Терри Джонс

Terence Graham Parry Jones

  • 24 книги
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Терри Джонс – лучшие книги

  • Питоны о Питонах. Автобиография Грэм Чэпмен, Терри Гиллиам, Терри Джоунз, Джон Клиз, Эрик Айдл, Майкл Пэйлин
    ISBN: 978-5-905409-02-8
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Додо
    Язык: Русский

    Сорок с лишним лет назад группа из пяти англичан - и одного приблудного американца - переписала законы комедийного жанра. "Воздушный цирк Монти Питона", получасовая ни на что не похожая телепрограмма, составленная из скетчей, шуток, абсурда и анимации, впервые появилась в эфире Би-би-си одним поздним вечером 1969 г., без всяких предварительных фанфар. Ее мировое влияние неизменно - до сих пор. Скромный телевизионный проект очень быстро стал самым значительным явлением в современной комедии. Таковым он и остается по сей день. "Питоны о Питонах. Автобиография" - уникальный взгляд на величайшую комик-группу XX века. Книгу украшают 64 страницы…

  • Варвары против Рима Терри Джонс, Алан Эрейра
    ISBN: 978-5-699-40638-8
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Эксмо, Алгоритм
    Язык: Русский

    Что мы знаем о народах, разрушивших Римскую империю, которых римляне приписали к нецивилизованным? Были ли варвары варварами? Автор книги доказывает, что, во всяком случае, они были создателями современного мира не в меньшей степени, чем сами римляне. Знакомство с ними вызывает удивление: искушенность кельтов в инженерном деле и математике; высокоразвитая религиозная философия даков; то, что греки, несомненно, находились на пороге промышленной революции; комфортная жизнь в усадьбах вандалов и своеобразный "железный занавес" между королевством Аттилы и Римской империей... Основное достоинство книги - возможность взглянуть на римскую…

  • Evil Machines Terry Jones
    ISBN: 978-1908717009
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Unbound
    This is a darkly funny set of 13 linked tales by the legendary Python. How do you feel about your phone? Or your car? I bet you don't think about them much, except when they go wrong. But what if they go really wrong and turn properly bad...evil, even? Join Terry Jones on a journey into the dark heart of machines. Meet the lift that took people to places they didn't want to go, the vacuum cleaner that was too powerful, the terrifying train to anywhere and Mrs Morris, a little old lady from Glasgow, who turns out to be a very resourceful heroine...Brisk and cheerful on the outside but as dark as Roald Dahl's finest within, Terry Jones' collection of thirteen cautionary fables will make you look at the 'helpful' inventions that surround you in a very different way. "Evil Machines" is charming fable suitable for Luddites of all ages or anyone those who like a bit of Pythonesque edge to their silliness.
  • Варвары Терри Джонс, Алан Эрейра
    ISBN: 978-5-98132-084-2, 0-563-49318-6
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Столица-Принт
    Язык: Русский

    "Варвары" - это рассказ о народах, которых римляне приписали к нецивилизованным, и одновременно возможность взглянуть на самих римлян с альтернативной точки зрения - с точки зрения людей, зачисленных ими в отбросы. В существующей литературе они находятся либо на периферии главного повествования, либо появляются в нем в качестве захватчиков. Но мы смотрим на мир, который они создали и в котором обитали, и видим, что это Рим был захватчиком, а позднее, иногда - их хозяином, иногда - их жертвой. И поскольку именно "варвары" создали мир, в котором мы живем, возникает вопрос: "А что же сделали для нас римляне?" Ответ, как вы уже догадались,…

  • Goblins of Labyrinth Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-0810970557
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Harry N. Abrams
    Язык: Английский

    In 1986, the magical fantasy movie Labyrinth introduced the world to a set of unforgettable goblins from the minds of Jim Henson and Brian Froud. Not only has the film become a classic with a huge cult following, but Brian Froud’s long out- of-print book about the malevolent and cantankerous goblins—packed with his brilliant drawings and paintings—has achieved similar cult status. Now Abrams is proudly reissuing The Goblins of Labyrinth in a brand-new 20th Anniversary Edition. With even more artwork than the original and a new afterword from Brian Froud, this mesmerizing work, like Froud’s The World of The Dark Crystal, is a must-have…

  • Trouble on the Heath - hilarious story from Monty Python star, Terry Jones Terry Jones
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: accent press ltd

