Вручение 29 мая 2019 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 29 мая 2019 г.

Премия Кристофера Блэнда

Рейнор Винн 4.1
Предательство, потеря родного дома, известие о смертельной болезни – все это обрушилось на 50-летних супругов из Великобритании разом, совершенно внезапно. Растерянные, отчаявшиеся, почти без денег, они принимают самое, казалось бы, безумное решение: отправиться в поход по юго-западной береговой тропе протяженностью 630 миль, знаменитой своей суровой красотой. В 2013-м году, с трудом закинув на плечи рюкзаки с самым необходимым, они тронулись в путь по захватывающим дух пейзажам, подвергаясь всем трудностям жизни в дикой природе, и меняясь с каждым шагом. В сентябре 2019 года книга стала первым бестселлером в Великобритании.
Э. Дж. Пирс 3.7
Лондон, 1941 год. Город атакуют бомбы Люфтваффе, а амбициозная Эммелина Лейк мечтает стать военным корреспондентом. Объявление в газете приводит ее в редакцию журнала - мечта осуществилась! Но вместо написания обзоров ждет... работа наборщицей у грозной миссис Берд, автора полуживой колонки ""Генриетта поможет"". Многие письма читательниц остаются без ответа, ведь у миссис Берд свой список ""неприемлемых"" тем. Эммелина решает, что обязана помочь, особенно в такое тяжелое время. И тайком начинает писать ответы девушкам - в конце концов, какой от этого может быть вред? Трагикомический роман о девушке, воплотившей свою мечту, несмотря на ужасы военного времени. Лондон, 1941 год. Эммелина Лейк грезит стать военкором, но вынуждена работать наборщицей у сварливой миссис Берд. Втайне от начальницы девушка начинает отвечать на письма, оставленные миссис Берд без ответа. Разве может быть от этого вред?
Thomas Bourke 0.0
Kenji Tanabe finds maps easier to read than people. At the elite Tokyo gallery where he works, he sells antique maps by selling the stories that he sees within their traces: their contribution to progress, their dramatic illustrations, their exquisite compasses. But no compass or cartography can guide him through the events that will follow the sudden and unexpected offer of a job in America.

There, Theodora Appel runs a company that is more like a family. Brilliantly successful, beguilingly secretive, she gradually initiates Kenji into her rarefied world. Only someone like him - quiet, intensely committed and discreet - could be allowed to see beneath the surface to what his employer is hiding. Theodora has never recovered from the death of her lover, and her obsession to reclaim the past threatens them all.

Moving across countries and cultures, The Consolation of Maps charts an attempt to understand the tide of history, the geography of people and the boundless territory of loss.
Barbara Jenkins 0.0
Indira Gabriel, recently abandoned by her lover, Solomon, embarks on a project to reinvigorate a dilapidated bar into something special. In this warm, funny, sexy, and bittersweet novel, Barbara Jenkins draws together a richly-drawn cast of characters, like a Trinidadian Cheers. Meet Bostic, Solomon’s boyhood friend, who is determined to keep the bar as a shrine; I Cynthia, the tale-telling Belmont maco; KarlLee, the painter with a very complicated love-life; fatherless Jah-Son; and Fritzie, single mum and Indira’s loyal right-hand woman.

At the book’s center is the unforgettable Indira, with her ebullience and sadness, her sharpness and honesty, obsession with the daily horoscope and addiction to increasingly absurd self-help books. In this warm, funny, sexy, and bittersweet novel, Barbara Jenkins hears, like Sam Selvon, the melancholy behind “the kiff-kiff laughter,” as darkness from Indira’s past threatens her drive to make a new beginning.
Roland Philipps 0.0
Donald Maclean was one of the most treacherous spies of the Cold War era, a member of the infamous “Cambridge Five” spy ring, yet the extent of this shrewd, secretive man’s betrayal has never fully been explored. Drawing on formerly classified files, A Spy Named Orphan documents the extraordinary story of a model diplomat leading a chilling double-life until his exposure and defection to the USSR.

Philipps describes a man prone to alcoholic rages, who rose through the ranks of the British Foreign Office while secretly transmitting through his Soviet handlers reams of diplomatic and military intelligence on the atom bomb and the shape of the postwar world. A mesmerizing tale of blind faith and fierce loyalty alongside dangerous duplicity and human vulnerability, Philipps’s narrative will stand as the definitive account of the man codenamed “Orphan.”
Алекс Риви 4.0
Everyone has a secret... Only some lead to murder.

Leo Stanhope. Assistant to a London coroner; in love with Maria; and hiding a very big secret.

For Leo was born Charlotte, but knowing he was meant to be a man – despite the evidence of his body – he fled his family home at just fifteen, and has been living as Leo ever since: his original identity known only to a few trusted people.

But then Maria is found dead and Leo is accused of her murder. Desperate to find her killer and under suspicion from all those around him, he stands to lose not just the woman he loves, but his freedom and, ultimately, his life.

A wonderfully atmospheric debut, rich in character and setting, in The House on Half Moon Street Alex Reeve has created a world that crime readers will want to return to again and again.