Луис Сашар

Louis Sachar

  • 37 книг
  • 19 подписчиков
  • 1666 читателей
1 772оценок
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1 772оценок
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4 562
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1 7

Луис Сашар – лучшие книги

  • Ямы Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 978-5-907224-42-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Качели
    Язык: Русский

    Вышедший в 1998 году роман "Ямы" стал знаковым для автора. Именно благодаря ему Луис Сашар стал лауреатом Национальной книжной премии в США (National Book Award), обладателем Медали Джона Ньюбери в области детской литера­туры и всемирно известным писателем. В 2003 году по книге был снят фильм "Клад". Стэнли Илнэтс копает ямы. Он и еще десятки ребят в лагере, который называется "Зеленое озеро". Только никакого озера там нет - одна высохшая бесплодная пустыня. Это место для плохих парней, а если взять плохого парня и заставить его каждый день копать ямы на солнцепеке, он станет хорошим. Во всяком случае, некоторые так считают. Только вот…

  • Мальчик с последней парты Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 978-5-907224-97-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Качели
    Язык: Русский

    Бредли Чокерс сидит в последнем ряду, на самой последней парте. Он уверен, что ему никто не нужен и сам он никому не нужен: одноклассники с ним не дружат и даже не разговаривают. Их можно понять: не так-то хочется дружить с тем, кто постоянно врёт и грубит. Но однажды в классе появляется новенький, и он хочет познакомиться с Бредли поближе. В это же время в школу приходит психолог - жизнерадостная Карла. Она умеет подбирать ключики даже к таким замкнутым чудакам, как Бредли... А когда к человеку подбираешь ключик, то оказывается что внутри у него - особенный мир, в котором есть и удивительные истории об игрушечных животных, и забавные…

  • Мальчик, который потерял лицо Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 978-5-907224-40-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Качели
    Язык: Русский

    Сейчас Луис Сашар — известный детский писатель, лауреат Национальной книжной премии в США (National Book Award) и обладатель Медали Джона Ньюбери в области детской литературы. Мог ли он предполагать такое развитие событий, когда учился на экономическом, а после — на юридическом факультетах? Но в это же время Сашару довелось преподавать в начальной школе. Работа с детьми произвела на него большое впечатление и послужила толчком к написанию книг. Чтобы доказать ребятам, что он такой же крутой, как они, Дэвид идет с ними к одинокой старухе миссис Бэйфилд и помогает выкрасть ее трость. Уже на следующий день его начинают одолевать…

  • Шаги Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 978-5-907302-21-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Качели
    Язык: Русский

    Роман "Ямы", вышедший в 1998 году, сделал Луиса Сашара лауреатом Национальной книжной премии США (National Book Award), обладателем медали Джона Ньюбери в области детской литературы и всемирно известным писателем. Что стало с главными героями "Ям" после возвращения из лагеря "Зеленое озеро", читатели узнали в конце книги. Но как обстоят дела у остальных? Какие события связали парней, которых в лагере звали Подмышка и Рентген, с сообразительной и чуткой десятилетней девочкой Джинни и семнадцатилетней рок- звездой Кайрой ДеЛеон? Что такого случилось на ее концерте, что потребовало вмешательства мэра города Остин, и почему подросток из…

  • Sideways Stories from Wayside School Louis Sachar
    ISBN: 0380731487, 978-0380731480
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: HarperTrophy
    Язык: Английский
    There has been a terrible mistake. Wayside School was supposed to have been built with thirty classrooms all next to each other in a row. Instead it was built with the thirty classrooms all on top of each other - thirty storeys high! That may be why all kinds of strange stuff happens at Wayside School. Especially on the thirtieth floor. It is a school full of unusual characters too. Mrs Gorf, the meanest teacher in the world. Terrible Todd who always gets sent home early. John who can only read upside down. It is a crazy mixed-up school, brilliantly brought to life by the irresistible Louis Sachar.
  • Fuzzy Mud Louis Sachar
    ISBN: 9781408864746
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Bloomsbury Children's Australia
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of the acclaimed bestseller "Holes, " winner of the Newbery Award and the National Book Award, comes a new middle-grade novel with universal appeal. Combining horror-movie suspense with the issues of friendship, bullying, and the possibility of ecological disaster, this novel will intrigue, surprise, and inspire readers and compel them to think twice about how they treat others as well as their environment.
    "Be careful. Your next step may be your last."
    Fifth grader Tamaya Dhilwaddi and seventh grader Marshall Walsh have been walking to and from Woodbridge Academy together since elementary school. But their routine is disrupted when bully Chad Wilson challenges Marshall to a fight. To avoid the conflict, Marshall takes a shortcut home through the off-limits woods. Tamaya reluctantly follows. They soon get lost, and they find trouble. Bigger trouble than anyone could ever have imagined.
    In the days and weeks that follow, the authorities and the U.S. Senate become involved, and what they uncover might affect the future of the world.
  • Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth? Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 0679819460
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Random House Books for Young Readers
    This chapter book series by Newbery Honor–winning and bestselling author Louis Sachar features one hilariously overactive imagination!

    Marvin Redpost has never felt like he fits in with his family. So when he hears a news report about a missing prince who looks just like him, he knows exactly what happened. Now all he has to do is tell Mr. and Mrs. Redpost that it’s time for him to move in with his real parents at the castle….

