up and execute a coup d'etat in Pakistan - and only one man in mind to lead the team that will try to pull off this almost unimaginable task in the nerve-wrackingly short time frame, Dewey Andreas. If, that is, Jessica can even get to Dewey and if Dewey can get out of Australia alive...
Мэттью Данн0.0 The most electrifying espionage thriller debut in years--and one of the first in modern memory to be written by a former agent under his own name . . .
Matthew Dunn spent years as an MI6 field operative working on some of the West's most clandestine missions. He recruited and ran agents, planned and participated in special operations, and operated deep undercover throughout the world. In Spycatcher he draws on this fascinating experience to breathe urgent, dynamic new life into the contemporary spy novel.
Featuring deft and daring super spy Will Cochrane, Dunn paints a nerve-jangling, bracingly authentic picture of today's secret world. It is a place where trust is precious and betrayal is cheap--and where violent death is the reward for being outplayed by your enemy.
Will Cochrane, the CIA's and MI6's most prized asset and deadliest weapon, has known little outside this world since childhood. And he's never been outplayed. So far . . .
Will's controllers task him with finding and neutralizing one of today's most wanted terrorist masterminds, a man believed to be an Iranian Revolutionary Guard general. Intending to use someone from the man's past to flush him out of the shadows, Will believes he has the perfect plan, but he soon discovers, in a frantic chase from the capitals of Europe to New York City, that his adversary has more surprises in store and is much more treacherous than anyone he has ever faced--and survived--up to now.
Mark Greaney0.0 After Court Gentry was betrayed by his compatriots and forced to take on a near-suicidal covert mission by the CIA, he thought he could find refuge living in the Amazon rain forest. But his bloody past finds him when a vengeful Russian crime lord forces him to go on the run once again. Court makes his way to one of the only men in the world he can trust—and arrives too late. His friend is dead and buried.
Years before, Eddie Gamboa had saved Court's life. Now, Eddie has been murdered by the notorious Mexican drug cartel he fought to take down. And Court soon finds himself drawn into a war he never wanted. But in this war, there are no sides—only survivors...
Майк Лоусон0.0 With his series featuring Joe DeMarco, fixer for Speaker of the House, Mike Lawson has won a reputation as one of America’s best political thriller writers. In House Divided, with his boss out of commission, DeMarco is on his own, a sacrificial pawn in a lethal game between a master spy and a four-star army general.
When the NSA was caught wiretapping U.S. citizens without warrants, a scandal erupted and the program came to a screeching halt. But the man who spearheaded the most sophisticated eavesdropping operation in history wasn’t about to sit by while his country sleepwalked into another 9/11. Instead, he moved the program into the shadows. So when the NSA records a rogue military group murdering two American civilians, they can’t exactly walk over to the Pentagon and demand to know what’s going on. That doesn’t mean their hands are tied, however. As the largest intelligence service in the country, both in money and manpower, they have plenty of options mostly illegitimate.
DeMarco learns all too well just what the NSA is capable of, but he doesn’t like being used, so he fights back. House Divided is inspired and compelling, a strong addition to this celebrated series.
Питер Джеймс4.0 В центре Брайтона произошло дорожно-транспортное происшествие. Под колесами рефрижератора погиб юноша велосипедист. В ДТП участвовали еще две машины, за рулем которых находились молодая женщина Карли Чейз и парень-лихач, тут же покинувший место аварии. Казалось бы, обычная трагедия большого города - не более того. Однако вскоре один за другим полиция обнаруживает трупы водителя рефрижератора и парня-лихача, убитых с предельной жестокостью. Дело передается в отдел тяжких преступлений, которым руководит суперинтендент Рой Грейс. Его сотрудникам предстоит в кратчайший срок найти убийцу, чтобы предотвратить гибель третьей возможной жертвы - Карли Чейз.