Лучшие книги Чарльза Гилмана
- 8 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Дневник профессора Гаргульи Чарльз Гилман
ISBN: 978-5-9910-2326-9 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Клуб Семейного Досуга (Белгород) Язык: Русский Двухголовые монстры, гигантские щупальца и злые демоны — средняя школа Лавкрафта полна зловещих сюрпризов. Странные вещи происходят в школе... Исчезают студенты. Крысы снуют повсюду. Библиотека превращается в мрачный лабиринт из загадочных коридоров. А учитель физики ведет себя очень и очень странно. Роберт предполагал, что его новая школа будет необычной, но ничего подобного и вообразить не мог! Ведь ясно — то, что он видит, лишь малая часть страшной тайны школы. Можно ли рассчитывать на помощь новых друзей? Роберт должен разгадать секрет этого места. Пока не стало слишком поздно… -
Slither Sisters: Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #2 Charles Gilman
ISBN: 1594745935 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Quirk Books This second novel in the Tales from Lovecraft Middle School series begins right where Professor Gargoyle ended.
The Slither Sisters features more bizarre beasts, more strange mysteries, and more adventure. It's perfect for readers ages 10 and up. Best of all, the cover features a state-of-the-art “morphing” photo portrait – so you can personally witness the sisters transforming into their slithering alter egos. You won't believe your eyes! -
Professor Gargoyle: Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #1 Charles Gilman
ISBN: 978-1594745911 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Quirk Books Язык: Английский
Our hero is 11-year-old Robert Arthur, and he's among the first students entering the brand new Lovecraft Middle School (LMS). The town is a buzz over the extraordinary new facility and its many state-of-the-art features. Solar panels! Radiant floor heating! Wireless internet! Digital smart-boards in every classroom! LMS is truly the school of the future. Better still, it's a totally green building, constructed almost entirely of recycled materials. But Robert soon discovers some strange mysteries. Rats in the lockers. A student goes missing. And he encounters an old section in the school library - a corridor full of worm-eaten, antiquated books. How did such a musty dusty room end up in a brand new school? Even worse, Robert's new science professor is behaving really strangely - it will become clear over the course of the book that the professor has been consumed by some kind of demon/wraith/spirit, that it's transforming him into a monster from the inside-out. Robert tries to unravel these mysteries with some help from his new friend Karina Ortiz - but soon she presents him with yet another conundrum: Why has he never seen Karina outside the walls of Lovecraft Middle School? The answers to all of these riddles lie in the fact that LMS was constructed almost entirely of recycled materials - but these materials came from the abandoned Tillinghast mansion, a large ancestral home and hotbed of weirdo paranormal activity. After decades of unpaid taxes, violent episodes, and unexplained phenomena, the state government tore down the hospital but then essentially REBUILT the same materials into a new building. And thus Lovecraft Middle School was born. By the end of this first volume, Robert will vanquish Professor Gargoyle and learn the creepy origin story of LMS. But his troubles are just beginning. There's something odd about the lunch lady in the cafeteria ...and report cards are getting mailed home next week! -
Teacher's Pest: Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #3 Charles Gilman
ISBN: 1594746141 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Quirk Books This third novel in the Lovecraft Middle School series begins right where Professor Gargoyle and The Slither Sisters ended—with more action, more adventure, and more outrageous monsters! -
Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #2: The Slither Sisters Charles Gilman
ISBN: 9781594745935 Год издания: 2015 Язык: Английский Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #2: The Slither Sisters -
Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #4: Substitute Creature Charles Gilman
ISBN: 9781594746406 Год издания: 2015 Язык: Английский Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #4: Substitute Creature