
Лучший сборник
Hailey Piper 0.0
Love twisted into horrific shapes, nightmares driven by cruel music, and a world where what little light remains fractures the sky into midnight rainbows in eighteen stories tracing the dark veins of queer horror, isolation, and the monstrous feminine.

The universe unwinds to the tune of a malicious ice cream truck jingle in “We All Scream.” “The Law of Conservation of Death” dictates that a ghost pursue his prey across her every reincarnation. Superstitions thrive even in the distant future and across the stars when a colony shuttle mounts a witch trial in “Hairy Jack.” And try to “Forgive the Adoring Beast” as it scavenges a world of dead gods for tokens of bloody affection.

Including two new short stories and a never-before-published novelette, Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy digs deep inside and clings to the beating nightmare heart you always knew was there.
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Изабель Яп 0.0
“Am I dead?”

Mebuyen sighs. She was hoping the girl would not ask.

Spells and stories, urban legends and immigrant tales: the magic in Isabel Yap’s debut collection jumps right off the page, from the joy in her new novella, 'A Spell for Foolish Hearts' to the terrifying tension of the urban legend 'Have You Heard the One About Anamaria Marquez'.
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Zakiya Dalila Harris 3.0
Twenty-six-year-old editorial assistant Nella Rogers is tired of being the only Black employee at Wagner Books. Fed up with the isolation and microaggressions, she’s thrilled when Harlem-born and bred Hazel starts working in the cubicle beside hers. They’ve only just started comparing natural hair care regimens, though, when a string of uncomfortable events elevates Hazel to Office Darling, and Nella is left in the dust.

Then the notes begin to appear on Nella’s desk: LEAVE WAGNER. NOW.

It’s hard to believe Hazel is behind these hostile messages. But as Nella starts to spiral and obsess over the sinister forces at play, she soon realizes that there’s a lot more at stake than just her career.

A whip-smart and dynamic thriller and sly social commentary that is perfect for anyone who has ever felt manipulated, threatened, or overlooked in the workplace, The Other Black Girl will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last twist.
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Jessica McHugh 0.0
...the secret of dying arrived scrawny. it's growing stronger & fatter though & whispers, “go mad.”

Beyond ancient gates, among thorny overgrowth and carnivorous blooms, a raven called Death waits tirelessly for its chance to roost within us. Using scraps of love, remorse, anger, and pain, it weaves. With erasure, memory, and discovery, it binds. And from the garden of wounds that grows within our broken hearts, it builds Strange Nests.

In the follow-up to her Bram Stoker and Elgin Award nominated collection, A Complex Accident of Life, Jessica McHugh uses poetry, design, and illustration to unearth the horrific, consumptive, and transformative nature of grief from the pages of the Frances Hodgson Burnett classic, The Secret Garden.
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Рэйчел Харрисон 3.8
All her life, Annie has played it nice and safe. After being unceremoniously dumped by her longtime boyfriend, Annie seeks a fresh start. She accepts a teaching position that moves her from Manhattan to a small village upstate. She’s stunned by how perfect and picturesque the town is. The people are all friendly and warm. Her new apartment is dreamy too, minus the oddly persistent spider infestation.

Then Annie meets Sophie. Beautiful, charming, magnetic Sophie, who takes a special interest in Annie, who wants to be her friend. More importantly, she wants Annie to stop apologizing and start living for herself. That’s how Sophie lives. Annie can’t help but gravitate toward the self-possessed Sophie, wanting to spend more and more time with her, despite the fact that the rest of the townsfolk seem…a little afraid of her. And like, okay. There are some things. Sophie’s appearance is uncanny and ageless, her mansion in the middle of the woods feels a little unearthly, and she does seem to wield a certain power…but she couldn’t be…could she?
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В. Кастро 0.0
“Five of us sat in a circle doing our best to emulate the girls in The Craft, hoping to unleash some power to take us all away from our home to the place of our dreams. But we weren’t witches. We were five Chicanas living in San Antonio, Texas, one year out of high school.”

