Крис Мэйсон — новинки
- 1 произведение
- 1 издание на 2 языках
Midnight Echo 14 Gregory Long, Rebecca Fraser, Грег Чапмен, Дебора Шелдон, Крис Мэйсон, Liz Simrajh, Erol Engin, Ian J. Middleton, Robyn OSullivan, Табата Вуд, Renée De Visser, Hari Navarro, Matthew J. Morrison
ISBN: B08273JFCH Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Australasian Horror Writers Association Язык: Английский The 14th offering of Midnight Echo, official magazine of the Australasian Horror Writers Association. Guest-edited by Deborah Sheldon, this issue features fiction and poetry by Chris Mason, Rebecca Fraser, Liz Simrajh, Erol Engin, Gregory Long, Ian J. Middleton, Robyn O'Sullivan, Tabatha Wood and Matthew Morrison, plus AHWA Short and Flash Fiction competition winning stories from 2018 by Renee De Visser and Hari Navarro. Original artwork by Greg Chapman, Brian M. Quinn and Denny Marshall.