Jennifer A. Nielsen5.0 From New York Times bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen comes a stunning thriller about a girl who must escape to freedom after the Berlin Wall divides her family between east and west.
With the rise of the Berlin Wall, twelve-year-old Gerta finds her family divided overnight. She, her mother, and her brother Fritz live on the eastern side, controlled by the Soviets. Her father and middle brother, who had gone west in search of work, cannot return home. Gerta knows it is dangerous to watch the wall, to think forbidden thoughts of freedom, yet she can't help herself. She sees the East German soldiers with their guns trained on their own citizens; she, her family, her neighbors and friends are prisoners in their own city.
But one day, while on her way to school, Gerta spots her father on a viewing platform on the western side, pantomiming a peculiar dance. Then, when she receives a mysterious drawing, Gerta puts two and two together and concludes that her father wants Gerta and Fritz to tunnel beneath the wall, out of East Berlin. However, if they are caught, the consequences will be deadly. No one can be trusted. Will Gerta and her family find their way to freedom?
Школа и новые друзья — это всегда непросто. Еще сложнее в школе, когда тебе приходится носить гигантский слуховой аппарат. Чтобы это пережить, требуется настоящая суперсила.
«Супергерои, возможно, очень крутые — но они другие, они отличаются ото всех. А когда ты другой, ты одинок». Как Бэтмен после подвигов возвращается в свою «бэтпещеру», Сиси чувствует, что живет в «сфере одиночества». Но в конце концов она приходит к другой мысли: «Наши отличия — это и есть наши суперспособности».
В этом смешном и трогательном графическом романе автор и иллюстратор Сиси Белл рассказывает свою непростую историю взросления — от потери слуха, первого слухового аппарата и первого похода в спецшколу до обретения настоящих друзей и первой любви.
Less than 48 hours after twelve-year-old Chris casts off on a trip to sail down the Alaskan coast with his uncle, their boat sinks. The only survivors are Chris and a boy named Frank, who hates Chris immediately. Chris and Frank have no radio, no flares, no food. Suddenly, they've got to find a way to forage, fish and scavenge supplies from the shore. Chris likes the company of a curious friendly raven more than he likes the prickly Frank. But the boys have to get along if they want to survive.
Because as the days get colder, and the salmon migration ends, survival will take more than sheer force of will. There in the wilderness of Kodiak, they discover a bond they didn't expect, and through it, the compassion and teamwork that might truly be the path to rescue.
Туи Т. Сазерленд, Кари Сазерленд4.4 В городке Занаду вдали от чужих глаз скрывается таинственный Зверинец, где живут всевозможные мифические создания: единороги, драконы, фениксы. Мало кто знает об этом месте — и никто посторонний не должен о нем узнать. Логан Уайлд находит у себя под кроватью самого настоящего грифона и открывает загадочный и опасный мир Зверинца, а заодно знакомится с самой странной девочкой в седьмом классе — Зои Кан. Зои в панике. Ее семья много веков сторожила и оберегала Зверинец, но случилось страшное — маленькие грифонята пропали без вести, и, если как можно скорее их не найти, Зверинец могут закрыть. Чтобы спасти детенышей, Зои готова нарушить любые правила — даже обратиться за помощью к чужаку вроде Логана. Но главная загадка в другом: неужели кто-то хочет погубить Зверинец? Кто именно выпустил грифонят на волю? И зачем?
Али Бенджамин4.5 Взрослые говорят, что иногда страшное случается без всякой причины. Но двенадцатилетняя Сузи не верит, что её лучшая подруга могла просто утонуть, ведь она так хорошо плавала! Нет, её наверняка погубила редкая и опасная медуза. Шаг за шагом, как настоящий исследователь, Сузи ищет подтверждение своей гипотезы, а заодно постигает жизнь, смерть, чудеса Вселенной… Она взрослеет.
Roland Smith0.0 What waits Beneath? Pat O'Toole has always idolized his older brother, Coop. He's even helped Coop with some of his crazier plans -- such as risking his life to help his big brother dig a tunnel underneath their neighborhood in the suburbs of Washington, DC. Coop is . . . different. He doesn't talk on the phone, doesn't use email, and doesn't have friends. He's never really cared for anything but the thrill of being underground and Pat. So it's no surprise to anyone -- even Pat -- that after a huge fight with their parents, Coop runs away. Exactly one year later, Pat receives a package containing a digital voice recorder and a cryptic message from his brother. He follows the clues to New York City, and soon discovers that Coop has joined the Community, a self-sufficient society living beneath the streets. Now it's up to Pat to find his brother -- and bring him home.
Мэрилин Хилтон0.0 It's 1969, and the Apollo 11 mission is getting ready to go to the moon. But for half-black, half-Japanese Mimi, moving to a predominantly white Vermont town is enough to make her feel alien. Suddenly, Mimi's appearance is all anyone notices. She struggles to fit in with her classmates, even as she fights for her right to stand out by entering science competitions and joining shop class instead of home ec. And even though teachers and neighbors balk at her "unconventional" family and her refusals to conform, Mimi's dreams of becoming an astronaut never fade--no matter how many times she's told no. This historical middle grade novel is told in poems from Mimi's perspective over the course of one year in her new town, and shows readers that positive change can start with just one person speaking up.
Гордон Корман0.0 The first book in the action-packed trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Gordon Korman is perfect for fans of Stranger Things and James Patterson.
Eli Frieden has never left Serenity, New Mexico...why would he ever want to? Then one day, he bikes to the edge of the city limits and something so crazy and unexpected happens, it changes everything.
Eli convinces his friends to help him investigate further, and soon it becomes clear that nothing is as it seems in Serenity. The clues mount to reveal a shocking discovery, connecting their ideal crime-free community to some of the greatest criminal masterminds ever known.
The kids realize they can trust no one—least of all their own parents.
Джоан Бауэр0.0 Newbery Honor–winner Joan Bauer's newest protagonist always sees the positive side of any situation—and readers will cheer him on!
Jeremiah is the world’s biggest baseball fan. He really loves baseball and he knows just about everything there is to know about his favorite sport. So when he’s told he can’t play baseball following an operation on his heart, Jeremiah decides he’ll do the next best thing and become a coach.
Hillcrest, where Jeremiah and his father Walt have just moved, is a town known for its championship baseball team. But Jeremiah finds the town caught up in a scandal and about ready to give up on baseball. It’s up to Jeremiah and his can-do spirit to get the town – and the team – back in the game.
Full of humor, heart, and baseball lore, Soar is Joan Bauer at her best.
Спенсер Куинн0.0 There is trouble brewing in the Louisiana swamp -- Bowser can smell it. Bowser is a very handsome and only slightly slobbery dog, and he can smell lots of things. Like bacon. And rawhide chews! And the sweat on humans when they're lying.
Birdie Gaux, the girl Bowser lives with, also knows something is wrong. It's not just that her grammy's stuffed prize marlin has been stolen. It's the weird rumor that the marlin is linked to a missing treasure. It's the truck that seems to be following Birdie and the bad feeling on the back of her neck.
When Birdie and Bowser start digging into the mystery, not even Bowser's powerful sniffer can smell just how menacing the threat is. And when the danger comes straight for Birdie, Bowser knows it is up to him to sic 'em.
Второе место.