    Hilarious and relatable, Marvin Redpost is perfect for kids who love to bond with quirky characters like Junie B. Jones and George Brown, Class Clown.
  • Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger Louis Sachar
    ISBN: 0747569118 (ISBN13: 9780747569114)
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children's Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Wayside School is Falling Down Louis Sachar
    ISBN: 978-0545315432
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Scholastic Inc.
    Язык: Английский
    "Watch closely," said Mrs. Jewls. "You can learn much faster using a computer instead of paper and pencil." Then she pushed the new computer out the window The children all watched it fall thirty floors and smash against the sidewalk. "See?" said Mrs. Jewls. "That's gravity! I've been trying to teach you about gravity, but the computer showed you a lot quicker!"

    That's the way things happen at Wayside School. There are 29 kids in Mrs. Jewls's class and this book is about all of them. There is Todd, who got in trouble every day until he got a magic dog; Paul, whose life was saved by Leslie's pigtails; Ron, who dared to try the cafeteria's Mushroom Surprise and all the others who help turn a day at Wayside School into one madcap adventure after another. But, after the things that happened in Sideways Stories from Wayside School, what would you expect?

    Praise for Wayside School Is Falling Down: "Rib-tickling...sure-to-please..." - Kirkus
  • The Boy Who Lost His Face Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9780747589778
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Cursed! David was only trying to be cool when he helped some other boys steal an old lady's cane. But when the plan backfires, he is the one whom she 'curses'. Now David can't seem to do anything right. The cool kids taunt him and his only friends are weirdos. He even walks into Spanish class with his fly unzipped! And when he finally gets his nerve up to ask out a cute girl, his trousers fall down midway! But is this the curse at work or is David turning into a total loser?
    Another witty and very clever tale by the master storyteller Louis Sachar.
  • The Cardturner Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9781408808511
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    When Alton's ageing, blind uncle asks him to attend bridge games with him, he agrees. After all, it's better than a crappy summer job in the local shopping mall, and Alton's mother thinks it might secure their way to a good inheritance sometime in the future.
    But, like all apparently casual choices in any of Louis Sachar's wonderful books, this choice soon turns out to be a lot more complex than Alton could ever have imagined. As his relationship with his uncle develops, and he meets the very attractive Toni, deeply buried secrets are uncovered and a romance that spans decades is finally brought to conclusion.
    Alton's mother is in for a surprise!
  • Stanley Yelnats' Survival Guide to Camp Greenlake Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9780747563655
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Imagine your misfortune if, like Stanley Yelnats, you found yourself the victim of a miscarriage of justice and interned in Camp Green Lake Correctional Institute. How would you survive?
    Thankfully, Louis Sachar has leant his knowledge and expertise to the subject and created this wonderful, quirky, and utterly essential guide to toughing it out in the Texan desert. Spiced with lots of information about the characters in HOLES, as well as lots of do's and don'ts for survival, this is an essential book for all those hundreds of thousands of HOLES' fans.
  • Pig City Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9780747599241
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury

    'What was Pig City?' thought Laura. Soon it would be something that everyone wanted to be part of . . . Laura Sibbie is trying to find the perfect 'pigs' for her new club, Pig City: classmates who can keep the biggest secret ever! But to make sure that none of them tells anyone else about the club, each one must give an 'insurance' - something totally embarrassing - to be hidden unless they break the most important law of Pig City. As Pig City grows and the 'pigs' rule the school, the 'insurances' get more daring and when hotshot Gabriel finds out about the club and starts his own called Monkey Town. Life soon gets more risky for the 'pigs'…

  • Someday Angeline Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9780747587231
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Angeline is brilliant! She knows way more than a child of her age ought to. When she is moved up a class at school she finds that her intelligence doesn't equip her entirely for dealing with the pressures of being with the older group.
    Soon she is finding refuge with a teacher and her tropical fish and another unlikely student.
    With Louis Sachar's hallmark twist-and-turns of plot and lovely humour, this delightful novel is thought-provoking and brilliant.
  • More Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9781408801758
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Welcome back to maths class at Wayside School. How much is Peppers + Pig Lips? If Jenny's shirt has sparkles on it, will Todd have egg in his hair?
    These Sideways Arithmetic problems may look puzzling at first, but you can use real maths to solve them, and the answers are perfectly logical. There are lots of clues and hints, plus all the answers are right there in the book. Best of all, the children you have read about in the other books about Wayside School are here to help you!
    Try solving these, and more than fifty other maths brainteasers, along with the kids from Mrs. Jewls's class. You'll learn a lot about maths but you'll be laughing too much to notice!
  • Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 978-1-5266-2201-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    It's a new year at Wayside School, and Mrs Jewls's class on the thirtieth floor has a LOT to deal with. First of all, they must prepare to face The Ultimate Test, which involves a fiendishly difficult Spelling Bee, upside-down singing and blindfolded smelling. Meanwhile the paperclips are triple-locked in a safe so no one can access them, Miss Mush is threatening to serve rainbow stew for lunch - and a CLOUD OF DOOM is gathering over the school. It can only mean one thing ... the kids at Wayside School are in for their strangest year yet! From the basement to the thirtieth floor, Wayside is packed with quirky and hilarious characters who are all brought to life in this brand-new instalment of Louis Sachar's much-loved Wayside School series. With brilliant illustrations throughout by award-winning Aleksei Bitskoff, this is an unmissable, irrepressible story of mixed-up mayhem from the bestselling author of Holes.
  • Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Луис Сашар
    ISBN: 9780679833727
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Random House
    Twelve year old jokester Gary Boone knows he was born to be a comedian, it's the kids in his class who think he's just a goon. Winning the school talent show would be Gary's dream come true, but on the big night his dream nearly backfires with hilarious results. With it's strong, realistic characterization, Sachar's gracefully told story will please his longtime fans and gain him new followers as well.