Клэр Эндрюс

Claire M. Andrews

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  • Дочь Спарты Клэр Эндрюс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-145382-4
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Семнадцатилетняя Дафна провела всю свою жизнь, оттачивая реакцию тела и разум воина в надежде быть принятой непреклонным народом древней Спарты. Но неожиданная встреча с богиней Артемидой, в чьих руках теперь судьба брата Дафны, переворачивает жизнь девушки.

    Девять таинственных предметов украдены с горы Олимп. Если Дафна не сможет найти их, убывающая сила богов иссякнет, мир смертных погрузится в хаос, а ее брат погибнет.

    В сопровождении красивого и чересчур самоуверенного Аполлона Дафна отправится в путешествие от лабиринта Минотавра к загадочному Сфинксу, познакомится с мифами и легендами и даже столкнется с самими богами.
  • Blood of Troy Клэр Эндрюс
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    A year after saving the powers of Olympus by defeating Nyx, the Goddess of Darkness, Daphne is haunted by still-looming threats, her complicated feelings for the god Apollo, and the promise she made to the Olympian gods that she would help them again when they called upon her. When their command finally comes, it is deceptively simple: secure herself a spot as one of Queen Helen’s guards. A war is coming, and all of Sparta must be prepared. In the midst of a treaty summit among the monarchs of Greece, Daphne and Helen uncover a plot of betrayal—and soon, a battle begins that leads to all-out war. As the kingdoms of Greece clash on the shores of Troy and the gods choose sides, Daphne must use her wits, her training, and her precarious relationship with Apollo to find a way to keep her queen safe, stop the war, and uncover the true reason the gods led her to Troy. But the gods are keeping more than one secret, and Daphne will be forced to decide how far she is willing to go to save those she loves—and whose side she’s on in a war that is prophesized to be the downfall of her people.
  • Storm of Olympus Клэр Эндрюс
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    After fighting in the Trojan War against her own people, Daphne is plagued by memories—of her family, of her shortcomings, of her lover, Apollo, and of the secrets he and the gods keep. As she reels from the horrendous sacrifice she had to make and her own failure in the battle for Troy, she knows the Titans are out there—just beyond the island of Aeaea where she has taken refuge—raging a war against the world. As Daphne struggles to regain her will to fight as well as rein in the new abilities that have been thrust upon her, the gods call for her help once more. But it has been prophesized that she will bring about the ruin of Olympus and the downfall of Sparta, just as she caused the destruction of Troy. Now, as she begins to witness her terrible destiny coming true, she must become a hero to rival those of myth and save the gods, her people, and the world. Or she will watch it all burn around her.