
Если мы участвуем в выборах и уверены, что полноценные выборы будут и в дальнейшем, то мы знаем, что в следующий раз сможем исправить свои ошибки. Таким образом, демократия превращает в политическую предсказуемость свойство людей ошибаться и помогает нам ощущать время как устремление вперед, в… Развернуть 

Демократия гибнет тогда, когда люди перестают видеть ценность в голосовании. Вопрос не в том, проводятся ли выборы, а в том, свободны ли они, честны ли. Если да, то демократия порождает ощущение времени, ожидание грядущего, примиряющее с настоящим. Смысл каждых демократических выборов – в надежде… Развернуть 

В 1976 году Стивен Кинг опубликовал рассказ “Я знаю, что тебе нужно” – о молодой женщине и ее поклоннике, умевшем читать мысли. Она не знала об этом: он просто давал ей то, что она хотела в настоящий момент (например, земляничное мороженое). Постепенно он изменил ее жизнь, сделал ее зависимой,… Развернуть 

For Europeans, Africa remained the supplier of valuable raw materials—human bodies and elephant tusks. But otherwise they saw the continent as faceless, blank, empty, a place on the map waiting to be explored, one ever more frequently described by the phrase that says more about the seer than the… Развернуть 

Such a look would have confirmed that only in Africa could Leopold hope to achieve his dream of seizing a colony, especially one immensely larger than Belgium. There was no more unclaimed territory in the Americas, and Maximilian and Carlota's disastrous adventure in Mexico was a reminder of what… Развернуть 

In Ilyin’s sensibility, adapted by Putin, time was not a river flowing forward, but a cold round pool where ripples flowed ever inward towards a mysterious Russian perfection. Nothing new ever happened, and nothing new ever could happen; the West assaulted Russian innocence over and over again.… Развернуть 

After Affonso's death, the power of the Kongo state gradually diminished as provincial and village chiefs, themselves growing rich on slave sales, no longer gave much allegiance to the court at Mbanza Kongo. By the end of the 1500s, other European countries had joined in the slave trade; British,… Развернуть 

Because virtually everything we know about this part of Africa for the next several hundred years comes to us from its white conquerors, King Affonso I provides something rare and valuable: an African voice. Indeed, his is one of the very few central African voices that we can hear at all before… Развернуть 

In other ways, African slavery was more flexible and benign than the system Europeans would soon establish in the New World. Over a generation or two, slaves could often earn or be granted their freedom, and free people and slaves sometimes intermarried. Nonetheless, the fact that trading in human… Развернуть 

Хотя Ильин вел хронику сталинского террора, его отношение к закону и праву по сути сходно с отношением тех, кого он считал преступниками. Андрей Вышинский, гособвинитель на сталинских показательных процессах, считал, что “революционная законность требует гибкого и, так сказать, свободного”,… Развернуть 

Страх перед будущим – малоприятное ощущение, которое в форме внешней политики можно передать другим. Настоящий враг тоталитаризма – сам тоталитаризм, и эту тайну он оберегает, нападая на других.

Western journalists are also taught to report various interpretations of the facts. The adage that there are two sides to a story makes sense when those who represent each side accept the factuality of the world and interpret the same set of facts. Putin’s strategy of implausible deniability… Развернуть 

Sheppard was not the first foreign witness to see severed hands in the Congo, nor would he be the last. But the articles he wrote for missionary magazines about his grisly find were reprinted and quoted widely, both in Europe and the United States, and it is partly due to him that people overseas… Развернуть 

Leopold continued to press his suit. He had his minister in London invite Stanley to lunch. He sent Sanford across the Channel to talk to the explorer again. And he made sure that Stanley heard a few hints about his possibly making a deal with another explorer instead. Leopold knew his man. Five… Развернуть 

A village near Diogo Cão's stone pillar on the south shore of the Congo River estuary became a slave port, from which more than five thousand slaves a year were being shipped across the Atlantic by the 1530s.

The lust for slave profits engulfed even some of the priests, who abandoned their preaching, took black women as concubines, kept slaves themselves, and sold their students and converts into slavery. The priests who strayed from the fold stuck to their faith in one way, however; after the… Развернуть 

Сначала они пришли за социалистами, и я молчал,
потому что я не был социалистом.
Затем они пришли за членами профсоюза, и я молчал,
потому что я не был членом профсоюза.
Затем они пришли за евреями, и я молчал,
потому что я не был евреем.
Затем они пришли за мной,
и не осталось никого, чтобы… Развернуть 

We know from a later scrap of oral tradition that Europeans were often believed to have hoofs; not having seen shoes before, some Africans along the river thought them part of white anatomy.

The gigantic, steadily widening river, Stanley found, was a rich source of food for the people living near it. Since his time, scientists have counted more than five hundred species of fish in the river [The Congo].

Nonetheless, Leopold had, foxlike, gone a step forward. He had learned from his many attempts to buy a colony that none was for sale; he would have to conquer it. Doing this openly, however, was certain to upset both the Belgian people and the major powers of Europe. If he was to seize anything in… Развернуть 

During the nineteenth-century European drive for possessions in Africa and Asia, people justified colonialism in various ways, claiming that it Christianized the heathen or civilized the savage races or brought everyone the miraculous benefits of free trade. Now, with Africa, a new rationalization… Развернуть 

Russian foreign policy in 2014 bore more than a passing resemblance to certain of the more notorious moments of the 1930s. The replacement of laws, borders, and states with innocence, righteousness, and great spaces was fascist geopolitics.

Leopold, of course, never proclaimed hostage-taking as official policy; if anyone made such charges, authorities in Brussels indignantly denied them. But out in the field, far from prying eyes, the pretense was dropped.

It is the second half of Stanley's journey which turns it into an epic feat of exploration. From Lake Tanganyika, where he had found Livingstone several years earlier, he and his diminished band of porters, including some rebellious ones who start the trip in chains, trek westward into the… Развернуть 

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