Элли Гриффитс

Elly Griffiths

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Лучшие книги Элли Гриффитс

  • Переправа Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 978-5-271-45737-1
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Астрель
    Язык: Русский

    Об этих руинах древнего святилища до сих пор идет дурная слава - когда-то друиды совершали здесь человеческие жертвоприношения. Времена служителей безжалостных кельтских богов давно отошли в область легенд, но... Вот уже две девочки бесследно исчезли возле святилища. Вот уже второй раз детектив Гарри Нельсон получает анонимное послание, автор которого утверждает, что они были принесены в жертву. Автор писем явно одержим идеей возрождения языческого культа? Но он ли - похититель и убийца? А если нет, тогда откуда у него информация? Нельсон вынужден прибегнуть к помощи известного археолога Рут Гэллоуэй, которая знает о древних ритуалах…

  • Камень Януса Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 978-5-271-43336-8, 978-985-18-1898-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Астрель
    Язык: Русский

    Под порогом старого ветхого дома строители обнаружили кости убитого ребенка. Что это - дело рук садиста? Или древний, жестокий ритуал жертвоприношения? Детектив Гарри Нельсон, ведущий расследование, снова обращается за помощью к известному археологу Рут Гэллоуэй - знатоку религиозных культов прошлого. Однако пока их единственная зацепка - рассказ настоятеля католического сиротского приюта, располагавшегося в доме много лет назад. Когда-то из этого приюта при загадочных обстоятельствах пропали двое детей - их следы так и не удалось обнаружить. Возможно, под порогом зарыли останки кого-то из этих детей? Но тогда - кто же убийца?

  • Дневники незнакомца Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 978-5-222-36969-2
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Феникс
    Язык: Русский
    Клэр Кэссиди - учительница английского языка и литературы в школе Talgarth High, где ранее жил загадочный писатель, автор готических романов Р. М. Холланд. Клэр - его большая поклонница и даже пишет его биографию, пытаясь раскрыть старые семейные тайны. Внезапно лучшая подруга Клэр, Элла, погибает от руки убийцы, а рядом с телом обнаруживают таинственную записку. Более того: полиция подозревает, что Клэр знакома с убийцей. Героиня в растерянности обращается к своему лучшему другу и поверенному - личному дневнику. Каков же ее ужас, когда на одной из страниц она замечает чужие слова, написанные незнакомой рукой!

    Клэр оказывается втянута в серию таинственных преступлений, ведь Элла - не единственная жертва и под подозрением теперь каждый. Клэр почти уверена, что к ней явился "незнакомец", чтобы превратить ее жизнь в ад. Но возможно ли переписать конец истории?
  • Происшествие в Северной башне Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-108961-0
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    После смерти её матери отец Джастис, королевский адвокат, отправляет девочку в слегка зловещую школу-пансион Хайбери-Хаус. С двенадцати лет она училась дома, и пойти в школу для неё – настоящее испытание. Но Джастис довольно быстро осваивается на новом месте и даже заводит друзей. Только она никак не может отделаться от мысли, что в школе скрывается тайна! У Джастис нюх сыщика, ведь её мама писала детективные романы, а папа – адвокат, поэтому, когда начинается снегопад и пансион оказывается отрезан от цивилизации, а в бассейне находят тело её учительницы мисс Томас, Джастис понимает, что только она способна разоблачить преступника!

  • Обед с призраком Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-112849-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Неугомонная девочка по имени Справедливость возвращается в Хайберри-Хаус на весенний семестр. А там, где она, там и новая тайна!

    Джастис получает от учителей ответственное задание – навещать раз в неделю пожилого слепого дедушку мистера Артура в домике у моря. Сначала эта идея не вызывает у Джастис особенного восторга. Но очень быстро девочка находит общий язык со стариком. Мистер Артур рассказывает Джастис интересные истории, она читает ему газету с последними новостями, а его прекрасная служанка миссис Кент угощает её вкусными пирогами. И всё бы хорошо, но утром за завтраком Джастис узнаёт, что ночью мистера Артура застрелили. Кому понадобилось его убивать? А главное - зачем? И как с этим всем связаны рассказы служанки Дороти о призраках?!
  • The House at Sea's End Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 978-1-84916-365-1
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Quercus Books
    Язык: Английский

    When bones are unearthed at the foot of a north Norfolk cliff, forensics expert Ruth Galloway and DCI Nelson are put on the case. The skeletons have lain there for decades, possibly since the war, and for all that time a hideous crime has been concealed. When a body washes up on the beach, it becomes clear that someone wants the truth of the past to stay buried, and will go to any lengths to keep it that way. Can Ruth and Nelson uncover the truth in time to stop another murder?

