Арон Родриг

Aron Rodrigue

  • 2 книги
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  • French Jews, Turkish Jews – The Alliance Israelite Universelle & the Politics of Jewish Schooling in Turkey 1860–1925 Арон Родриг
    ISBN: 9780253350213
    Год издания: 1990
    Издательство: Indiana University Press
    Язык: Английский
    The Alliance Israélite Universelle, a French-Jewish organization founded in 1860, occupies a crucial place in the history of Sephardi communities in the modern period. In the fifty years after its creation, the Alliance established a vast network of schools in the lands of Islam for the purpose of "civilizing" the local Jewish communities and remaking them in the idealized self-image of French Jewry.

    This study, drawing on the author's extensive research in the archives of the Alliance in Paris, focuses on the work of the Alliance among Turkish Jewry, one of the communities most strongly affected by the organizations' activities. Although the Alliance played a conclusive role in the Westernization of Turkish Jews, it was also the unwitting catalyst for the emrgence of new political movements such as Zionism, which turned away from the Alliance's ideology and ultimately threatened the survival of its schools. This book illuminates an important episode in the history of Sephardi and French Jewries as they interacted through the Alliance Israélite Universelle and draws important conclusions about the transformation of European as well as Middle Eastern Jewries in the modern era.
  • A Sephardi Life in Southeastern Europe Арон Родриг
    Autobiographical texts are rare in the Sephardi world. Gabriel Ari�s writings provide a special perspective on the political, economic, and cultural changes undergone by the Eastern Sephardi community in the decades before its dissolution, in regions where it had been constituted since the expulsion from Spain in 1492. His history is a fascinating memoir of the Sephardi and Levantine bourgeoisie of the time. For his entire life, Ari�teacher, historian, community leader, and businessman�was caught between East and West. Born in a small provincial town in Ottoman Bulgaria in 1863, he witnessed the disappearance of a social and political order that had lasted for centuries and its replacement by new ideas and new ways of life, which would irreversibly transform Jewish existence.A Sephardi Life in Southeastern Europe publishes in full the autobiography (covering the years 1863-1906) and journal (1906-39) of Gabriel Ari�, along with selections from his letters to the Alliance Isra�lite Universelle. An introduction by Esther Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue analyzes his life and examines the general and the Jewish contexts of the Levant at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries.
  • Евреи Леванта: Сефардская община в XIV—XX веках Эстер Бенбасса
    ISBN: 5-7281-0350-2, 978-5-7281-0350-9
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: РГГУ
    Язык: Русский
    Книга известных зарубежных учёных посвящена истории сефардской общины. Впервые исследуются история её возникновения на Иберийском полуострове, проблемы существования в Европе и Малой Азии после изгнания евреев из Испании и исчезновения общины в XX в. вследствие геноцида и миграций. Наиболее подробно рассказывается о жизни сефардской общины под властью Османской империи.
    Для историков и всех интересующихся историей и культурой евреев.