Росс Кинг

Ross King

  • 24 книги
  • 14 подписчиков
  • 380 читателей
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Росс Кинг — новинки

  • Чарующее безумие. Клод Моне и водяные лилии Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-23416-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Азбука
    К 1914 году шумные баталии, ознаменовавшие появление на свет мятежной группы художников-импрессионистов, давно стали историей, а молодые бунтари, их спровоцировавшие, — те из них, кто еще не покинул этот мир, — превратились в седобородых патриархов французской живописи. Клод Моне, которому исполнилось 73 года, обосновался в Живерни, где обустроил свой персональный райский сад с рукотворными прудами и селекционными лилиями. Французские газеты информировали читателей, что прославленный мастер удалился на покой. И всё же газеты поторопились списывать Моне со счетов. Вопреки личным и мировым катаклизмам, вопреки нездоровью, неуверенности в своих силах и солидному возрасту художник приступил к воплощению самого масштабного художественного проекта за всю свою артистическую карьеру — грандиозного цикла пейзажей с водяными лилиями.
  • Леонардо да Винчи и "Тайная вечеря" Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-22772-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    В 1495 году Леонардо да Винчи приступил к работе над «Тайной вечерей» — стенной росписью, которой суждено было стать одним из самых знаменитых и влиятельных произведений в истории мирового искусства. После десяти лет службы при дворе миланского герцога Лодовико Сфорца дела Леонардо обстояли плачевно: в свои 43 года он так и не успел еще создать чего-либо по-настоящему достойного его блестящего дарования. Заказ на стенную роспись в трапезной доминиканского монастыря был небольшим утешением, да и шансы художника на успех — призрачными. Никогда еще Леонардо не доводилось работать над столь монументальным живописным произведением, не было у него и опыта работы в чрезвычайно сложной технике фрески. На фоне войны, политических интриг и религиозных потрясений, страдая от ненадежности собственного положения и мучительно переживая прошлые неудачи, Леонардо создал шедевр, который прославил его имя в веках. Развенчивая множество мифов, окутывающих «Тайную вечерю» едва ли не с момента создания, Росс Кинг доказывает, что истинная история прославленного творения Леонардо да Винчи увлекательнее любого из них.
  • The Bookseller of Florence Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 9781784709372
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    The Renaissance in Florence conjures images of beautiful frescoes and elegant buildings - the dazzling handiwork of the city's artists and architects. But equally important were geniuses of another kind: Florence's manuscript hunters, scribes, scholars and booksellers. At a time where all books were made by hand, these people helped imagine a new and enlightened world.
    At the heart of this activity was a remarkable bookseller: Vespasiano da Bisticci. His books were works of art in their own right, copied by talented scribes and illuminated by the finest miniaturists. With a client list that included popes and royalty, Vespasiano became the 'king of the world's booksellers'. But by 1480 a new invention had appeared: the printed book, and Europe's most prolific merchant of knowledge faced a formidable new challenge.
  • Книготорговец из Флоренции Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-20791-2
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Флоренция эпохи Возрождения. Эти слова приводят на память образы прекрасных творений искусных художников и архитекторов. Но не менее значимыми были свершения творцов в иной области: флорентийских охотников за рукописями, писцов, ученых и книготорговцев, которые смахнули пыль веков с античного знания, открывая и распространяя которое, они творили новый просвещенный мир. Именно в этой сфере достиг грандиозного успеха Веспасиано да Бистиччи — «король книготорговцев», которому посвящена новая захватывающая книга Росса Кинга, автора бестселлеров «Леонардо да Винчи и Тайная вечеря», «Микеланджело и Сикстинская капелла» и многих…

