Рози Гудвин

Rosie Goodwin

  • 3 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 55 читателей
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Рози Гудвин — новинки

  • The Mill Girl Рози Гудвин
    ISBN: 9781472101754
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Corsair
    Life is tough on the cobbled backstreet courtyards of Abbey Street, Warwickshire, in the 1840s: boys are destined for the pit and girls for the mill. Despite this, clever, feisty Maryann is happy there - until her mother dies. Her family collapses, leaving Maryann coping with everything, exhausted and lonely. Especially as Toby, the boy she is set on marrying, insists they wait.
    When things are at their bleakest, Maryann is offered a lifeline: a position as nanny to the daughter of the mill owner, Wesley Marshall. Though the house is filled with secrets and heartache, there is kindness, too, and to Maryann's surprise she grows close to Marshall. But their relationship has not gone unnoticed and it threatens to unleash a world of problems on them all...
  • The Mill Girl Рози Гудвин
    ISBN: 978-1-4721-0174-7
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Corsair
    Язык: Русский
    Life is tough on the cobbled backstreet courtyards of Abbey Street, Warwickshire, in the 1840s: boys are destined for the pit and girls for the mill. Despite this, clever, feisty Maryann is happy there - until her mother dies. Her family collapses, leaving Maryann coping with everything, exhausted and lonely. Especially as Toby, the boy she is set on marrying, insists they wait.
    When things are at their bleakest, Maryann is offered a lifeline: a position as nanny to the daughter of the mill owner, Wesley Marshall. Though the house is filled with secrets and heartache, there is kindness, too, and to Maryann's surprise she grows close to Marshall. But their relationship has not gone unnoticed and it threatens to unleash a world of problems on them all...
    A warm and captivating story of fighting for love in the face of adversity, from much-loved author Rosie Goodwin.
  • Маленький секрет Рози Гудвин
    ISBN: 978-5-9910-0804-4
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Клуб семейного досуга
    Язык: Русский

    Родной дом казался Клер и ее младшей сестренке сущим адом. Мать-алкоголичка постоянно меняла мужчин. Она совсем не уделяла дочерям внимания. Зато ее любовники не оставляли Клер в покое. Вырвавшись на свободу, Клер потеряла голову. Ей так хотелось любви, нежности. Но ее возлюбленный Марк только играл с ней. И девушка вновь оказалась никому не нужна. Отчаявшись, она бежит в Лондон, чтобы начать все сначала. Первый шаг в новую жизнь стал шагом... на панель. Именно отсюда, с уличного борделя, началось ее восхождение к успеху и богатству. Но будет ли она счастлива? История жизни, полная драматизма и надежды...