One hot summer night, best friends Lourdes, Fernanda, Ana, Perla, and Pauline hold a séance. It’s all fun and games at first, but their tipsy laughter turns to terror when the flames burn straight through their prayer candles and Fernanda starts crawling toward her friends and chanting in Nahuatl, the language of their Aztec ancestors.

Over the next few weeks, shy, modest Fernanda starts acting strangely—smearing herself in black makeup, shredding her hands on rose thorns, sucking sin out of the mouths of the guilty. The local priest is convinced it's a demon, but Lourdes begins to suspect it’s something else—something far more ancient and powerful.

As Father Moreno's obsession with Fernanda grows, Lourdes enlists the help of her “bruja Craft crew” and a professor, Dr. Camacho, to understand what is happening to her friend in this unholy tale of possession-gone-right.
Лучшая молодёжная литература
Jessica Lewis 0.0
Katrell doesn’t mind talking to the dead; she just wishes it made more money. Clients pay her to talk to their deceased loved ones, but it isn’t enough to support her unemployed mother and Mom’s deadbeat boyfriend-of-the-week. Things get worse, when a ghost warns her to stop the summonings or she’ll “burn everything down.” Katrell is willing to call them on their bluff, though. She has no choice. What do ghosts know about eating peanut butter for dinner?

However, when her next summoning accidentally raises someone from the dead, Katrell realizes that a live body is worth a lot more than a dead apparition. And, warning or not, she has no intention of letting this lucrative new business go.

But magic doesn’t come for free, and soon dark forces are closing in on Katrell. The further she goes, the more she risks the lives of not only herself, but those she loves. Katrell faces a choice: resign herself to poverty, or confront the darkness before it’s too late.
Лучшая книга для среднего школьн...
Лориэн Лоуренс 4.0
В дома через дорогу въехали новые соседи! Это пять прекрасных молодых дам. Все они работают вместе, в одной дизайнерской фирме. И все носят белое, только белое! А ещё от них веет холодом. И тени в их присутствии ведут себя странно… Куинн сразу поняла, что с этими дамами что-то не так. Она даже заключила пари с лучшим другом, когда тот ей не поверил. Но никто из ребят и представить не мог, кем на самом деле являются эти леди. И зачем они приехали в город...
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S.H. Cooper 0.0
A maiden looking for love in all the wrong places.

A mother in an endless search for missing children.

A crone whose passing is marked by the tinkling of tiny bells.

All That’s Fair is a collection of twenty-two short horror stories themed around women who are made up of anything but sugar, spice, and everything nice. Be they human, ghost, or something else entirely, one thing holds true for all: These are not the girls you’ll find (or want) next door.
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Алексис Хендерсон 3.7
17 лет назад
Глубокой темной ночью молодая женщина, отвергнутая всеми жителями своей деревни, умирает на кровавом ложе. На ее измученном лице играет полуулыбка, взгляд устремлен в омытый лунным светом лес. Последними словами девушки, что услышала повитуха после рождения ребенка несчастной, становятся: «Проклятие... маленькое проклятие, как она и говорила...» А затем тошнотворный булькающий смех разливается по всему дому, предвещая неминуемую катастрофу.

Наше время
Юная Иммануэль изо всех сил старается жить по законам Церкви и следовать Священному Писанию. Она не должна сомневаться в необходимости строгих правил — ведь именно здесь, на окраине Вефиля, первый Пророк победил могущественных ведьм и очистил землю от Зла. Случай заманивает Иммануэль в запретный лес, где она получает в дар дневник умершей матери и узнает правду о настоящей истории Церкви. Полная решимости, она начинает действовать, потому что реальную угрозу для Вефиля представляют не далекие злые силы, а те, что живут рядом каждый день.
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Jessica McHugh 0.0
"I am a vessel of dauntless courage and severe evil. My joy will endeavor, my rage possess."

