Lloyd Rose

Lloyd Rose

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Lloyd Rose — новинки

  • The Algebra of Ice Lloyd Rose
    ISBN: ISBN 0-563-48621-X
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: BBC Books
    The Doctor and Ace investigate a 'crop circle' in the Kentish countryside; they are helped by a maths expert, a web-magazine publish and the Doctor's friend, the Brigadier. However, this crop circle is made of ice and is not circular, instead being filled with square-sided shapes. It draws the Doctor and Ace into a new level of reality.
  • Doctor Who: Camera Obscura Lloyd Rose
    ISBN: 0563538570
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Английский
    The Doctor's second heart was taken from his body - for his own good, he was told. Removed by his sometime ally, sometime rival, the mysterious time-traveller Sabbath. Now, as a new danger menaces reality, the Doctor finds himself working with Sabbath again. From a seance in Victorian London to a wild pursuit on Dartmoor, the Doctor and his companions work frantically to unravel the mystery of this latest threat to Time... Before Time itself unravels.
  • Doctor Who: The City of the Dead Lloyd Rose
    ISBN: 0563538392
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Английский
    “Nothing can get into the TARDIS,” the Doctor whispered.
    Then he realized that Nothing had.

    New Orleans, the early 21st century. A dealer in morbid artifacts has been murdered. A charm carved from human bone is missing. An old plantation, miles from any water, has been destroyed by a tidal wave.

    Anji goes dancing. Fitz goes grave-robbing. The Doctor attracts the interest of a homicide detective and the enmity of a would-be magician. He wants to find out the secret of the redneck thief and his blind wife. He’d like to help the crippled curator of a museum of magic. He’s trying to refuse politely the request of a crazy young artist that he pose naked with the man’s wife.

    Most of all, he needs to figure out what all of them have to do with the Void that is hunting him down.

    Before it catches him.