
Новинки Энтони Калделлиса
- 2 произведения
- 8 изданий на 3 языках
Византийская кунсткамера. Неортодоксальные факты из жизни самой православной империи Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 978-5-17-127406-1 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский Исторические аномалии самой загадочной империи!
В своей новой аудиокниге Энтони Калделлис, известный специалист в области истории византийской культуры и цивилизации, профессор классической филологии в университете штата Огайо, развенчивает мифы о Византии, которые складывались столетиями.
Многие факты, собранные здесь, вращаются вокруг политической и религиозной жизни Византии. Рассказы о святых и связанные с ними чудеса – от веселых до отвратительных, а также удивительные истории из повседневной жизни византийцев поражают своей откровенностью. Включены в аудиокнигу и сведения о некоторых изобретениях византийской науки и техники, опередивших свое время, – от военных (огнеметы и ручные гранаты) до театральных («лифтовые» троны, рычащие механические львы) и медицинских (катетеры и лекарства). -
Византийская кунсткамера. Неортодоксальные факты из жизни самой православной империи Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 978-5-17-127406-1 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: АСТ, Времена Язык: Русский В своей новой книге Энтони Калделлис, известный специалист в области истории византийской культуры и цивилизации, профессор классической филологии в университете штата Огайо, развенчивает мифы о Византии, которые складывались столетиями.
Многие факты, собранные здесь, вращаются вокруг политической и религиозной жизни Византии. Рассказы о святых и связанные с ними чудеса - от веселых до отвратительных, а также удивительные истории из повседневной жизни византийцев поражают своей откровенностью. Включены в книгу и сведения о некоторых изобретениях византийской науки и техники, опередивших свое время, – от военных (огнеметы и ручные гранаты) до театральных ("лифтовые" троны, рычащие механические львы) и медицинских (катетеры и лекарства).
Обширный набор исторических аномалий и абсурдов, описанных автором, проливает свет на одну из самых загадочных и ортодоксальных империй в мире. -
Streams of Gold, Rivers of Blood: The Rise and Fall of Byzantium, 955 A.D. to the First Crusade Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 978-0190253226 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Oxford University Press In the second half of the tenth century, Byzantium embarked on a series of spectacular conquests: first in the southeast against the Arabs, then in Bulgaria, and finally in the Georgian and Armenian lands. By the early eleventh century, the empire was the most powerful state in the Mediterranean. It was also expanding economically, demographically, and, in time, intellectually as well. Yet this imperial project came to a crashing collapse fifty years later, when political disunity, fiscal mismanagement, and defeat at the hands of the Seljuks in the east and the Normans in the west brought an end to Byzantine hegemony. By 1081, not only was its dominance of southern Italy, the Balkans, Caucasus, and northern Mesopotamia over but Byzantium's very existence was threatened.
How did this dramatic transformation happen? Based on a close examination of the relevant sources, this history-the first of its kind in over a century-offers a new reconstruction of the key events and crucial reigns as well as a different model for understanding imperial politics and wars, both civil and foreign. In addition to providing a badly needed narrative of this critical period of Byzantine history, Streams of Gold, Rivers of Blood offers new interpretations of key topics relevant to the medieval era. The narrative unfolds in three parts: the first covers the years 955-1025, a period of imperial conquest and consolidation of authority under the great emperor Basil "the Bulgar-Slayer." The second (1025-1059) examines the dispersal of centralized authority in Constantinople as well as the emergence of new foreign enemies (Pechenegs, Seljuks, and Normans). The last section chronicles the spectacular collapse of the empire during the second half of the eleventh century, concluding with a look at the First Crusade and its consequences for Byzantine relations with the powers of Western Europe. This briskly paced and thoroughly investigated narrative vividly brings to life one of the most exciting and transformative eras of medieval history. -
A Cabinet of Byzantine Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from History's Most Orthodox Empire Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 0190625945, 9780190625948 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Английский Weird, decadent, degenerate, racially mixed, superstitious, theocratic, effeminate, and even hyper-literate, Byzantium has long been regarded by many as one big curiosity. According to Voltaire, it represented "a worthless collection of miracles, a disgrace for the human mind" for Hegel it was "a disgusting picture of imbecility."
