Мэтью Энгельке — библиография
- 4 произведения
- 2 издания на 3 языках
Think Like an Anthropologist Мэтью Энгельке
Форма: монография Дата написания: 2017 'Subtle and self-reflexive. . . an excellent overview of the debates and issues that have shaped this hugely influential social science' - Guardian How does anthropology help us understand who we are? What can it tell us about culture, from Melanesia to the City of London? Why does it matter? For well over one hundred years, social and cultural anthropologists have traversed the world from urban Zimbabwe to suburban England,
Думай как антрополог Мэтью Энгельке
Форма: монография Дата написания: 2017 Перевод: Армен Арамян, Константин Митрошенков