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She felt their eyes, all those executioners...

Enter a world where, watched by millions, prisoners fight like gladiators for the ultimate prize: their freedom.

'You cannot applaud [this] novel…
Издательство: Harvill Secker

ISBN: 978-1787303942, 1787303942

Год издания: 2023

400 стр


"Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah sets his ferocious debut novel in one of the most inherently dystopian institutions ever conceived — the American penal system. With ruthless dexterity, he erases that comforting border between who we are and, if unchecked, what we might become. And the future is now ... Because Adjei-Brenyah skews so close to the atrocities we know, the implausible melts into the unnerving, yet possible ... With Chain Gang All-Stars he lets us think we're reading a satire, but soon reveals a mirror of our dystopian days that lie not too far away."


"It is a testament to Adjei-Brenyah's idiosyncratic talents as a satirist that this premise, which initially seems outlandish, feels disquietingly plausible by the novel's end ... Adjei-Brenyah introduces a wide cast of incarcerated fighters, each of whom—like professional wrestlers—has a signature style, moniker, catchphrase, and weapon. Although many characters appear only briefly—usually because they're killed shortly after being introduced—they tend to be memorable, and in their descriptions and voices, Adjei-Brenyah shows off his polyvocal skill."

Лауреат: 2024 г.Алекс
Номинант: 2023 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая научная фантастика)

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