A Cabinet of Byzantine Curiosities will reinforce these old prejudices, while also stimulating a deeper interest among readers in one of history's most interesting civilizations. Many of the zanier tales and trivia that are collected here revolve around the political and religious life of Byzantium. Thus, stories of saints, relics, and their miracles--from the hilarious to the revolting--abound. Byzantine bureaucracy (whence the adjective "Byzantine"), court scandals, and elaborate penal code are world famous. And what would Byzantium be without its eunuchs, whose ambiguous gender produced odd and risible outcomes in different contexts? The book also contains sections on daily life that are equally eye-opening, including food (from aphrodisiacs to fermented fish sauce), games such as polo and acrobatics, and obnoxious views of foreigners and others (e.g., Germans, Catholics, Arabs, dwarves). But lest we overlook Byzantium's more honorable contributions to civilization, also included are some of the marvels of Byzantine science and technology, from the military (flamethrowers and hand grenades) to the theatrical ("elevator" thrones, roaring mechanical lions) and medical (catheters and cures, some bizarre). This vast assortment of historical anomaly and absurdity sheds vital light on one of history's most obscure and orthodox empires. -
Византийская республика: народ и власть в Новом Риме Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 978-5-86007-817-8 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Дмитрий Буланин Язык: Русский Книга Э. Калделлиса исследует политические понятия в Византии и то, как эти понятия воплощались в политической практике, а именно как демократическая сущность византийской власти, восходящая к римским республиканским институтам, проявляла себя в императорской Византии, кто был политическим сувереном в Византии (народ), как относительно него действовали прочие политические силы, группы и лица. Автор сосредоточивается на периоде ХI-ХII вв. как наиболее ярко представленном в источниках, нс прослеживает непрерывность существования тех же представлений и практик в более раннее время начиная с V в.
Калделлис опровергает известные предрассудки об авторитарном способе правления в Византии, до сих пор господствующие как в научной литературе, так и у широкой читательской публики.
Книга Калделлиса печатается вместе с книгою В. Е. Вальденберга «Государственное устройство Византии до конца VII века» (1932) (1-е изд. — 2008 г., по рукописи, хранящейся в Архиве Академии наук) — из-за совпадения выводов обоих учёных. Русский византинист Вальденбрг (1871-1940) проследил сохранение демократического принципа власти древнеримской: императора (делегированной ему римским народом) в Византии и отражение его в византийском законодательстве (Кодексе Юстиниана).
Обе книги предназначены для специалистов по византийской истории и праву и для всех интересующихся византийской историей. -
The Byzantine Republic: People and Power in New Rome Энтони Калделлис
Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Harvard University Press Although Byzantium is known to history as the Eastern Roman Empire, scholars have long claimed that this Greek Christian theocracy bore little resemblance to Rome. Here, in a revolutionary model of Byzantine politics and society, Anthony Kaldellis reconnects Byzantium to its Roman roots, arguing that from the fifth to the twelfth centuries CE the Eastern Roman Empire was essentially a republic, with power exercised on behalf of the people and sometimes by them too. The Byzantine Republic recovers for the historical record a less autocratic, more populist Byzantium whose Greek-speaking citizens considered themselves as fully Roman as their Latin-speaking ancestors. Kaldellis shows that the idea of Byzantium as a rigid imperial theocracy is a misleading construct of Western historians since the Enlightenment. With court proclamations often draped in Christian rhetoric, the notion of divine kingship emerged as a way to disguise the inherent vulnerability of each regime. The legitimacy of the emperors was not predicated on an absolute right to the throne but on the popularity of individual emperors, whose grip on power was tenuous despite the stability of the imperial institution itself. Kaldellis examines the overlooked Byzantine concept of the polity, along with the complex relationship of emperors to the law and the ways they bolstered their popular acceptance and avoided challenges. The rebellions that periodically rocked the empire were not aberrations, he shows, but an essential part of the functioning of the republican monarchy. -
The Christian Parthenon: Classicism and Pilgrimage in Byzantine Athens Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 978-0521882286 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Cambridge University Press Язык: Английский Byzantine Athens was not a city without a history, as is commonly believed, but an important center about which much can now be said. Providing a wealth of new evidence, Professor Kaldellis argues that the Parthenon became a major site of Christian pilgrimage after its conversion into a church. Paradoxically, it was more important as a church than it had been as a temple: the Byzantine period was its true age of glory. He examines the idiosyncratic fusion of pagan and Christian culture that took place in Athens, where an attempt was made to replicate the classical past in Christian terms, affecting rhetoric, monuments, and miracles. He also re-evaluates the reception of ancient ruins in Byzantine Greece and presents for the first time a form of pilgrimage that was directed not toward icons, Holy Lands, or holy men but toward a monument embodying a permanent cultural tension and religious dialectic. -
Hellenism in Byzantium. The Transformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition Энтони Калделлис
ISBN: 978-0-521-87688-9 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Cambridge University Press This text was the first systematic study of what it meant to be 'Greek' in late antiquity and Byzantium, an identity that could alternatively become national, religious, philosophical, or cultural. Through close readings of the sources, Professor Kaldellis surveys the space that Hellenism occupied in each period; the broader debates in which it was caught up; and the historical causes of its successive transformations. The first section (100-400) shows how Romanisation and Christianisation led to the abandonment of Hellenism as a national label and its restriction to a negative religious sense and a positive, albeit rarefied, cultural one. The second (1000-1300) shows how Hellenism was revived in Byzantium and contributed to the evolution of its culture. The discussion looks closely at the reception of the classical tradition, which was the reason why Hellenism was always desirable and dangerous in Christian society, and presents a new model for understanding Byzantine civilisation.