Цикл книг «Mead Mishaps» — 5 книг

Тот раз, когда я напилась и спасла Демона
Кимберли Лемминг

Все, чего я хотела - это прожить свою жизнь в спокойствии. Может быть завести кошку, расширить свою ферму специй. Но на самом деле всего, что не связано с приключением, в котором…

Кимберли Лемминг

It's all fun and games until someone catches feelings Fate sends me straight into the lion's den. Or rather, the fox's den. After my dad trespassed into a powerful fox demon's…

That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf
Кимберли Лемминг

Anyone else ever thrown a drink at someone's head, only to miss entirely and hit a stranger behind them? Then have that stranger fall madly in love with you because it turned out…

A Bump In Boohail: A Mead Realm Tale
Кимберли Лемминг

Samhain was the biggest festival of the year. It was the time that the veil between our world and the otherworld thinned, meaning any manner of spirits could come through and…

That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Human
Кимберли Лемминг

When I was a little girl, my Ma used to read me stories every night. Some were epic adventures with high stakes and exciting twists while others were of princesses trapped in…