  • Miss Marple. 12 povestiri noi Вэл Макдермид
    ISBN: 9786303190051
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Litera
    Язык: Румынский

    Jane Marple este o doamnă în vârstă din St Mary Mead care posedă un talent neobişnuit pentru a rezolva chiar şi cele mai complicate enigme. Acum, pentru prima dată în ultimii patruzeci şi cinci de ani, personajul iubit al Agathei Christie revine în paginile unei cărţi şi ne invită într-o călătorie plină de mistere. În St Mary Mead, o cină de Crăciun este întreruptă de oaspeţi neaşteptaţi; scena de pe Broadway din New York este pregătită pentru o improvizaţie periculoasă; prevestiri rele înconjoară o moarte prematură la bordul unui vas de croazieră către Hong Kong; un scriitor de bestsellere aflat în vacanţă în Italia este prins într-un…

  • The Postscript Murders Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 978-0358418610
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский
    The death of a ninety-year-old woman with a heart condition should not be suspicious. Detective Sergeant Harbinder Kaur certainly sees nothing out of the ordinary when Peggy’s caretaker, Natalka, begins to recount Peggy Smith’s passing.

    But Natalka had a reason to be at the police station: while clearing out Peggy’s flat, she noticed an unusual number of crime novels, all dedicated to Peggy. And each psychological thriller included a mysterious postscript: PS: for PS. When a gunman breaks into the flat to steal a book and its author is found dead shortly thereafter—Detective Kaur begins to think that perhaps there is no such thing as an unsuspicious death after all.

    And then things escalate: from an Aberdeen literary festival to the streets of Edinburgh, writers are being targeted. DS Kaur embarks on a road trip across Europe and reckons with how exactly authors can think up such realistic crimes . . .
  • The Blood Card Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 1784296686
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Quercus
    Язык: Английский
    Elizabeth II's coronation is looming, but the murder of their wartime commander, Colonel Cartwright, spoils the happy mood for DI Edgar Stephens and magician Max Mephisto. A playbill featuring another deceased comrade is found in Colonel Cartwright's possession, and a playing card, the ace of hearts: the blood card. The wartime connection and the suggestion of magic are enough for him to put Stephens and Mephisto on the case.

    Edgar's investigation into the death of Brighton fortune-teller Madame Zabini is put on hold. Max is busy rehearsing for a spectacular Coronation Day variety show - and his television debut - so it's Edgar who is sent to New York, a land of plenty worlds away from still-rationed England. He's on the trail of a small-town mesmerist who may provide the key, but someone else silences him first. It's Sergeant Emma Holmes who finds the clue, buried in the files of the Zabini case, that leads them to an anarchist group intent on providing an explosive finale to Coronation Day.

    Now it's up to Edgar, Max and Emma to foil the plot, and find out who it is who's been dealing the cards . . .
  • The Zig Zag Girl Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 1848669852
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Quercus
    Язык: Английский

    Brighton, 1950. When the body of a girl is found, cut into three, Detective Inspector Edgar Stephens is reminded of a magic trick, the Zig Zag Girl. The inventor of the trick, Max Mephisto, is an old friend of Edgar’s. They served together in the war as part of a shadowy unit called the Magic Men. Max is still on the circuit, touring seaside towns in the company of ventriloquists, sword-swallowers and dancing girls. Changing times mean that variety is not what it once was, yet Max is reluctant to leave this world to help Edgar investigate. But when the dead girl turns out to be known to him, Max changes his mind. Another death,…

  • Smoke and Mirrors Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 1784290262, 9781784290269
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Quercus
    Язык: Английский
    Chilling murder in the world of 1950s theatre – another case for DI Stephens and Max Mephisto.

    Brighton, winter 1951.

    Pantomime season is in full swing on the pier with Max Mephisto starring in Aladdin, but Max’s headlines have been stolen by the disappearance ’of two local children. When they are found dead in the snow, surrounded by sweets, it’s not long before the press nickname them ‘Hansel and Gretel’.