  • The Bookseller of Florence Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 9780802158536
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский
    The Renaissance in Florence conjures images of beautiful frescoes and elegant buildings—the dazzling handiwork of the city’s skilled artists and architects. But equally important for the centuries to follow were geniuses of a different sort: Florence’s manuscript hunters, scribes, scholars, and booksellers, who blew the dust off a thousand years of history and, through the discovery and diffusion of ancient knowledge, imagined a new and enlightened world. At the heart of this activity, which bestselling author Ross King relates in his exhilarating new book, was a remarkable man: Vespasiano da Bisticci. Born in 1422, he became what a friend called “the king of the world’s booksellers.” At a time when all books were made by hand, over four decades Vespasiano produced and sold many hundreds of volumes from his bookshop, which also became a gathering spot for debate and discussion. Besides repositories of ancient wisdom by the likes of Plato, Aristotle, and Quintilian, his books were works of art in their own right, copied by talented scribes and illuminated by the finest miniaturists. His clients included a roll-call of popes, kings, and princes across Europe who wished to burnish their reputations by founding magnificent libraries. Vespasiano reached the summit of his powers as Europe’s most prolific merchant of knowledge when a new invention appeared: the printed book. By 1480, the king of the world’s booksellers was swept away by this epic technological disruption, whereby cheaply produced books reached readers who never could have afforded one of Vespasiano’s elegant manuscripts. A thrilling chronicle of intellectual ferment set against the dramatic political and religious turmoil of the era, Ross King’s brilliant The Bookseller of Florence is also an ode to books and bookmaking that charts the world-changing shift from script to print through the life of an extraordinary man long lost to history—one of the true titans of the Renaissance.
  • Микеланджело и Сикстинская капелла Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-11618-4
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Росс Кинг – автор бестселлеров «Леонардо да Винчи и “Тайная вечеря”», «Чарующее безумие. Клод Моне и водяные лилии». Его очередная книга – увлекательный рассказ о том, как создавалась роспись потолка Сикстинской капеллы, основанный на исторических документах и последних исследованиях историков и искусствоведов. Это история титанического труда на фоне мучительной творческой неудовлетворенности, бесчисленных житейских тягот, тревожных политических коллизий, противостояния с блестяще одаренным молодым соперником – Рафаэлем из Урбино и влиятельным архитектором Браманте, а также напряженных отношений с властительным заказчиком. Созданной вопреки…

  • Чарующее безумие. Клод Моне и водяные лилии Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-11575-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    К 1914 году шумные баталии, ознаменовавшие появление на свет мятежной группы художников-импрессионистов, давно стали историей, а молодые бунтари их спровоцировавшие – те из них, кто еще не покинул этот мир – превратились в седобородых патриархов французской живописи. Клод Моне, которому исполнилось 73 года, обосновался в Живерни, где обустроил свой персональный райский сад с рукотворными прудами и селекционными лилиями. Французские газеты информировали читателей, что прославленный мастер удалился на покой. И все же, газеты поторопились списывать Моне со счетов. Вопреки личным и мировым катаклизмам, вопреки нездоровью, неуверенности в…

  • Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 1632860120, 9781632860125
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Bloomsbury USA
    Язык: Английский
    Claude Monet is perhaps the world's most beloved artist, and among all his creations, the paintings of the water lilies in his garden at Giverny are most famous. Seeing them in museums around the world, viewers are transported by the power of Monet's brush into a peaceful world of harmonious nature. Monet himself intended them to provide “an asylum of peaceful meditation.” Yet, as Ross King reveals in his magisterial chronicle of both artist and masterpiece, these beautiful canvases belie the intense frustration Monet experienced at the difficulties of capturing the fugitive effects of light, water, and color. They also reflect the terrible personal torments Monet suffered in the last dozen years of his life.

    Mad Enchantment tells the full story behind the creation of the Water Lilies, as the horrors of World War I came ever closer to Paris and Giverny, and a new generation of younger artists, led by Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, were challenging the achievements of Impressionism. By early 1914, French newspapers were reporting that Monet, by then 73 and one of the world's wealthiest, most celebrated painters, had retired his brushes. He had lost his beloved wife, Alice, and his eldest son, Jean. His famously acute vision--what Paul Cezanne called "the most prodigious eye in the history of painting"--was threatened by cataracts. And yet, despite ill health, self-doubt, and advancing age, Monet began painting again on a more ambitious scale than ever before. Linking great artistic achievement to the personal and historical dramas unfolding around it, Ross King presents the most intimate and revealing portrait of an iconic figure in world culture--from his lavish lifestyle and tempestuous personality to his close friendship with the fiery war leader Georges Clemenceau, who regarded the Water Lilies as one of the highest expressions of the human spirit.
  • Леонардо да Винчи и «Тайная вечеря» Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-10551-5
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    В 1495 году Леонардо да Винчи приступил к работе над «Тайной вечерей» – стенной росписью, которой суждено было стать одним из самых знаменитых и влиятельных произведений в истории мирового искусства. После десяти лет службы при дворе миланского герцога Лодовико Сфорца, дела Леонардо обстояли плачевно: в свои 43 года он так и не успел еще создать чего-либо по-настоящему достойного его блестящего дарования. Заказ на стенную роспись в трапезной доминиканского монастыря был небольшим утешением, да и шансы художника на успех – призрачными. Никогда еще Леонардо не доводилось работать над столь монументальным живописным произведением, не было у…

