Меган Харт

Megan Hart

  • 23 книги
  • 9 подписчиков
  • 179 читателей
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Меган Харт - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Tempted Megan Hart
    ISBN: 9780373605194, 0373605196
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Spice
    Язык: Английский
    I had everything a woman could want. …My husband, James. The house on the lake.

    My life. Our perfect life.

    And then Alex came to visit.

    The first time I saw my husband's best friend, I didn't like him. Didn't like how James changed when he was around, didn't like how his penetrating eyes followed me everywhere.

    But that didn't stop me from wanting him. And, surprisingly, James didn't seem to mind.

    It was meant to be fun. Something the three of us shared for those hot summer weeks Alex stayed with us. Nobody was supposed to fall in or out of love. I didn't need another man, not even one who oozed sex like honey and knew all the secrets I didn't know, the secrets my husband hadn't shared. After all, we had a perfect life.

    And I loved my husband.

    But I wasn't the only one.
  • Everything Changes Megan Hart
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Harlequin Spice Spice Brief
    Язык: Английский
    In Tempted, Anne gave in to her passion for both her husband, James, and his friend, Alex. Now it’s time for Alex’s side of the story…

    When Jamie tells Alex he wants him to sleep with his wife, Alex thinks it will only lead to trouble. Sure, Alex thinks Anne is hot and they’ve talked about sharing a woman before, but that was a long time ago. Before Jamie knew what Alex really wanted.

    Still, Alex can’t resist the pleasure of being with Anne– and with Jamie….
  • Reason Enough Megan Hart
    ISBN: 1426818629
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Spice Briefs
    Язык: Русский
    Elle and Dan haven't quite achieved their goal of having sex in every room of their new house--but "almost!" Marriage hasn't dampened their hunger for one another in the least, and their relationship is as hot and passionate as ever. But when Dan brings up the subject of having a baby together, Elle finds herself conflicted. Between her dysfunctional family background and her fear of how a baby might change their life together, Elle's not sure she's ready for the big step. Dan doesn't bring the subject up again, but the issue takes hold in Elle's mind. And as their frequent lovemaking sizzles with unquenchable desire, Elle's heart is filled to the brim with love and the longing to give Dan "everything."
  • No Reservations Меган Харт
    ISBN: 978-0352345196
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Black Lace
    Язык: Английский

    Four days in Vegas. Two sexy and determined men. One penthouse suite ... And no reservations.

    Christmas isn't so merry for Kate and Leah. Kate's romantic winter holiday is destroyed by the sudden and uninvited presence of Dix's annoying ex-wife, while Brandon's super-perfect family and a diamond ring send Leah running for Sin City with Kate in tow.

    But Dix and Brandon both know what they want. In hot pursuit, the men show up in Vegas, ready to use every sensual trick they have to convince Kate and Leah to take a gamble on forever.

    The sizzling sequel to Taking Care of Business.
  • This Is What I Want Меган Харт
    ISBN: 9781408914281
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    By day she was Eve Grant, customer service drone in a drab office cubicle. But at night she became Eris Apparent, sex goddess of the blogosphere, where she could express her true self in sizzling erotic fantasies. As Eve she entertained aching, unfulfilled fancies about her sexy co-worker. But as Eris Apparent she was outspoken and demanding as she carried on a steamy cyberspace affair with the mysterious Tell me.
  • After Class & All You Can Eat Megan Hart
    ISBN: 9781452318257
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Chaos Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Two short erotic romance stories by the author of Tempted, This Is What I Want and others.

    After Class -- when Professor Allen keeps Karrie Damron after class, she assumes it's to chastise her about the final paper she turned in. To her surprise, the professor has more on his mind than grades.

    All You Can Eat -- Daisy Cooper's a long-haul driver, Sonny Dean the cook at the Come and Go Diner she always makes sure to stop at. The menu says All You Can Eat, and Daisy aims to get as much of Sonny as she can.
  • Virtue and Vice Megan Hart
    ISBN: 9780425242988
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский
    A national bestselling author introduces a woman versed in the erotic who discovers the one thing she hasn't trained for: true love. Years ago, while lowly kitchen maid Notsah was fleeing the king's guard, she burst into the private chambers of the very man she was stealing from: Prince Jarron Bydelay. But he showed her mercy and dismissed her pursuer, Erekon, Captain of the King's Guard. Ten years later, Notsah has returned as Handmaiden to the new king. He might not remember her past, but Erekon does-and is determined to use her to get what he wants from his new king. Now, if Jarron learns her secret, she'll lose the only man she's ever loved-and if she doesn't tell him, he'll never truly love her back...
  • Selfish is the Heart Megan Hart
    ISBN: 9780425234563
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский
    The national bestselling author of No Greater Pleasure delivers a new novel featuring a reluctant student of seduction.