    DI Edgar Stephens has plenty of leads to investigate. The girl, Annie, used to write gruesome plays based on the Grimms’ fairy tales. Does the clue lie in Annie’s unfinished – and rather disturbing – last script? Or might it lie with the eccentric theatricals who have assembled for the pantomime?

    For Stan (aka the Great Diablo), who’s also appearing in Aladdin, the case raises more personal memories. Back before the Great War, he witnessed the murder of a young girl while he was starring in another show, an event which has eerie parallels to the current case.

    Once again Edgar enlists Max’s help in penetrating the shadowy theatrical world that seems to hold the key. But with both distracted by their own personal problems, neither can afford to miss a trick. For Annie and her friend, time is running out…
  • Grabesgrund Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 9783499218521
    Год издания: 2019
    Der Bestsellererfolg aus England – endlich auf Deutsch

    Eine Leiche in einem vergrabenen Kampflugzeug – das hat die forensische Archäologin Ruth Galloway auch noch nicht gesehen. Laut DNA-Test handelt es sich bei dem Toten um Fred Blackstock, einen Aristokraten, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg über dem Ärmelkanal abgeschossen wurde und starb – jedoch in einem anderen Flugzeug! Die Ermittlungen führen die Polizei und Ruth zum Anwesen der Blackstocks. Als man auf deren Land menschliche Knochen entdeckt und bald darauf ein Mitglied der Familie attackiert wird, ahnt Ruth, dass die Blackstocks ein dunkles, jahrzehntealtes Geheimnis hüten, von dem eine tödliche Gefahr ausgeht. Kann sie das Schweigen brechen und den Killer aufhalten, ehe er erneut zuschlägt?
  • A Dying Fall Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 0547798164, 978-0547798165
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский
    Ruth’s old friend Dan Golding dies in a house fire. But before he died Dan wrote to Ruth telling her that he had made a ground-breaking archaeological discovery. Could this find be linked to his death and who are the sinister neo-Nazi group who were threatening Dan? Ruth makes the trip to Blackpool to investigate, wary of encroaching on DCI Harry Nelson’s home ground. Soon Ruth is embroiled in a mystery that involves the Pendle Witches, King Arthur and – scariest of all – Nelson’s mother.

    There are forces at work in the town that that threaten all that Ruth holds dear. But, in the final showdown on Blackpool Pleasure Beach, it is Cathbad who faces the greatest danger of all.
  • A Room Full of Bones Elly Griffiths
    ISBN: 9781849163705
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Quercus

    It is Halloween night in King's Lynn, and Dr Ruth Galloway is attending a strange event at the local history museum - the opening of a coffin containing the bones of a medieval bishop. But what Ruth finds is the body of the museum's curator lying beside the coffin. Soon the museum's wealthy owner lies dead in his stables too. These two deaths could be from natural causes but when he is called in to investigate, DCI Harry Nelson isn't convinced, and it is only a matter of time before Ruth and Nelson cross paths once more. When threatening letters come to light, events take an even more sinister turn. But as Ruth's friends become involved,…

  • Brighton Mysteries Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 9781786487360
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Quercus
    A girl called Rhonda has vanished from her boarding school. Maybe she ran away, but there are disturbing similarities to the disappearance of two other young women - those too thought not to be suspicious.
    But where are they?
    Detective Edgar Stephens is under pressure to solve Rhonda's disappearance, but it is his wife Emma, herself a former detective now frustrated at being just a housewife, who concludes there might be a connection between the three cases.
    Then the danger comes nearer home.
    Edgar's friend, magician Max Mephisto, is reinventing himself as a movie star and trying not to envy his daughter Ruby's television fame. Little do either of them know how close they are to being drawn into the deadly web of abduction and murder about to trap them all.
  • Smoke and Mirrors Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 9781784290283
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Quercus
    Brighton, winter 1951. Max Mephisto's star pantomime turn in Aladdin has been overshadowed by the murder of two local children. With fairy tales in the air, it's not long before the press have found a nickname for the case: 'Hansel and Gretel'.
    DI Edgar Stephens has plenty of leads to investigate. The missing girl, Annie, used to write plays and perform them with her friends. Does the clue lie in Annie's unfinished - and rather disturbing - last script? Or might it lie with the eccentric theatricals who have assembled for the pantomime?
    Once again Edgar enlists Max's help in penetrating the shadowy theatrical world that seems to hold the key. But is this all just classic misdirection?
  • The Last Remains Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 9780358726487
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mariner Books
    Язык: Английский
    The discovery of a missing woman's bones forces Ruth and Nelson to finally confront their feelings for each other as they desperately work to exonerate one of their own.