Inspired by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Jessica McHugh's debut poetry collection, A Complex Accident of Life, combines visual art and text to create 52 pieces of Gothic blackout poetry exploring the intense passion, enigmatic nature, and transformative pleasure of life, viewed through the kaleidoscopic lens of a female horror artist.
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Агустина Бастеррика 3.7
Внезапное появление смертоносного вируса, поражающего животных, стремительно меняет облик мира. Все они — от домашних питомцев до диких зверей — подлежат немедленному уничтожению с целью нераспространения заразы. Употреблять их мясо в пищу категорически запрещено.

В этой чрезвычайной ситуации, грозящей массовым голодом, правительства разных стран приходят к радикальному решению: легализовать разведение, размножение, убой и переработку человеческой плоти. Узаконенный каннибализм разделяет общество на две группы: тех, кто ест, и тех, кого съедят.
Лучшая молодёжная литература
Лана Попович 4.0
In 17th century Hungary, Anna Darvulia has just begun working as a scullery maid for the young and glamorous Countess Elizabeth Báthory. When Elizabeth takes a liking to Anna, she’s vaulted to the dream role of chambermaid, a far cry from the filthy servants’ quarters below. She receives wages generous enough to provide for her family, and the Countess begins to groom Anna as her friend and confidante. It’s not long before Anna falls completely under the Countess’s spell—and the Countess takes full advantage. Isolated from her former friends, family, and fiancé, Anna realizes she’s not a friend but a prisoner of the increasingly cruel Elizabeth. Then come the murders, and Anna knows it’s only a matter of time before the Blood Countess turns on her, too.
Лучший графический роман
Кармен Мария Мачадо 3.2
From New York Times bestselling author Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body And Other Parties, In The Dream House) comes a story so horrifying you won't dare to forget!

There's something in the woods...

Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania, has been on fire for years. The woods are full of rabbits with human eyes, a deer woman who stalks hungry girls, and swaths of skinless men. And the people of Shudder-to-Think? Well, they're not doing so well either.

When El and Octavia wake up in a movie theater with no memory of the last few hours of their lives, the two teenage dirtbags embark on a horrifying journey to uncover the truth about the strange town that they call home.
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Дака Гермон 4.2
Мальчика не было дома целый год. Все думали, что он погиб. Но он вернулся. Но не хочет никого видеть, бормочет странное... А потом один за другим стали пропадать его друзья. Они оказываются в странном месте под названием Нигде. Там правит Водящий. Теперь они вынуждены играть в прятки по его жутким правилам. Единственный шанс вернуться домой — разрушить Нигде. Но Водящий невероятно силён и знает всё о страхах каждого. Значит, друзьям предстоит заставить древнего монстра играть по их правилам…

Зак вернулся спустя год после исчезновения. Никто не знает, что с ним произошло, но мальчик стал совершенно другим. Теперь он только бормочет странное и по ночам пытается сбежать из дома. И вот уже его друзья стали пропадать один за другим… Они оказываются в страшном мире под названием Нигде, где царят собственные правила. Миром управляет Водящий, который питается человеческими страхами. Смогут ли дети победить древнего монстра и вернуться домой?
Лучший сборник
Сонора Тейлор 0.0
Is it a knock on the door, or a gust of wind? A trick of the light, or someone who’ll see what you’ve done?

Little Paranoias features twenty tales of the little things that drive our deepest fears. It tells the stories of terror and sorrow, lust at the end of the world and death as an unwanted second chance. It dives into the darkest corners of the minds of men, women, and children. It wanders into the forest and touches every corner of the capital. Everyone has something to fear — but after all, it’s those little paranoias that drive our day-to-day.
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Caitlin Starling 3.2
A thrilling, atmospheric debut with the intensive drive of The Martian and Gravity and the creeping dread of Annihilation, in which a caver on a foreign planet finds herself on a terrifying psychological and emotional journey for survival.

