Моя оценка

One by one, she undid each event, each decision, each choice.
If Davy had remembered to put on a coat.
If Seamie McGeown had not found himself alone on a dark street.
If Michael Agnew had not…
Издательство: Bloomsbury

ISBN: 9781526623331

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский


"Brilliant, beautiful, heartbreaking ... Kennedy deftly reveals how violence in a conflict zone can more accurately be described as intertwined with and inseparable from daily life ... In Trespasses, as in life, humor provides an antidote to the darkest times ... Kennedy gives us children who are funny and surprising and uplifting in exactly the ways real children are, with none of the treacle that sometimes sneaks into fictional depictions of young people ... Kennedy writes beautifully about love ... As the novel progresses, it picks up a propulsive energy, the kind that compels you to keep reading straight through to the end. A rising sense of tension throughout comes to a shocking head. I am not a crier, but by the final pages of Trespasses, I was in tears. It's a testament to Kennedy's talents that we come to love and care so much about her characters."

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