Многотомное издание «Black Bolt» — 2 книги | Читать лучшие подборки на Livelib

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 - Black Bolt Vol. 2: Home Free

«Marvel Comics» 2018 г. ISBN: 9781302907334
 - Black Bolt Vol. 1: Hard Time

«Marvel Comics» 2017 г. ISBN: 9781302907327
Black Bolt Vol. 1: Hard Time
Saladin Ahmed, Christian Ward
Год издания:2017
Издательство:Marvel Comics

The silent king of the Inhumans stars in his fi rst-ever solo series! But it begins with Black Bolt...imprisoned?! Where exactly is he? Why has he been jailed? And who could be…

Black Bolt Vol. 2: Home Free
Saladin Ahmed, Christian Ward, Frazer Irving
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Marvel Comics

Black Bolt and his unlikely allies are finally free from their strange captivity, but their escape came at a high cost. Now, the Midnight King returns to Earth with a heavy heart…