When Gyre Price lied her way into this expedition, she thought she’d be mapping mineral deposits, and that her biggest problems would be cave collapses and gear malfunctions. She also thought that the fat paycheck—enough to get her off-planet and on the trail of her mother—meant she’d get a skilled surface team, monitoring her suit and environment, keeping her safe. Keeping her sane.

Instead, she got Em.

Em sees nothing wrong with controlling Gyre’s body with drugs or withholding critical information to “ensure the smooth operation” of her expedition. Em knows all about Gyre’s falsified credentials, and has no qualms using them as a leash—and a lash. And Em has secrets, too . . .

As Gyre descends, little inconsistencies—missing supplies, unexpected changes in the route, and, worst of all, shifts in Em’s motivations—drive her out of her depths. Lost and disoriented, her control giving way to paranoia and anger, Gyre severs her connection with Em and the outside world. On her own in this mysterious, deadly place, surrounded by darkness and the unknown, Gyre must overcome more than just the dangerous terrain and the Tunneler which calls underground its home if she wants to make it out alive—she must confront the ghosts in her own head.

But how come she can’t shake the feeling she’s being followed?
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Донна Линч 5.0
Choking Back the Devil by Donna Lynch is an invocation, an ancient invitation that summons the darkness within and channels those lonely spirits looking for a host. It's a collection that lives in the realm of ghosts and family curses, witchcraft and urban legends, and if you're brave enough to peek behind the veil, the hauntings that permeate these pages will break seals and open doorways, cut throats and shatter mirrors.

You see, these poems are small drownings, all those subtle suffocations that live in that place between our ribs that swells with panic, incubates fear. Lynch shows her readers that sometimes our shadow selves--our secrets--are our sharpest weapons, the knives that rip through flesh, suture pacts with demons, cut deals with entities looking for more than a homecoming, something better, more intimate than family.

It's about the masks we wear and the reflections we choose not to look at, and what's most terrifying about the spells is these incantations show that we are the possessed, that we are our greatest monster, and if we look out of the corner of our eyes, sometimes--if we've damned ourselves enough--we can catch a glimpse of our own burnings, what monstrosities and mockeries we're to become.

So cross yourselves and say your prayers. Because in this world, you are the witch and the hunter, the girl and the wolf.
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Мона Авад 3.6
Саманта — студентка претенциозного Университета Уоррена. Она предпочитает свое темное воображение обществу большинства людей и презирает однокурсниц – богатых и невыносимо кукольных девушек, называющих друг друга Зайками. Все меняется, когда она получает от них приглашение на вечеринку и необъяснимым образом не может отказаться. Саманта все глубже погружается в сладкий и зловещий мир Заек, и вот уже их тайны – ее тайны.

«Зайка» — завораживающий и дерзкий роман о неравенстве и одиночестве, дружбе и желании, фантастической и ужасной силе воображения, о самой природе творчества.
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Сара Тантлингер 5.0
What does carrion taste like? Andi has to know. The vultures circling outside her home taunt and invite her to come understand the secrets hiding in their banquet of decay. Fascination morphs into an obsessive need to know what the vultures know. Andi turns to Dr. Fawning, but even the therapist cannot help her comprehend the secrets she’s buried beneath anger-induced blackouts.

Her girlfriend, Luna, tries to help Andi battle her inner darkness and infatuation with the vultures. However, the desire to taste dead flesh, to stitch together wings of her own and become one with the flock sends Andi down a twisted, unforgivable path. Once she understands the secrets the vultures conceal, she must decide between abandoning the birds of prey or risk turning her loved ones into nothing more than meals to be devoured.
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Рори Пауэр 3.5
Уже больше года школа-пансион для девочек на острове Ракстер находится под карантином. Из-за неизвестного вируса все учителя погибли, а тела Гетти и ее одноклассниц мутировали. Отрезанные от мира, девушки не покидают стен школы. Все, что им остается, — это ждать обещанного лекарства. Но когда лучшая подруга Гетти пропадает, она готова пожертвовать всем, лишь бы ее найти.