  • Florence: The Paintings & Frescoes: 1250-1743 Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-1-63191-001-2
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    This is the most comprehensive book on the paintings and frescoes of Florence ever undertaken, with nearly 2,000 beautifully reproduced artworks from the city's great museums and churches-produced in the same manner as BD&L's The Louvre and The Vatican. <BR> Every painted work that is on display in the Uffizi Gallery, The Pitti Palace, the Accademia, and the Duomo is included in the book, plus many or most of the works from 28 of the city's other magnificent museums and churches. The research and text are by Ross King (best-selling author), Anja Grebe (author or The Louvre and The Vatican), Cristina Acidini (former Superintendent of the public museums of Florence) and Msgr. Timothy Verdon (Director of the artworks for the Archdiocese of Florence).
  • Leonardo and the Last Supper Ross King
    ISBN: 978-1-4088-3118-2
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
    Язык: Английский
    For more than five centuries The Last Supper has been an artistic, religious and cultural icon. The art historian Kenneth Clark called it "the keystone of European art", and for a century after its creation it was regarded as nothing less than a miraculous image. And yet there is a very human story behind this artistic "miracle". Ross King's Leonardo and the Last Supper is both a "biography" of one of the most famous works of art ever painted and a record of Leonardo da Vinci's last five years in Milan.
  • Leonardo and the Last Supper Ross King
    ISBN: 978-1-4088-3210-3
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Язык: Английский
    Early in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci began work in Milan on what would become one of history's most influential and beloved works of art - "The Last Supper". After a dozen years at the court of Lodovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan, Leonardo was at a low point personally and professionally: at forty-three, in an era when he had almost reached the average life expectancy, he had failed, despite a number of prestigious commissions, to complete anything that truly fulfilled his astonishing promise. His latest failure was a giant bronze horse to honor Sforza's father: His 75 tons of bronze had been expropriated to be turned into cannons to help repel a French invasion of Italy. The commission to paint The Last Supper in the refectory of a Dominican convent was a small compensation, and his odds of completing it were not promising: Not only had he never worked on a painting of such a large size-15' high x 30' wide-but he had no experience in the extremely difficult medium of fresco. In his compelling new book, Ross King explores how-amid war and the political and religious turmoil around him, and beset by his own insecurities and frustrations-Leonardo created the masterpiece that would forever define him. King unveils dozens of stories that are embedded in the painting. Examining who served as the models for the Apostles, he makes a unique claim: that Leonardo modeled two of them on himself. Reviewing Leonardo's religious beliefs, King paints a much more complex picture than the received wisdom that he was a heretic. The food that Leonardo, a famous vegetarian, placed on the table reveals as much as do the numerous hand gestures of those at Christ's banquet. As King explains, many of the myths that have grown up around "The Last Supper" are wrong, but its true story is ever more interesting. Bringing to life a fascinating period in European history, Ross King presents an original portrait of one of the world's greatest geniuses through the lens of his most famous work.
  • Defiant Spirits: The Modernist Revolution of the Group of Seven Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 1553653629, 9781553653622
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Douglas McIntyre
    Язык: Английский
    Beginning in 1912, Defiant Spirits traces the artistic development of Tom Thomson and the future members of the Group of Seven, Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A. Y. Jackson, Franz Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J. E. H. MacDonald, and Frederick Varley, over a dozen years in Canadian history. Working in an eclectic and sometimes controversial blend of modernist styles, they produced what an English critic celebrated in the 1920s as the "most vital group of paintings" of the 20th century.
    A Governor General's Award-winning author, Ross King, recounts the turbulent years during which a group of young Canadian painters went from obscurity to international renown. Sumptuously illustrated, rigorously researched and drawn from archival documents and letters, Defiant Spirits constitutes a "group biography," reconstructing the men's aspirations, frustrations and achievements. It details not only the lives of Tom Thomson and the members of the Group of Seven but also the political and social history of Canada during a time when art exhibitions were venues for debates about Canadian national identity and cultural worth.
  • Michelangelo And The Pope's Ceiling Ross King
    ISBN: 9781844139323
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
  • Brunelleschi's Dome: The Story of the Great Cathedral in Florence Ross King
    ISBN: 9780099526780
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    -'Compelling... fascinating' Spectator

    'Abounding with excellent little stories' Financial Times

    This is the story of one of the most magnificent achievements of the Italian Renaissance, and the architect behind it.