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  • The Goblins of Labyrinth : 20th Anniversary Edition Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 0810970554
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский

    In 1986, the magical fantasy movie Labyrinth introduced the world to a set of unforgettable goblins from the minds of Jim Henson and Brian Froud. Not only has the film become a classic with a huge cult following, but Brian Froud's long out- of-prit book about the malevolent and cantankerous goblins—packed with his brilliant drawings and paintings—has achieved similar cult status. Now Abrams is proudly reissuing The Goblins of Labyrinth in a brand-new 20th Anniversary Editin. With even more artwork than the original and a new afterword from Brian Froud, this mesmerizing work, like Froud's The World of The Dark Crystal , is a must-have for…

  • Monty Python's: The Meaning of Life Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 9780413774101
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Methuen Publishing Ltd
    Язык: Русский
    Although aimed primarily at an audience of fish (who, let's face it, account for over 40% of all living vertebrates) Monty Python's, film, "The Meaning of Life", spans the whole range of human experience. It starts with the birth of a seemingly insignificant human being (especially from a haddock's point of view) who, sure enough, turns out to play no further part in the film. Nevertheless, the movie manages to stagger on for another ninety minutes or so (equivalent to about six years, if you're a whiting!) during which time it encompasses subjects very close to the hearts of freshwater and marine fish alike, such as: the Great Rift in Ecumenical attitudes towards certain types of prophylactics and sex education in our schools.
    For humans there is a running commentary by six well-known fish, an episode of that popular audience-participation game: Find the Fish, and a scene which demonstrates the dangers of eating canned fish. But to be quite honest, if you are intending to watch the movie, and you are human, you are advised to take along your goldfish, or some other finny friend, since some of the scenes may be frankly disturbing for non-aquatic life-forms.
    But if, as with many aquatic and even semi-aquatic life forms, regular movie-going is no longer part of your life, we hope this book will convey some of the flavour and excitement of a film that has already been hailed as "an exceptionally fishy experience", "a salt and fresh-water delight" and "a real gill-tickler". We feel that little, apart from the unpleasant smell, has been lost in translating this exceptional and challenging work into literary form (remembering, after all, that it was a member of the fish species that discovered printing). So sit back, adjust your chair to slot 3 (Optimum Reading Position) or slot 5 if you're very old, put your feet up on the "Ped-a-Rest" leisure stool, pour yourself a glass of Chitty's Diet Cognac and enjoy these exceptional insights into what Life is really all about - why we're here, what it all means, how much it costs and will it keep in the salad bar of a medium-priced refrigerator. Who knows, as you turn these pages (or have them turned for you by the Hanigan-Mainbrace Auto-Reader Junior-matic) you may begin to glimpse what a rich and wonderful existence lies beneath the waters that cover 6l%c of this planet. Sixty-one per cent! So enjoy yourself, and remember, if you're not completely satisfied with this book after you've thoroughly perused its contents then you're stupid and worthless.

    Формат: 20,5 см x 27 см.
  • Цивилизация варваров Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-5-4438-0735-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Алгоритм
    Язык: Русский

    Помним ли мы, что кроме Римской империи существовали и другие цивилизации, способные поспорить с Вечным городом за власть над миром? Достигшие в военной, политической и культурной сферах не меньших высот, чем римляне, македонцы или персы? Нас до сих пор поражают искушенность кельтов в инженерном деле и математике; высокоразвитая религиозная философия даков; технические открытия греков; социальное устройство вандалов; политическая система королевства Аттилы. Эта книга посвящена истории "варварских" народов Древнего мира, которых римляне приписали к нецивилизованным, но которые и поныне вызывают удивление своими достижениями в науке и…

  • Nicobobinus Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-0140320916
    Год издания: 1985
    Издательство: Puffin
    Nicobobinus and his friend Rosie go in search of the Land of Dragons and find more adventure than they'd bargained for.
  • Starship Titanic: A Novel Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-0345368430
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    Arguably the greatest collaboration in the whole history of comedy!

    Bestselling author Douglas Adams wrote the storyline based on his CD-ROM game of the same name (as this novel, not as him, obviously).

    Terry Jones of Monty Python wrote the book. In the nude! Parents be warned! Most of the words in this book were written by a naked man!

    So. You want to argue with that? All right, we give in.

