Вручение 2 августа 2018 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Касл-Ховард, Северный Йоркшир Дата проведения: 2 августа 2018 г.

Премия Уэйнрайта

Адам Николсон 0.0
Life itself could never have been sustainable without seabirds. As Adam Nicolson writes: "They are bringers of fertility, the deliverers of life from ocean to land."

A global tragedy is unfolding. Even as we are coming to understand them, the number of seabirds on our planet is in freefall, dropping by nearly 70% in the last sixty years, a billion fewer now than there were in 1950. Of the ten birds in this book, seven are in decline, at least in part of their range. Extinction stalks the ocean and there is a danger that the grand cry of the seabird colony, rolling around the bays and headlands of high latitudes, will this century become little but a memory.

Seabirds have always entranced the human imagination and NYT best-selling author Adam Nicolson has been in love with them all his life: for their mastery of wind and ocean, their aerial beauty and the unmatched wildness of the coasts and islands where every summer they return to breed. The seabird's cry comes from an elemental layer in the story of the world.

Over the last couple of decades, modern science has begun to understand their epic voyages, their astonishing abilities to navigate for tens of thousands of miles on featureless seas, their ability to smell their way towards fish and home. Only the poets in the past would have thought of seabirds as creatures riding the ripples and currents of the entire planet, but that is what the scientists are seeing now today.
Рейнор Винн 4.1
Предательство, потеря родного дома, известие о смертельной болезни – все это обрушилось на 50-летних супругов из Великобритании разом, совершенно внезапно. Растерянные, отчаявшиеся, почти без денег, они принимают самое, казалось бы, безумное решение: отправиться в поход по юго-западной береговой тропе протяженностью 630 миль, знаменитой своей суровой красотой. В 2013-м году, с трудом закинув на плечи рюкзаки с самым необходимым, они тронулись в путь по захватывающим дух пейзажам, подвергаясь всем трудностям жизни в дикой природе, и меняясь с каждым шагом. В сентябре 2019 года книга стала первым бестселлером в Великобритании.
Нил Анселл 0.0
Neil Ansell's The Last Wilderness is a mesmerising book on nature and solitude by a writer who has spent his lifetime taking solitary ventures into the wild. For any readers of the author's previous book, Deep Country, Robert Macfarlane's The Old Ways or William Atkins The Moor.

The experience of being in nature alone is here set within the context of a series of walks that Neil Ansell takes into the most remote parts of Britain, the rough bounds in the Scottish Highlands. He illustrates the impact of being alone as part of nature, rather than outside it.

As a counterpoint, Neil Ansell also writes of the changes in the landscape, and how his hearing loss affects his relationship with nature as the calls of the birds he knows so well become silent to him.
Элис Фаулер 0.0
Leaving her garden to the mercy of the slugs, award-winning writer Alys Fowler set out in an inflatable kayak to explore Birmingham's canal network, full of little-used waterways where huge pike skulk and kingfishers dart.

Her book is about noticing the wild everywhere and what it means to see beauty where you least expect it. What happens when someone who has learned to observe her external world in such detail decides to examine her internal world with the same care?

Beautifully written, honest and very moving, Hidden Nature is also the story of Alys Fowler's emotional journey: above all, this book is about losing and finding, exploring familiar places and discovering unknown horizons.
Джон Гриндрод 0.0
Blending original social history, stunning nature writing and poignant family memoir, Outskirts is the first book to tell the story of Britain's green belts. It charts their genesis, which grew from romantic Victorian notions of the countryside and our past, but evolved into something more complex and divisive, and would become a key part of the landscape and psyche of post-war Britain. Outskirts is at once a witty and deeply affecting memoir and a fascinating exploration of a defining, but poorly understood, facet of our national story.
Джон Листер-Кей 0.0
John Lister-Kaye has spent a lifetime exploring, protecting and celebrating the British landscape and its creatures. His memoir The Dun Cow Rib is the story of a boy's awakening to the wonders of the natural world. Lister-Kaye's joyous childhood holidays - spent scrambling through hedges and ditches after birds and small beasts, keeping pigeons in the loft and tracking foxes around the edge of the garden - were the perfect apprenticeship for his two lifelong passions: exploring the wonders of nature, and writing about them. Threaded through his adventures - from moving to the Scottish Highlands to work with Gavin Maxwell, to founding the famous Aigas Field Centre - is an elegy to his remarkable mother, and a wise and affectionate celebration of Britain's natural landscape.
Robert Macfarlane 5.0
From Acorn to Weasel: a gorgeous, hand-illustrated, large-format spellbook celebrating the magic and wonder of the natural world

All over the country, there are words disappearing from children's lives. Words like Dandelion, Otter, Bramble, Acorn and Lark represent the natural world of childhood, a rich landscape of discovery and imagination that is fading from children's minds.

The Lost Words stands against the disappearance of wild childhood. It is a joyful celebration of the poetry of nature words and the living glory of our distinctive, British countryside. With acrostic spell-poems by peerless wordsmith Robert Macfarlane and hand-painted illustrations by Jackie Morris, this enchanting book captures the irreplaceable magic of language and nature for all ages.