    Even in an age of soaring skyscrapers and cavernous sports stadiums, the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence still retains a rare power to astonish. Yet the elegance of the building belies the tremendous labour, technical ingenuity and bitter personal strife involved in its creation. For over a century after work on the cathedral began, the proposed dome was regarded as all but impossible to build. The greatest architectural puzzle of its age, when finally completed it was hailed as one of the great wonders of the world.

    This book tells the extraordinary story of how the cupola was raised and of the dome's architect, the brilliant and volatile Filippo Brunelleschi. Denounced as a madman at the start of his labours, he was celebrated at their end as a great genius. His life was one of ambition, ingenuity, rivalry and intrigue - a human drama set against the plagues, wars, political feuds and intellectual ferments of Renaissance Florence, the glorious era for which the dome remains the most compelling symbol.

  • The Judgment of Paris: The Revolutionary Decade That Gave the World Impressionism Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 0802715168, 9780802715166
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Walker & Company
    Язык: Английский
    With a novelist's skill and the insight of an historian, bestselling author Ross King recalls a seminal period when Paris was the artistic center of the world, and the rivalry between Meissonier and Manet.

    While the Civil War raged in America, another revolution took shape across the Atlantic, in the studios of Paris: The artists who would make Impressionism the most popular art form in history were showing their first paintings amidst scorn and derision from the French artistic establishment. Indeed, no artistic movement has ever been quite so controversial. The drama of its birth, played out on canvas and against the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian War and the Commune, would at times resemble a battlefield; and as Ross King reveals, it would reorder both history and culture, and resonate around the world.
  • Домино Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 5-699-06616-0
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский
    Впервые на русском - роман-маскарад, роман-лабиринт, роман-матрешка; один из ярчайших дебютов в английской литературе последних лет. Ослепительной вереницей, растянувшейся на три эпохи, перед читателем проносятся в зажигательной пляске циничные шлюхи и наивные дебютанты, великосветские дамы и жертвы финансовых пирамид, модные живописцы, владеющие шпагой не менее искусно, чем кистью, и прославленные кастраты, чьей благосклонности наперебой добиваются европейские властители...
  • Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-0142003695,
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    In 1508, despite strong advice to the contrary, the powerful Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the newly restored Sistine Chapel. With little experience as a painter (though famed for his sculpture David), Michelangelo was reluctant to begin the massive project.

    Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling recounts the four extraordinary years Michelangelo spent laboring over the vast ceiling while the power politics and personal rivalries that abounded in Rome swirled around him. Battling against ill health, financial difficulties, domestic problems, the pope's impatience, and a bitter rivalry with the brilliant young painter Raphael, Michelangelo created scenes so beautiful that they are considered one of the greatest masterpieces of all time. A panorama of illustrious figures converged around the creation of this great work-from the great Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus to the young Martin Luther-and Ross King skillfully weaves them through his compelling historical narrative, offering uncommon insight into the intersection of art and history.
  • Экслибрис Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 5-699-04384-5
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    Лондон, 1660 год. Только-только, после `враждебных вихрей` революции, реставрирована монархия. Труп Кромвеля выкопан из могилы, повешен, а затем и обезглавлен. Исаак Инчболд, владелец букинистической лавки `Редкая Книга`, получает странный заказ: отыскать герметический трактат `Лабиринт мира`, который не вошел в корпус сочинений Гермеса Трисмегиста, переведенный Марсилио Фичино на латынь для флорентийского правителя Козимо де Медичи, и существует в единственном экземпляре. Букинистический поиск оборачивается детективным расследованием, распутыванием клубка интриг, ниточки которых ведут к штурму Праги войсками Католической лиги в 1620 году и…

  • Передающие линии, антенны и волноводы Росс Кинг
    ISBN: 978-5-4475-0246-1
    Год издания: 1948
    Издательство: Государственное энергетическое издательство
    Язык: Русский
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