Вручение 15 мая 2023 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, отель Grosvenor House Дата проведения: 15 мая 2023 г.

Книга года

McCall Davina, Potter Naomi 0.0
Menopause affects every woman, and yet so many approach it with shame, fear, misinformation or silence.
Why is no one talking about this? Who has the correct information? And how can we get it?
That’s how this book has come about. We are going to tell you the truth, so you can make an informed decision about your life and your body … mic drop.’
For too long, women have had to keep quiet about the menopause – its onset, its symptoms, its treatments – and what it means for us. Menopausing will build an empowered, supportive community to break this terrible silence once and for all. By exploring and explaining the science, debunking damaging myths, and smashing the taboos around the perimenopause and menopause, this book will equip women to make the most informed decisions about their health… and their lives.
Menopausing will also celebrate the sharing of stories, enabling women to feel less alone and more understood, and talk openly and positively about menopause.
No more scaremongering: just evidence-based info
No shame: real women, real menopause stories, real empathy, real community
Honest, no-holds-barred advice: Dry vagina? Zero sex drive? Hair loss? We’ve got it covered
The start of a movement: to get everyone talking about the menopause in every home, GP surgery and workspace

Детская книга года

S. F. Said 0.0
"There are three doors that I may show you. You will find a different kind of power behind each one..."

Adam has found something incredible in a rubbish dump in London. A mysterious, mythical, magical animal. A TYGER.

And the tyger is in danger.

Adam and his friend Zadie are determined to help, but it isn't just the tyger's life at stake. Their whole world is on the verge of destruction. Can they learn to use their powers before it's too late?
Tọlá Okogwu 0.0
Black Panther meets X-Men in this “fast-paced, action-packed, and empowering” (A. F. Steadman, New York Times bestselling author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief ) middle grade adventure about a British Nigerian girl who learns that her Afro hair has psychokinetic powers—perfect for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers , The Marvellers , and Rick Riordan!

Onyeka has a lot of hair­—the kind that makes strangers stop in the street and her peers whisper behind her back. At least she has Cheyenne, her best friend, who couldn’t care less what other people think. Still, Onyeka has always felt insecure about her vibrant curls…until the day Cheyenne almost drowns and Onyeka’s hair takes on a life of its own, inexplicably pulling Cheyenne from the water.

At home, Onyeka’s mother tells her the shocking Onyeka’s psychokinetic powers make her a Solari, one of a secret group of people with superpowers unique to Nigeria. Her mother quickly whisks her off to the Academy of the Sun, a school in Nigeria where Solari are trained. But Onyeka and her new friends at the academy soon have to put their powers to the test as they find themselves embroiled in a momentous battle between truth and lies…
Адам Сильвера 4.3
In this prequel to #1 New York Times bestselling phenomenon They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast first makes their fateful calls.

It’s the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there’s one question on everyone’s mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict when someone will die, or is it just an elaborate hoax?

Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he’s going to die. He has a serious heart condition, and he signed up for Death-Cast so he could know what’s coming.

Valentino Prince is restarting his life in New York. He has a long and promising future ahead and he only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident.

Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first round of End Day calls goes out, their lives are changed forever—one of them receives a call, and the other doesn’t. Though neither boy is certain how the day will end, they know they want to spend it together…even if that means their goodbye will be heartbreaking.

Told with acclaimed author Adam Silvera’s signature bittersweet touch, this story celebrates the lasting impact that people have on each other and proves that life is always worth living to the fullest.
А. Ф. Стедман 4.4
The story follows Skander Smith, who is training to become a unicorn rider when the world’s most powerful unicorn is stolen.

The series opens with Steadman explaining: “Unicorns don’t belong in fairytales; they belong in nightmares.”

Publishing director Ali Douglas of Simon & Schuster, who won the bidding war, said the “instant, seething excitement” surrounding the series was “unlike anything I’ve experienced before”.
Луи Стоуэлл 0.0
Packed with doodles and cartoons, here is the diary of Loki as he’s trapped on earth as a petulant eleven-year-old—and even worse, annoying thunder god Thor is there, too.

After one prank too many, trickster god Loki has been banished to live as a kid on Earth. If he can show moral improvement within one month, he can return to Asgard. If he can’t? Eternity in a pit of angry snakes. Rude! To keep track of Loki’s progress, King Odin (a bossy poo-poo head) gives him this magical diary in which Loki is forced to confess the truth, even when that truth is as ugly as a naked mole rat. To make matters worse, Loki has to put up with an eleven-year-old Thor tagging along and making him look bad. Loki is not even allowed to use his awesome godly powers! As Loki suffers the misery of school lunch, discovers the magic of internet videos, and keeps watch for frost giant spies, will he finally learn to tell good from bad, trust from tricks, and friends from enemies? Louie Stowell’s witty text and hysterical drawings will keep readers in stitches from start to finish.

Дебютная книга года

Луиза Кеннеди 3.0
One by one, she undid each event, each decision, each choice.
If Davy had remembered to put on a coat.
If Seamie McGeown had not found himself alone on a dark street.
If Michael Agnew had not walked through the door of the pub on a quiet night in February in his white shirt.
There is nothing special about the day Cushla meets Michael, a married man from Belfast, in the pub owned by her family. But here, love is never far from violence, and this encounter will change both of their lives forever.
As people get up each morning and go to work, school, church or the pub, the daily news rolls in of another car bomb exploded, another man beaten, killed or left for dead. In the class Cushla teaches, the vocabulary of seven-year-old children now includes phrases like 'petrol bomb' and 'rubber bullets'. And as she is forced to tread lines she never thought she would cross, tensions in the town are escalating, threatening to destroy all she is working to hold together.
Tender and shocking, Trespasses is an unforgettable debut of people trying to live ordinary lives in extraordinary times.
Бонни Гармус 4.3
Все боятся Элизабет Зотт. Кто-то — ее ума, кто-то — остро заточенного карандаша, который она носит в прическе, а кто-то — четырнадцатидюймового ножа из ее сумочки (ведь каждый уважающий себя кулинар пользуется только своими собственными ножами). Причудливый зигзаг судьбы привел ее из Научно-исследовательского института Гастингса, где она мечтала заниматься абиогенезом (теорией возникновения жизни из неорганических веществ), на телевидение, где она ведет самую популярную в стране кулинарную передачу «Ужин в шесть». «Кулинария — это химия, — говорит она. — А химия — это жизнь. Она дает нам возможность изменить все, включая себя». Тем временем ее пятилетняя дочь Мадлен, растущая под присмотром минно-розыскного пса по кличке Шесть-Тридцать, пытается найти в школьной библиотеке Набокова и Нормана Мейлера, а также выстроить родословное древо, на котором должно найтись место и без пяти минут нобелевскому лауреату по химии Кальвину Эвансу, и фее-крестной, и деду в полосатой тюремной робе, и бабке, укрывшейся от налоговой полиции в Бразилии...
Джоанна Куинн 4.1
Однажды штормовой ночью 1928 года на берег Британского Канала выбрасывает огромного кита. По закону тело животного принадлежит королю, но у двенадцатилетней Кристабель другие планы. Вместе с братом, сестрой и несколькими домочадцами она организует театр в гигантском остове кита. Там она может скрыться от никчемных приемных родителей и их бестолковых воспитательных затей.

Но Кристабель даже не подозревает, какую роль сыграет в ее жизни этот детский импровизированный театр, когда через десять лет она и ее младший брат окажутся в самом сердце оккупированной нацистами Франции в качестве тайных агентов британской короны.
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