    Starship Titanic is the greatest, most fabulous, most technologically advanced interstellar cruise line ever built. It is like a cross between the Queen Mary, the Chrysler Building, Tutankhamen's tomb, and Venice. Furthermore, it cannot possibly go wrong. . . .

    Sadly, however, seconds after its launch it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure. And disappears.

    Except, everything's got to be somewhere.

    Coming home that night, on a little known planet called Earth, Dan and Lucy Gibson find something very large and very, very shiny sticking into their house. . .
  • Звезда нашей фермы Терри Джонс
    Язык: Русский
    Жил-был пес Станислав, который умел исполнять просто удивительные трюки. И прожить бы ему всю жизнь на родной ферме спокойно и счастливо, радуя и восхищая друзей, если бы однажды петух Шарлемань не уговорил Станислава показать свои таланты в большом мире...
  • The Saga of Erik the Viking Terry Jones
    ISBN: 0-907516-23-8
    Год издания: 1983
    Издательство: Pavilion
    Язык: Английский
    This is the tale of a Viking warrior by the name of Erik. But Erik is no ordinary Viking. With his trusty band of men he sets sail in search of the land where the sun goes at night – but he finds much more! The Sea Dragon, Dogfighters and giants combine to make his voyage a great saga of thrilling adventures.

    Written by Terry Jones, most famous for his membership of the Monty Python team, this is a wonderful tale, expertly spun, which won the Children’s Book Award.
  • Спиральная динамика на практике Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-2190-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский
    Идея "бирюзовых" компаний как целостных, эволюционирующих, живых организаций захватила бизнес-сообщество. Существуют ли такие компании на самом деле и можно ли перенять их опыт? Как построить компанию нового типа - без традиционной иерархии и бюрократии, эффективную и гибкую? Почему руководителям принципиально важно понимать, какие ценности доминируют в человеке, коллективе или обществе? На все эти вопросы отвечает спиральная динамика - модель эволюции ценностных систем. Она описывает инструменты, которые помогут выйти за пределы старых, авторитарных моделей лидерства и менеджмента."Спиральная динамика на практике" - результат многолетней работы социопсихолога и геополитика Дона Бека и его коллег из разных стран. Здесь вы найдете примеры использования этой теории на микро- и макроуровнях: от решения конфликтов на предприятии до программы по стабилизации геополитической обстановки на Ближнем Востоке.Книга будет интересна руководителям и специалистам по организационному управлению, а также политикам, психологам и социологам.
  • Варвары против Рима Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-5-00180-798-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Родина Издательство ООО
    Язык: Русский
    Помним ли мы, что кроме Римской империи существовали и другие цивилизации, способные поспорить с Вечным городом за власть над миром? Достигшие в военной, политической и культурной сферах не меньших высот, чем римляне, македонцы или персы?
    Нас до сих пор поражают искушенность кельтов в инженерном деле и математике; высокоразвитая религиозная философия даков; технические открытия греков; социальное устройство вандалов; политическая система королевства Аттилы.
    Эта книга посвящена истории "варварских" народов Древнего мира, которых римляне приписали к нецивилизованным, но которые и поныне вызывают удивление своими достижениями в науке и изобретениями в технике.
  • Bedtime Stories Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 9781447277040
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Русский
    A delightful first storybook designed for older babies, Bedtime Stories is a unique way for parents and babies to share and discover stories together. Each spread has finger trails cut into the page, and textured illustrations for little hands to trace. The trails wind their way around illustrations so that baby explores the illustrations on the page. Carefully placed, evocative text is a springboard for readers to take the story into new directions of their own. Each spread is a compete story that allows the baby and parent to spend time looking, talking about, exploring and touching the page. With beautiful, warm illustrations to capture the imagination, and a gentle rhythmic, lullaby-text, this book about sleepy people and creatures is perfect for little ones preparing for bed. These books help the adult to teach their baby about the world around them and to encourage language learning and communication with their little one as they read together. Other titles: Playtime Stories
  • Learning jQuery Deferreds Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-1-4493-6939-2
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: O'Reilly Media
    Язык: Английский
    Orchestrating asynchronous function calls in JavaScript often leads to callback hell, but there is a reliable way to avoid this painful state of affairs. With this concise and simple guide, you’ll learn how to use jQuery deferreds and promises, an elegant approach for managing asynchronous calls in both client and server applications.

