Aри ван дер Лемме

Arie van der Lemme

  • 1 книга
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Лучшие книги Ари ван дер Лемме

  • A Guide to Art Deco Style Aри ван дер Лемме
    ISBN: 978-1854223630, 1854223631
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Harveys Books
    Magna Books are pleased to introduce A GUIDE TO ART DECO STYLE. Art Deco was the exciting new movement in decorative art and design that swept away the elaborate ornamentation that of preceding centuries and replaced it with a stunning simplicity of line. This comprehensive survey of the various aspects of ART DECO, lavishly illustrated with images of the twenties and thirties, traces the history of the movement that was to influence design from its inception to the present day.