Дэвид Хаир

David Hair

  • 10 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 9 читателей
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Новинки Дэвида Хаира

  • Алые приливы Дэвид Хаир
    ISBN: 978-617-12-9600-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Книжный клуб «Клуб семейного досуга»
    Язык: Русский
    Мост Левиафана открыт. Алые легионы во имя императора Константа грабят и убивают всех, кто смеет пытаться пройти через земли Антиопии. Пока в один миг великий владыка не лишается своего самого главного сокровища — Скиталы Коринея. Артефакт похищает девушка Цим, дабы в одиночку доставить Скиталу своему деду. Инквизиторы рыщут по следу Цим, прочесывая два континента в поисках артефакта, источника мировой магической силы. Но на поиски похитительницы устремляется маг Аларон, который любит ее. Значит, теперь она не одна.
    Пока на континентах разгорается пламя войны и витает всеобъемлющий дух страха, горстка отчаянных смельчаков встает на сторону добра. Цим, Аларон, Рамон и Рамита — совсем не герои. Но некогда они дали клятву прекратить войны и восстановить мир в Урте. Восток и Запад обнажают мечи. И в самый темный миг отчаяния и страха лишь любовь, верность и истина способны превратиться в оружие столь сильное, сколь и непобедимое... Выстоит ли оно против смертоносности меча и магии?
  • Кровь мага Дэвид Хаир
    ISBN: 978-617-12-7115-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Книжный клуб «Клуб семейного досуга»
    Язык: Русский

    Юрос и Антиопия разделены непроходимыми морями. Но раз в двенадцать лет, во время Лунного Прилива, вода опускается и открывается мост Левиафана, соединяющий восток с западом на короткие два года. Этого времени хватит, чтобы боевые маги Юроса навсегда поработили мир Антиопии. Вот только в их продуманном плане появляются непредвиденные обстоятельства — трое эмигрантов из Антиопии, оказавшиеся в самом сердце Юроса. Они — единственное спасение для своего края и гибель для захватчиков. Грядет новый священный поход. Император Юроса собирает все силы, ненависть и подлость в армии боевых магов. Но они не подозревают, с чем столкнутся, когда мост…

  • Souls In Exile Дэвид Хаир
    ISBN: 0-85705-362-0, 978-0-85705-362-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Jo Fletcher Books
    Язык: Английский
    Ravana is back.

    Will his slayers find their powers in time? Bollywood actress Sunita Ashoka’s reality show Swayamvara Live has ended in bloodshed and disaster. Vikram, Amanjit and Rasita are on the run, accused of the actress’ murder. Exiled like the heroes of the Ramayana, they are seemingly beset by the same perils, especially when Vikram encounters an unlikely temptress. Then another tragedy, also foretold in the Ramayana, forces Vikram into the open. But there is hope: Amanjit’s skills as a warrior are returning, Rasita is beginning to remember her own past lives, and Deepika is awakening to powers undreamt. But the Enemy, Ravindra, has also found allies-the nightmarish Rakshasa army. Memories and legends are coming alive all over India, from the bloodied sands of Ullal and the fortress of Jhansi to secret places in Mumbai, Pushkar and Varanasi.

    The fight to the finish has begun . . .
  • Ascendant's Rite David Hair
    ISBN: 1681444054, 978-1681444055
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Jo Fletcher Books
    Язык: Английский
    The last few months of the moontide - when the bridge connecting East and West rises above the sea - has come, and in the West Emperor Constant prepares the final phase of his plan to conquer the East.

    For failed mage Alaron and his companion Ramita - widow to the mage who built the Leviathan Bridge - the unthinkable has happened. They have lost the Scytale of Corineus, the key to the Rite of Ascendancy, as well as one of Ramita's infant sons, to the hands of their deadliest enemies.

    In Javon, Cera Nesti, the imprisoned queen, has been freed, and plots to take on the overwhelming might of the Rondian Empire. But standing between her and her goal is a band of deadly mercenaries playing a dangerous game of their own.

    And in the East, Seth Korion's Lost Legions must navigate treacherous roads to gain safety, bearing secrets that could bring down the Emperor.

