Фиона Макфарлейн

Fiona McFarlane

  • 9 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 183 читателя
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5 15
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2 13
1 3

Фиона Макфарлейн – лучшие книги

  • Ночной гость Фиона Макфарлейн
    ISBN: 978-5-389-07763-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Рут живет одна в домике у моря, ее взрослые сыновья давно разъехались, а муж теперь в лучшем мире. Ее быт невелик, а потребности и того меньше. Однажды у нее на пороге появляется решительная незнакомка, будто принесенная самой стихией. Фрида утверждает, что ее прислали социальные службы, чтобы помогать по хозяйству. И Рут впускает ее в дом. Каждую ночь Рут слышит, как вокруг дома бродит тигр. Она знает, что джунгли далеко, и все равно каждую ночь слышит тигра. Почему ей с такой остротой вспоминается детство, прошедшее на Фиджи? Может ли она доверять Фриде? И может ли доверять себе? «Ночной гость» производит гипнотический эффект.…

  • The Sun Walks Down Фиона Макфарлейн
    ISBN: 9781529389821
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Sceptre
    In September 1883, a small town in the South Australian outback huddles under strange, vivid sunsets. Six-year-old Denny Wallace has gone missing during a dust storm, and the entire community is caught up in the search for him. As they scour the desert and mountains for the lost child, the residents of Fairly – newlyweds, landowners, farmers, mothers, artists, Indigenous trackers, cameleers, children, schoolteachers, widows, maids, policemen – confront their relationships with each other and with the ancient landscape they inhabit.
    The colonial Australia of The Sun Walks Down is unfamiliar, multicultural, and noisy with opinions, arguments, longings and terrors. It’s haunted by many gods – the sun among them, rising and falling on each day in which Denny could be found, or lost forever.
  • The Sun Walks Down Фиона Макфарлейн
    ISBN: 9780374606237
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    Язык: Английский
    In September 1883, the South Australian town of Fairly huddles under strange, vivid sunsets. Six-year-old Denny Wallace has gone missing during a dust storm, and the whole town is intent on finding him. As they search the desert and mountains for the lost child, the residents of Fairly - newlyweds, landowners, farmers, mothers, artists, Indigenous trackers, cameleers, children, schoolteachers, widows, maids, policemen - explore their own relationships with the complex landscape unsettling history of the Flinders Ranges.

    The colonial Australia of The Sun Walks Down is unfamiliar, multicultural, and noisy with opinions, arguments, longings and terrors. It's haunted by many gods - the sun among them, rising and falling on each day that Denny could be found, or lost forever.
  • The High Places Фиона Макфарлейн
    ISBN: 9781444776737
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Sceptre
    By the author of The Night Guest, a collection of fourteen scintillating short stories: surprising, wise, thought-provoking and superbly wrought. Ranging in setting from Australia to Greece, England to a Pacific island, they focus on people: their hopes, fears, dreams and disappointments, and their relationships – between ill-matched friends, daughters and mothers, fathers and sons, married couples and sisters. Some are eccentric, like the widower who believes his dead wife’s mechanical parrot speaks to him, or the research scientist convinced that Charles Darwin visits him on his remote island; others delude themselves, like the mistress of a married man who thinks she’s freer than her married sister. All are confronted with events that make them see themselves and their lives from a fresh perspective. It is what they do as a result that is as unpredictable as life itself.
  • The High Places: Stories Фиона Макфарлейн
    ISBN: 086547804X
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    Язык: Английский
    What a terrible thing at a time like this: to own a house, and the trees around it. Janet sat rigid in her seat. The plane lifted from the city and her house fell away, consumed by the other houses. Janet worried about her own particular garden and her emptied refrigerator and her lamps that had been timed to come on at six.

    So begins "Mycenae," a story in The High Places, Fiona McFarlane's first story collection. Her stories skip across continents, eras, and genres to chart the borderlands of emotional life. In "Mycenae," she describes a middle-aged couple's disastrous vacation with old friends. In "Good News for Modern Man," a scientist lives on a small island with only a colossal squid and the ghost of Charles Darwin for company. And in the title story, an Australian farmer turns to Old Testament methods to relieve a fatal drought. Each story explores what Flannery O'Connor called "mystery and manners." The collection dissects the feelings--longing, contempt, love, fear--that animate our existence and hints at a reality beyond the smallness of our lives.

    Salon's Laura Miller called McFarlane's The Night Guest "a novel of uncanny emotional penetration . . . How could anyone so young portray so persuasively what it feels like to look back on a lot more life than you can see in front of you?" The High Places is further evidence of McFarlane's preternatural talent, a debut collection that reads like the selected works of a literary great.