Даг Холл

Doug Hall

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Даг Холл - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Meaningful Marketing Jeffrey Stamp
    ISBN: 155870681X, 978-1558706811
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Betterway Books
    Язык: Английский
    Offers one hundred marketing truths based on data compiled from consumer, industrial and business-to-business markets, along with 402 practical ideas for increasing sales using less effort.
  • Driving Eureka! Даг Холл
    Transform the art of innovation into a reliable system! System Driven Innovation enables you and everyone on your team to use innovation to work smarter, faster, and more creatively. It transforms innovation from a random act to a reliable science. This new mindset ignites confidence in the future. It enables the creation of bigger and bolder ideas—and turns them into reality faster, smarter, and more successfully. With this new mindset, innovation by everyone, everywhere, every day becomes the norm. The rapidly changing world becomes a tremendous opportunity to achieve greatness.Innovation Engineering defines innovation in two words: Meaningfully Unique. When a product, service, or job candidate is Meaningfully Unique customers are willing to pay more money for it. This links to the two simple truths in today’s marketplace: If you’re Meaningfully Unique life is great!If you’re NOT Meaningfully Unique you’d better be cheap. Innovation Engineering is a new field of academic study and leadership science. It teaches how to apply the science of system thinking to strategy, innovation, and cooperation. Research finds that it helps to increase innovation speed (up to 6x) and decrease risk (by 30 to 80%). Innovation Engineering accelerates the creation and development of more profitable products and services. However, the bigger benefit may well lie in its ability to transform organizational cultures by enabling everyone to work smarter every day.What makes Innovation Engineering unique is that it’s grounded in data, backed by academic theory, and validated in real-world practice. Collectively, it’s the number one documented innovation system on earth. Over 35,000 people have been educated in Innovation Engineering classes, and more than $15 billion in innovations are in active development.In his book Driving Eureka! , best-selling business author Doug Hall presents the System Driven Innovation scientific method for enabling innovation by everyone, everywhere, every day. It’s the essential resource you need to enable yourself—and your team—to innovate, succeed, and do amazing things that matter, on a daily basis.
  • Jump Start Your Business Brain: The Scientific Way To Make More Money Даг Холл
    Your Business Brain
    details data-proven methods that will make your sales, marketing and business development measurably more effective.
    What makes this book unique:
    The methods detailed here are backed by hard data and grounded in the statistical analysis of the success and failure of more than 4,000 new products and services, and more than 6,000 innovation teams. The research quantifies the impact of a back-to-basics, customer-focused approach to sales, marketing and business development. It also uncovers ways to measurably increase effectiveness in today’s super competitive, time-compressed and overstressed marketplace. “America’s #1 New Product Idea Man”
    ―Inc. Magazine “Hall’s book is a damn good read...because he’s a damn good storyteller. But, speaking as an engineer-business analyst, it is credible because it is supported by a ton of (VERY HARD) data. I LOVE THIS BOOK. (And I rarely―never before, truth be told―go that far.) PLEASE. P.L.E.A.S.E. Read―and ingest―this book. PLEASE.”
    ―Tom Peters, Co-Author, In Search of Excellence “Eureka! Ranch’s unconventional approach has won raves from some of the biggest corporations in the country.”
    ―CNN ”Doug Hall has a method to his madness, a rigorous, quantifiable process for inventing breakthrough ideas for clients. Unlike many creative gurus hustling ideation wares in the corporate marketplace, Doug makes it imperative that his Eureka! Inventing processes are quantified every step of the way.
    ―Todd Datz, Features Editor, CIO Magazine “Doug Hall's unique and effective approach to creating ideas is stimulating, embracing, and fun―and the results explode with new possibilities. It is truly a winning experience in ideas and self-confidence.”
    ―Ron Nicodemus, Conference Director, Walt Disney Institute
  • Правила маркетинга Procter & Gamble Даг Холл
    ISBN: 5-353-01800-1
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Росмэн-Пресс
    Язык: Русский
    Автор концепции осмысленного маркетинга Даг Холл более десяти лет занимался брэндингом и рекламой в компании Procter & Gamble. Осмысленный маркетинг новый - эффективный подход к искусству продаж и маркетинга. Он способен многократно повысить отдачу от каждого вложенного доллара и каждого потраченного часа. Эта книга основывается на фактических данных, взятых из исследований потребительского, корпоративного, промышленного маркетинга.