    The time has come for the Rite of Ascendancy to be performed. New powers must rise to save or damn Urte, and on the mighty Leviathan Bridge itself, all will be decided.
  • Pyre of Queens Дэвид Хаир
    ISBN: 0857053604, 978-0-85705-360-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Jo Fletcher Books
    Язык: Английский
    Mandore, Rajasthan, 769 AD: Ravindra-Raj, the evil sorcerer-king, devises a deadly secret ritual, where he and his seven queens will burn on his pyre, and he will rise again with the powers of Ravana, demon-king of the epic Ramayana. But things go wrong when one queen, the beautiful, spirited Darya, escapes with the help of Aram Dhoop, the court poet.
    Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 2010: At the site of ancient Mandore, teenagers Vikram, Amanjit, Deepika and Rasita meet and realize that the deathless king and his ghostly brides are hunting them down. As vicious forces from the past come alive, they need to unlock truths that have been hidden for centuries, and fight an ancient battle . . . one more time.
  • Unholy War David Hair
    ISBN: 1623656311, 978-1623656317
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Jo Fletcher Books
    Язык: Английский
    Tensions are mounting after a devastating battle before the walls of Shaliyah, birthplace of the Prophet. The East is rising, bringing equal measures of hope and despair to the magical world of Urte.
    For some Salim's victory is a call to arms, for others it is evidence of a world gone mad. While the armies of East and West clash in brutal conflict, emperors, inquisitors, Souldrinkers, and assassins all have their attention turned elsewhere as they hunt the Scytale of Corineus. The immensely powerful artifact is the key to ultimate power, and it's in the hands of unlikely guardians: failed mage Alaron Mercer and market-girl Ramita Ankesharan, who carries the child of the world's greatest mage. The fate of the world hinges on destruction should the artifact fall into the wrong hands.
  • Scarlet Tides David Hair
    ISBN: 1623658292, 978-1623658298
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Jo Fletcher Books
    Язык: Английский
    With the Leviathan Bridge now uncovered from the sea, it re-opens the East to the Rondian legions and the Third Crusade ensues in the name of Emperor Constant.

    The Rondians are determined to succeed in their latest Crusade and have recruited the strongest and most lethal magi of the Church's Inquisition to lead the way--and to leave nothing but blood and ruins in their wake.

    While most of the Rondians have their sights set on gold, one fraction of the Inquisition is set on finding a more important treasure--the Scytale of Corneus. As the source of all magical power, the Scytale is a sure game-changer, and it is imperative that the power-hungry and ruthless Rondians to keep it out of the hands of their enemies if they wish to maintain their growing empire.

    Yet, as the Inquisition marches forward, conspiracy to overthrow the new emperor lurks in the shadows in both the East and West.

    With the unlikely heroes of Alaron, a failed mage; Ramita, a lowly market maid; and Cymbellea, the daughter of a gypsy set on ending a world of war, Scarlet Tides is an impressive world-building feat that proves that sometimes even weapons and magic cannot overcome the power of love and loyalty.
  • King of Lanka Дэвид Хаир
    ISBN: 0143331450, 9780143331452
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Puffin
    Язык: Английский
    There is no escape from destiny . . . is there?

    For four teenagers trapped in its story-cycle, the Ramayana is not just a tale. It is their fate!

    In every life they have ever lived, Vikram, Amanjit, Rasita and Deepika have been persecuted and killed by Ravindra, who aspires to the throne of Ravana the Demon-King. Now Rasita is a captive of Ravindra, and demonic beings thought to be mythical are rallying to him. His triumph seems inevitable. Vikram and Amanjit must rescue her, though in every past life, Vikram has died at Ravindra’s hands. This time, failure is not an option. This time if Ravindra wins, it will be forever.

    Age-old mysteries must be uncovered and forgotten powers regained, as the quest to free Rasita and end the tyranny of Ravindra moves toward the final, heart-stopping climax and a finale that is as startling as it is electrifying.
  • Mage's Blood David Hair
    ISBN: 1780871953, 978-1780871950
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Jo Fletcher Books
    Язык: Английский
    Most of the time the Moontide Bridge lies deep below the sea, but every 12 years the tides sink and the bridge is revealed, its gates open for trade. The Magi are hell-bent on ruling this new world, and for the last two Moontides they have led armies across the bridge on crusades of conquest. Now the third Moontide is almost here and, this time, the people of the East are ready for a fight...but it is three seemingly ordinary people who will decide the fate of the world.
  • Swayamvara Дэвид Хаир
    ISBN: 0143331442, 978-0143331445
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Puffin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Mumbai, October 2010: Bollywood actress Sunita Ashoka will marry the man who wins her hand in Swayamvara Live, a reality show on television. Vikram Khandavani decides to participate, for he needs to draw out his nemesis Ravindra. It s a deadly gamble, one that could cost him everything and everyone he loves. North India, 1175: King Prithviraj Chauhan is about to storm the swayamvara of the beautiful Sanyogita. But Ravindra is coming, riding at the side of a fierce invader. Only Vikram, in his life as Chand Bardai, stands between Ravindra and all the thrones of India. In the second book of the engrossing The Return of Ravana series the action oscillates from the floodlit studios of Mumbai to the glittering Rajput courts, while Vikram-Chand and his friends battle an age-old adversary whose power is growing like never before