    To escape an arranged marriage, Annalise Marony decides to become a Handmaiden of the Order of Solace. But she is thwarted at every turn by Cassian, a teacher of the faith, who must test her dedication. Older than most of the girls, Annalise knows that she will be expected to please a patron in pleasures of the flesh-and she is not shy about teasing Cassian. And as they both play out the game of master and student, the secrets in their souls will either tear them apart-or bind them together forever.
  • No Greater Pleasure Megan Hart
    ISBN: 9780425229811
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский
    From the national bestselling author of Pleasure and Purpose, a provocative new novel of a woman who lives to serve...

    It was at the request of Lord Gabriel Delessan that a handmaiden of the Order of Solace be delivered to his manor house. For young and ingenuous Tranquilla Caden, it would be her new position of service?devoted as she was to fulfilling every demand of her new master, to stimulating his mind, stirring his soul, and arousing his body. Yet something happens that Quilla never counted on: she was falling hopelessly, dangerously in love with the enigmatic?and very married?man she was required only to service.
  • Pleasure and Purpose Megan Hart
    ISBN: 9780425229699
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский
    Introducing the women of the Order of Solace?three new novellas from the national bestselling master of erotic romance.

    The handmaidens of the Order of Solace are each named for the exquisite service that best reflects their true calling. Their greatest delight is giving pleasure?devoted as they are to fulfilling the desires of the mind, the needs of the soul, and the cravings of the body.

    Meet Stillness, called upon to soothe the conscience of a man in need of redemption after a shocking act from his sexual past. Then there's Honesty, whose vow of Solace is to a prince looking for a submissive handmaiden. Instead, he gets the unexpected. And finally, Determination, a handmaiden confronted with a client lost in a haze of random sex and drugs. She has just the plan to literally whip her man into shape.
  • Nedorėlė Меган Харт
    ISBN: 978-609-406-797-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Литовский
    " Štai kas nutiko.
    Sutikau jį saldumynų parduotuvėje.
    Jis atsigręžė ir nusišypsojo. Nustebusi ir pati šyptelėjau. Tai buvo ne saldainių vaikams krautuvėlė, į tokią parduotuvę užsuki užsieninių triufelių šefo žmonai, nes jautiesi kalta, kad po konferencijos praleidai naktį jos vyro viešbučio kambaryje.
    Ne pirmas vyras mėgina mane vilioti. Dažniausiai jiems trūksta subtilumo. Jie mano, jog tai, kas tarp kojų, atstos tai, ko trūksta tarp ausų.
    Kartais eidavau su jais vien norėdama pasijusti geidžiama. Troškau geisti. Nors dažniausiai geismas būna apsimestinis ir galiausiai nuvilia.
    Neatsiprašinėju dėl to, kas esu ar ką dariau.
    Turiu darbą, namą, savo gyvenimą. Daug metų man to užteko.
    Iki Deno. Iki dabar.
    [i]Atsiversdama šią knygą tikrai nesitikėjau tokių gilių emocijų. Likau sužavėta šia istorija apie vidinį žmogaus augimą ir susitaikymą – štai apie ką iš tikrųjų pasakoja Megan Hart šiame erotiniame romane. Taip, karšto sekso čia netrūksta, bet tai tik pagalbinė priemonė, kuri padeda autorei atskleisti psichologinius veikėjų paveikslus. Tai knyga apie išdavystę, skausmą ir žvėrišką ilgesį – tai, kas slypi viduje. Apie moterį, kuri trokšta vėl pasijusti normali, nepraranda vilties apsivalyti ir mokosi mylėti.
    Įspėjame: knygoje yra scenų skirtų tik suaugusiesiems.
  • Trzy oblicza pożądania Меган Харт
    ISBN: 978-83-276-8010-5
    Издательство: OSDW Azymut
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