Издания и произведения

  • 鹤唳华亭 / He Li Hua Ting Xue Man Liang Yuan
    ISBN: 9787537831512
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House
    Язык: Китайский

    網絡版文案: 吴绫蜀锦,鲜鲤熊蹯,绮年玉貌,一人之下,万人之上。 幼失所恃,兄弟阋墙,父子相忌,君不为君,臣亦非臣。 遇上你,并非我之所愿。既已遇上,就请你点一盏灯来,为孤照亮这丛锦绣地狱。 金钿明灭的光采,是你在笑还是我眼花? 颊畔起落的红云,是你有心还是我多情? 你说给我听的话,到底是虚是实? 你给我的那一线暖意,究竟是幻是真? 是否真的有一天,能够跳出地狱,转世为人。 到那时,也许我可以同你,在暮春时节,携手登上南山。 去看杂花生树,去看群莺乱飞。 去听那鹤唳的声音,看它们蹈碎琉璃般的水面,振翅飞入青天。

  • Произведения

  • A Crane Cries in Huating Xue Man Liang Yuan
    Форма: новелла
    Оригинальное название: 鹤唳华亭 / He Li Hua Ting
    Дата написания: 2013
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский

    A youthful beauty in exquisite brocade, Under a man who reigns over tens of thousands. A young man loses his backing, Brothers fight against each other, And a father and son that dread one another; The courtier betrays his ruler. Under such a rule, what branch can one even rely upon? Amidst the sorrow of parting, what feeling can thee even trust? Meeting you was not something I wished for. But now that we met, I plead you to lighten up thy lamp, Let its illuminating light, Light up this beautiful hell for me. Maybe then, I can climb Nanshan hand in hand with you in the late spring. Let us witness the…
