Вручение 24 августа 1992 г.

Тема: «The J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference»
Почетные гости: 16 специальных гостей, среди которых были Кристфер, Джон и Присцилла Толкин.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Мифкон 23, Оксфорд, Англия, Keble College Дата проведения: 24 августа 1992 г.

Мифопоэтическая премия за произведение для взрослых

Eleanor Arnason 3.5
Lixia and the members of her human crew are determined not to disturb the life on the planet circling the Star Sigma Draconis which they have begun exploring. But the factions on the mother ship hovering above the planet may create an unintended chaos for both the life on the planet and the humans exploring it. As the anger increases on the ship, the ground crew becomes more and more affected by the conflict and begins to rely on their instincts to keep the project moving forward. Unexpected danger plagues the mission as Lixia is determined to expand her knowledge.
Памела Дин 3.5
Once upon a time fairy tales were written for young and old alike. It is only in the last century that they have been deemed fit only for children and stripped of much of their original complexity, sensuality, and power to frighten and delight.
"I forbid ye maidens all that wear gold in your hair to travel to Carterhaugh, for Young Tam Lin is there..." So begins the ancient Scottish folk song Tam Lin, and the fairy tale of the same name, a tale of seduction and mortal sacrifice about the headstrong young woman who defies this warning, and then must battle the Queen of Faery herself for possession of Tam Lin's body and soul. Pamela Dean has wrought a modern enchantment on this magical coming-of-age tale, setting it among the outlandish theater majors at a small Midwestern college.
Грир Гилман 0.0
Ariane came to visit Sylvie at midwinter, hoping to rekindle the old magic of their girlhood game: the Nine Worlds, a fantastical universe founded in a handful of marbles and a tarot of cards, whose myths and kingdoms the two friends had chronicled between them. But when Sylvie disappeared in a moonlit wood, Ariane followed her - not into the familiar ground of their fantasy, but into the thorns and winter of a Cloud they had never invented, a world where ballads were constellations and the moon hunted souls by night...
Patricia A. McKillip 0.0
Corleu was different from the typical dark-haired Wayfolk. His blond hair and his fascination with the legends and children's rhymes about the Cygnets, Gold King, Blind Lady, Dancer, and Warlock set him apart.

When Corleu and a band of Wayfolk become trapped in an endless swamp, he crosses a threshold (an unthinkable act for Wayfolk) seeking a means of escape. This impetuous act puts him on a collision course with the legends of his childhood. This is not a simple novel. The intricately woven plot laced with surrealist qualities will appeal to mature fantasy lovers.
Шери Теппер 3.0
On her sixteenth birthday, Beauty, daughter of Philip, Duke of Montfort, Westfaire and Ylles, sidesteps the sleeping curse placed upon her by her wicked aunt, the fairy Carabosse -- only to be kidnapped by voyeurs from another time and place, far from the picturesque castle in 14th century England. Captivating, uncompromising and unforgettable, Beauty will carve its own unique place in the hearts and minds of readers .

Мифопоэтическая премия за произведение для детей и подростков

Салман Рушди 3.9
«Гарун и Море Историй» — тонкая и умная вещь, вобравшая в себя пряный колорит «Тысячи и одной ночи», нежность «Маленького принца» и парадоксальный юмор «Алисы в стране чудес». Роман уже завоевал сердца больших и маленьких читателей по всему миру — за него автор получил награду американской Гильдии Писателей, а в Лондоне и Нью-Йорке с сенсационным успехом идут постановки театральной версии — «Гаруна…». Вы еще не летали с мудрым мальчиком Гаруном на незримую Луну, оседлав сказочную птицу? Спешите — миллионы читателей во всем мире уже совершили это захватывающее путешествие!
Диана Уинн Джонс 4.2
Жил да был в далекой южной стране юноша по имени Абдулла. Он торговал на базаре коврами, но больше всего на свете любил строить воздушные замки, грезить о чудесах и мечтать о женитьбе на прекрасной принцессе. Но не успел Абдулла и впрямь обзавестись волшебным ковром-самолетом и познакомиться с самой что ни на есть настоящей принцессой, как спокойная жизнь кончилась: прелестную Цветок-в-Ночи тут же похитил ужасный ифрит. И начались захватывающие приключения... Вскоре Абдулла волей-неволей выяснил, что воздушные замки бывают более чем реальны, а люди (и не только люди), которые встречаются тебе в странствиях, — вовсе и не те, кем кажутся на первый взгляд!
Bruce Coville 0.0
If Howard Morton and Freddie the Frog Killer were trying to hold you down so that Mary Lou Hutton could kiss you, you might run as fast as Jeremy Thatcher did the day he stumbled into Mr. Elives' Magic Shop. And if you stumbled into that strange shop, you, too, might be asked to make a choice. What would you buy? The Chinese rings? The Skull of Truth? Or the dragon's egg?

And if you did buy the dragon's egg, what would you do when you found out you were supposed to hatch it?
Уилл Шеттерли 5.0
Ron, a teenage runaway, comes of age among the punk elves and humans of Bordertown, a run-down city on the border between the real world and the magic world of Faerie.
Зильфа Катли Снайдер 0.0
A rich, complex novel of high adventure and political awakening. When his father, the court jester, is kidnapped in a plot against the king, Tymmon sets out into the world and is exposed to danger, the poverty and suffering caused by knightly greed, and to the wonders of cities.
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