    This book contains 18 examples that use deferreds to solve progressively challenging real-world programming problems, along with 75 stimulating puzzles (and their solutions) that will help you understand how and when to use deferreds. Experienced JavaScript programmers will learn new tricks in a fun way, and become immersed in the practice of event-based programming.

    Understand the logic behind creating deferreds and returning promises
    Get a structured explanation of jQuery’s deferred API
    Delve into the dynamics of using deferreds
    Explore a broad collection of useful deferred recipes developed by the authors
    Gain hands-on experience by solving challenges that accompany each recipe
    Go deeper into deferreds: encounter novel abstractions and mind-bending use cases
  • Raf Simons Terry Jones
    ISBN: 978-3836538954
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Taschen GmbH
    Язык: Английский
    Bringing sleek to the streets. This title deals with Raf Simons' youth culture-inspired, elegant tailoring. Poetic, elegant, and free-thinking, Raf Simons is one of the most exciting designers working in fashion today. His passion for music, art, and contemporary culture infiltrates everything he does. A former industrial designer, Simons first burst on to the scene in 1995 with the launch of his menswear label. His trademark slim tailoring and penchant for street-casting his models went on to shape an entire generation and cemented his position as one of the most revolutionary contemporary menswear designers. Simons was appointed creative director of Jil Sander in 2005; during his six-year tenure he repositioned the brand at the height of the luxury market, not only satisfying the German label's loyal fanbase, but also recruiting a legion of new fans. Simons' appointment as artistic director of Dior in 2012 caused frissons of excitement in the fashion industry and marked the beginning of a momentous new chapter for the Belgian designer. In this stunning photographic book, "i-D" celebrates Raf Simons' own menswear label, his work for Jil Sander, and his new appointment of Dior. Simons' first two highly anticipated collections for the Parisian house, together with an exclusive interview, are all included. Delving deep into the "i-D" archive, the large format 120 page portfolio includes stunning imagery from photographers including Willy Vanderperre, Solve Sundsbo and Alasdair McLellan, together with interviews by Terry and Tricia Jones, Holly Shackleton, Jo-Ann Furniss, and James Anderson.
  • Terry Jones' Animal Tales Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 1843651637
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Pavilion Books
    Язык: Английский
    This amazing collection of wonderful stories, written by the hilarious Terry Jones and illustrated by Michael Foreman, will have both children and parents rolling with laughter. A dog who just cannot understand why he is not allowed to practice medicine. A fox who runs a circus of trained chickens. A flea who thinks he is the manager of a chain of mega-stores. A skunk who falls madly in love with a bear. All are characters in a fantastic new collection of tales for children of all ages. * The long-awaited new collection of hilarious tales from the mind of a comic genius, Monty Python's Terry Jones * Amazing marketing and publicity schedule, including an author tour, festival appearances, readings on the Monty Python's YouTube channel (which has over 125,000 subscribers) and newspaper and magazine features * An opera of one of the stories, Dr. Dog, with musical arrangements by The Art of Noise's Anne Dudley will premier at the Royal Opera House in April 2011 * Accompanies reissues of Jones pervious 2 collections, Fairy Tales and Fantastic Stories Other titles in the series: Fairy Tales and Fantastic Stories.
  • The Life of Brian/Jesus Терри Джонс
    ISBN: 978-1848766280
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Matador
    Four hundred years ago, the Pythons would have been burnt at the stake for making the film Life of Brian. But this was the late 20th century and the antiquated British blasphemy laws were something of an irrelevance. That was until July 1977 when a blasphemy case succeeded against Gay News for publishing a poem about a Roman centurion's homoerotic leanings towards the crucified Christ. It was decided to open Life of Brian in the USA where freedom of speech is enshrined in the constitution. Or so it was thought but soon after the premiere in New York in 1979, the opening salvo in what became a heated and often surreal religious war of words came from Rabbi Abraham Hecht who declared, "Never have we come across such a foul, disgusting, blasphemous film before." Life of Brian was banned in many countries for blasphemy. But what is blasphemy and what should be the punishment? Who wants the law and why? And does God believe in it? Julian Doyle, the film's editor, analyses the film and compares each scene of the film with the actual Biblical events and comes to some extraordinary conclusions, including some special insights into the film that has been voted Britain's best comedy ever.
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