Макс Брэнд

Frederick Schiller Faust

  • 102 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 54 читателя
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Макс Брэнд — об авторе

  • Родился: 29 мая 1892 г. , Сиэттл, штат Вашингтон, США
  • Умер: 12 мая 1944 г.

Биография — Макс Брэнд

Макс Брэнд (29 мая 1892 — 12 мая 1944), настоящее имя Фредерик Шиллер Фауст — американский писатель, считающийся одним из лучших авторов, работавших в жанре вестерн. Всего им написано около 500 произведений, из них 300 — в данном жанре. Всего существует около 50 фильмов по книгам писателя.

Frederick Schiller Faust was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. His other pseudonyms include George Owen Baxter, Evan Evans, George Evans, David Manning, John Frederick, Peter Morland, George Challis, and Frederick Frost.
Faust was born in Seattle to Gilbert Leander Faust and Louisa Elizabeth (Uriel) Faust, both of whom died when Faust was still a boy. He grew up in central California, and later worked as a cowhand on one of the many ranches of the San Joaquin Valley. Faust attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he began to write for student publications, poetry magazines, and newspapers. Failing to graduate, Faust joined the Canadian Army in 1915, but deserted the next year and moved to New York City.
During the 1910s, Faust sold stories to the pulp magazines of Frank Munsey, including All-Story Weekly and Argosy Magazine. When the United States entered World War I in 1917, Faust tried to enlist but was rejected. He married Dorothy Schillig in 1917, and the couple had three children.
In the 1920s, Faust wrote extensively for pulp magazines, especially Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine, a weekly for which he would write over a million words a year under various pen names, often seeing two serials and a short novel published in a single issue. In 1921, he suffered a severe heart attack, and for the rest of his life suffered from chronic heart disease.
His love for mythology was a constant source of inspiration for his fiction, and it has been speculated that these classical influences accounted in some part for his success as a popular writer. Many of his stories would later inspire films. He created the Western character Destry, featured in several cinematic versions of Destry Rides Again, and his character Dr. Kildare was adapted to motion pictures, radio, television, and comic books.
In 1934 Faust began to write for upscale, slick magazines, often writing from a villa in Italy. In 1938, due to political events in Europe, he returned with his family to the United States and settled in Hollywood where he worked as a screenwriter for a number of film studios. At one point, Warner Brothers paid him $3,000 a week (a year’s salary for an average worker at the time), and he made a fortune from MGM’s Dr. Kildare adaptions. Faust became one of the highest paid writers of his day. Ironically, Faust disparaged his commercial success and used his real name only for the poetry that he regarded as his literary calling.
When World War II began, Faust insisted on doing his part, and despite being well into middle age and having a heart condition, managed to become a front line war correspondent. Soldiers with whom he served reportedly enjoyed having this popular author among them. While traveling with American soldiers fighting in Italy in 1944, Faust was mortally wounded by shrapnel. He was personally commended for bravery by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Historian Arthur Herman recommends his book Fighter Squadron at Guadalcanal with enthusiasm (New York Post, June 2, 2012).
Faust rivalled Edgar Wallace and Isaac Asimov as one of the most prolific authors of all time. He wrote more than 500 novels for magazines and almost as many shorter stories. His total literary output is estimated to have been between 25,000,000 and 30,000,000 words. Most of his books and stories were produced at a breakneck pace, which sometimes amounted to 12,000 words in one weekend. New books based on magazine serials or previously unpublished works authored by him continue to appear, so that Faust has averaged a new book every four months for seventy-five years. Moreover, some work by him is reprinted every week each year, in one format or another, somewhere in the world.

КнигиСмотреть 102


Написал более 500 романов для журналов. Вот только некоторые из них:
1970 TROUBLE KID {abridged} Dodd, Mead Brand
[compilation of “Chip and the Cactus Man” by Max Brand in Western Story Magazine (1/10/31)
and “Chip Traps a Sheriff” by Max Brand in Western Story Magazine (1/31/31)]
1971 AMBUSH AT TORTURE CANYON {abridged} Dodd, Mead Brand
[compilation of “Spot Lester” by Max Brand in Western Story Magazine (10/17/31), “Nine
Lives” by Max Brand in Western Story Magazine (10/31/31), and “Torture Canyon” by Max
Brand in Western Story Magazine (11/14/31)]
[magazine serial version: “The Luck of the Spindrift” by Max Brand (in four…

РецензииСмотреть 3



по личным впечатлениям

5 февраля 2022 г. 14:57


3.5 Каину каиново!

Коротенький рассказ в стиле вестерн. В адскую жару бандит, скрываясь от погони шерифа, должен пересечь пустыню. Его путь лежит через владения его старого друга, одноногого Тони. Тони оказывает теплый прием Дуранте, но у того свои планы. Чтобы оторваться от погони он предает своего приятеля и лишает его запасов воды, чтобы шериф и преследователи не смогли последовать за ним в пустыню. Рассказ конечно на любителя, но в своем жанре довольно яркий, прямо ожила картинка из старых фильмов. Ну и финал мне понравился, хотя он был довольно ожидаем.



There’s so much to read that one life isn’t enough

8 февраля 2023 г. 12:27



Я люблю фильмы в жанре "вестерн", а вот с произведениями писателей в данном жанре встречаюсь наверное впервые. Макс Брэнд известный писатель в этом жанре, даже можно сказать классик. "Вино среди пустыни" я слушала и озвучка была настолько хорошая, плюс были музыкальные вставки, которые создавали определенное настроение рассказа, что мне казалось будто я смотрю фильм. Все происходящее на страницах оживало. В аннотации сказано достаточно о том, чтобы у читателя появился интерес, но без спойлеров, так как главный сюжетный ход заставляет содрогнуться от ужаса при чтении. Сначала рассказ показался немного затянутым и я даже подумала, что слушаю не его. Однако после половины действие принимает непредвиденный оборот и становится по-настоящему интересно. Это именно то произведение, где если…

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