Daniel Stanton
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  • 1 читатель
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Daniel Stanton – лучшие книги

  • Supply Chain Management For Dummies Daniel Stanton
    ISBN: 9781119677024
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Increase your knowledge of supply chain management and leverage it properly for your business   If you own or make decisions for a business, you need to master the critical concept of supply chain management. Supply Chain Management For Dummies, 2nd Edition guides you to an understanding of what a supply chain is and how to leverage this system effectively across your business, no matter its size or industry. The book helps you learn about the areas of business that make up a supply chain, from procurement to operations to distribution. And it explains the importance of supporting functions like sales, information technology, and human resources. You’ll be prepared to align the parts of this system to meet the needs of customers, suppliers, and shareholders. By viewing the company as a supply chain, you’ll be able to make decisions based on how they will affect every part of the chain. To help you fully understand supply chains, the author focuses on the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model. This approach allows all types of professionals to handle their work demands. • Use metrics to improve processes • Evaluate business risks through analytics • Choose the right software and automation processes • Plan for your supply chain management certification and continuing education A single business decision in one department can have unplanned effects in one or more areas, such as purchasing or operations. Supply Chain Management For Dummies helps you grasp the connections between business lines for wiser decision making and planning.
  • Supply Chain Management For Dummies Daniel Stanton
    ISBN: 9781119410218
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Everyone can impact the supply chain Supply Chain Management For Dummies helps you connect the dots between things like purchasing, logistics, and operations to see how the big picture is affected by seemingly isolated inefficiencies. Your business is a system, made of many moving parts that must synchronize to most efficiently meet the needs of your customers—and your shareholders. Interruptions in one area ripple throughout the entire operation, disrupting the careful coordination that makes businesses successful; that's where supply chain management (SCM) comes in. SCM means different things to different people, and many different models exist to meet the needs of different industries. This book focuses on the broadly-applicable Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return, and Enable, to describe the basic techniques and key concepts that keep businesses running smoothly. Whether you're in sales, HR, or product development, the decisions you make every day can impact the supply chain. This book shows you how to factor broader impact into your decision making process based on your place in the system. Improve processes by determining your metrics Choose the right software and implement appropriate automation Evaluate and mitigate risks at all steps in the supply chain Help your business function as a system to more effectively meet customer needs We tend to think of the supply chain as suppliers, logistics, and warehousing—but it's so much more than that. Every single person in your organization, from the mailroom to the C-suite, can work to enhance or hinder the flow. Supply Chain Management For Dummies shows you what you need to know to make sure your impact leads to positive outcomes.