    When builders discover a human skeleton while renovating a café, they call in archaeologist Dr. Ruth Galloway, who is preoccupied with the threatened closure of her department and by her ever-complicated relationship with DCI Nelson. The bones turn out to be modern--the remains of Emily Pickering, a young archaeology student who went missing in 2002. Suspicion soon falls on Emily's Cambridge tutor and also on another archeology enthusiast who was part of the group gathered the weekend before she disappeared--Ruth's friend Cathbad.

    As they investigate, Nelson and his team uncover a tangled web of relationships within the archaeology group and look for a link between them and the café where Emily's bones were found. Then, just when the team seem to be making progress, Cathbad disappears. The trail leads Ruth a to the Neolithic flint mines in Grimes Graves. The race is on, first to find Cathbad and then to exonerate him, but will Ruth and Nelson uncover the truth in time to save their friend?
  • The Smugglers' Secret Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 9781786540577
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Quercus
    Justice Jones, super-smart super-sleuth, is back for her second spine-tingling adventure! For fans of Robin Stevens, Katherine Woodfine and Enid Blyton.
    When Justice returns for spring term at Highbury House, it's not long before murder is back on her mind. Assigned to look after the elderly Mr Arthur in Smugglers' Lodge on the other side of the marshes from school, Justice is initially dismayed. But dismay quickly gives way to intrigue as she finds herself drawn to Mr Arthur and his stories of piloting in the First World War - and especially when Dorothy, who lives nearby, tells her that the lodge is haunted.
    But when Mr Arthur dies in mysterious circumstances, Justice soon has a list of questions in her journal: why hasn't he been given a proper military funeral? Why does the new Matron not seem to know much about First Aid? And what secrets does Smugglers' Lodge really hold?
  • The Locked Room Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 9780358671398
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Mariner Books
    Язык: Английский
    Pandemic lockdowns have Ruth Galloway feeling isolated from everyone but a new neighbor--until Nelson comes calling, investigating a decades-long string of murder-suicides that's looming ever closer. Three years after her late mother's death, Ruth is finally sorting through her things when she finds a curious relic: a decades-old photograph of Jean's Norfolk cottage with a peculiar inscription. Ruth returns to the cottage to uncover its meaning as Norfolk's first cases of COVID-19 make headlines, leaving her and Kate to shelter in place there. They struggle to stave off isolation by clapping for frontline workers each evening and befriending a kind neighbor, Zoe, from a distance. But when Nelson breaks quarantine to rush to Ruth's cottage and enlist her help in investigating a series of murder-suicides he has connected to an archeological discovery, he finds Zoe is hardly who she says she is. The further Nelson investigates these deaths, the closer they lead him to Ruth's friendly neighbor--until Ruth, Zoe, and Kate all go missing, and Nelson is left scrambling to find them before it's too late.
  • Bleeding Heart Yard Элли Гриффитс
    ISBN: 9780063289277
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Mariner Books
    Язык: Английский
    A murderer strikes at a school reunion--but the students are no strangers to death-- in this propulsive, twisty thriller from the internationally bestselling author of the Ruth Galloway Mysteries

    Is it possible to forget that you've committed a murder?

    When Cassie Fitzgerald was at school in the late 90s, she and her friends killed a fellow student. Almost twenty years later, Cassie is a happily married mother who loves her job--as a police officer. She closely guards the secret she has all but erased from her memory.

    One day her husband finally persuades her to go to a school reunion. Cassie catches up with her high-achieving old friends from the Manor Park School--among them two politicians, a rock star, and a famous actress. But then, shockingly, one of them, Garfield Rice, is found dead in the school bathroom, supposedly from a drug overdose. As Garfield was an eminent--and controversial--MP and the investigation is high profile, it's headed by Cassie's new boss, DI Harbinder Kaur, freshly promoted and newly arrived in London. The trouble is, Cassie can't shake the feeling that one of them has killed again.

    Is Cassie right, or was Garfield murdered by one of his political cronies? It's in Cassie's interest to skew the investigation so that it looks like it has nothing to do with Manor Park and she seems to be succeeding.

    Until someone else from the reunion is found dead in Bleeding Heart Yard...
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