
Книжная премия «Я»
Даниэль Джавандо 0.0
When fourteen-year-old Shaq is stabbed outside of a busy shopping centre in Manchester, three teenagers from very different walks of life are unexpectedly brought together. What follows flips their worlds upside down and makes Chantelle, Jackson, and Marc question the deep-rooted prejudice and racism that exists within the police, the media, and the rest of society.
Книжная премия «Я»
Адиба Джайгирдар 4.0
Everyone likes Humaira "Hani" Khan—she’s easy going and one of the most popular girls at school. But when she comes out to her friends as bisexual, they invalidate her identity, saying she can’t be bi if she’s only dated guys. Panicked, Hani blurts out that she’s in a relationship…with a girl her friends absolutely hate—Ishita "Ishu" Dey. Ishu is the complete opposite of Hani. She’s an academic overachiever who hopes that becoming head girl will set her on the right track for college. But Ishita agrees to help Hani, if Hani will help her become more popular so that she stands a chance of being elected head girl.

Despite their mutually beneficial pact, they start developing real feelings for each other. But relationships are complicated, and some people will do anything to stop two Bengali girls from achieving happily ever after.
Книжная премия «Я»
Элис Осман 4.1
For fans of Love, Simon and I Wish You All the Best, a funny, honest, messy, completely relatable story of a girl who realizes that love can be found in many ways that don't involve sex or romance.

From the marvelous author of Heartstopper comes an exceptional YA novel about discovering that it's okay if you don't have sexual or romantic feelings for anyone . . . since there are plenty of other ways to find love and connection.

This is the funny, honest, messy, completely relatable story of Georgia, who doesn't understand why she can't crush and kiss and make out like her friends do. She's surrounded by the narrative that dating + sex = love. It's not until she gets to college that she discovers the A range of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum -- coming to understand herself as asexual/aromantic. Disrupting the narrative that she's been told since birth isn't easy -- there are many mistakes along the way to inviting people into a newly found articulation of an always-known part of your identity. But Georgia's determined to get her life right, with the help of (and despite the major drama of) her friends.
Книжная премия «Я»
Джуно Доусон 4.0
Шестнадцатилетнюю Яну нельзя назвать привлекательной: высокая, худая и нескладная, с грубыми чертами лица. Но однажды ей выпадает редкий шанс. Девушку замечает менеджер одного из ведущих модельных агентств Лондона.

Головокружительный карьерный взлет и высокие заработки сделали жизнь Яны похожей на сказку. Но в мире гламурной моды существуют жесткие правила, и за ошеломительный успех приходится платить высокую цену.
Книжная премия «Я»
Сара Барнард 3.7
Шестнадцатилетние Иден и Бонни учились в одной школе. Противоположности притягиваются: решительная, взбалмошная Иден и спокойная, скромная Бонни были лучшими подругами. Они не виделись с того самого дня, как Бонни внезапно исчезла. Полиция начала расследование и не нашла никаких следов девушки.

Но вскоре Иден получает неожиданное и странное сообщение от подруги: тихоня Бонни попросту сбежала из дома. Что все это означает? Может, Бонни все время была не той, за кого себя выдавала? Чтобы во всем разобраться, Иден отправляется на поиски подруги, которую, оказывается, никогда не знала.
Книжная премия «Я»
Уилл Хилл 4.4
Before, she lived inside a fence with her family. After, she's trapped, now in a federal facility.

Before, she was never allowed to leave the property, never allowed to talk to Outsiders, never allowed to speak her mind. After, there are too many people asking questions, wanting to know what happened to her, trying to find out who she really is.

Before, she thought she was being protected from something. After, people are telling her that now she's finally safe.

She isn't sure what's better, before or after, all she knows is that there are questions she can't answer, and if everything she's been told is a lie, how can she know who's telling the truth now?
Книжная премия «Я»
Патрис Лоуренс 0.0
Sixteen-year-old Marlon has promised his widowed mum that he'll be good, and nothing like his gang-leader brother Andre. It's easy when you keep yourself to yourself, listening to your dead dad's Earth, Wind and Fire albums and watching sci-fi. But everything changes when Marlon's first date with the beautiful Sonya ends in tragedy; he becomes a hunted man and he has no idea why. With his dad dead and his brother helpless, Marlon has little choice but to enter Andre's old world of guns, knives and drug runs in order to uncover the truth and protect those close to him. It's time to fight to be the last man standing.
Книжная премия «Я»
Сара Кроссан 4.0
Типпи и Грейс не нравится, когда на них пялятся, что неудивительно, ведь они сиамские близнецы. Им хочется жить как обычные подростки – ходить в кино, влюбляться, находить новых друзей. Но это трудно, когда люди вокруг тыкают в тебя пальцами и обзывают.

Девочкам приходится тяжело, однако они храбро сражаются со всеми бедами. И однажды судьба вознаграждает (или наказывает?) их возможностью разделиться, а они ухватываются за этот шанс, ухватываются изо всех сил. Вот только получить желаемое не так просто, и Типпи и Грейс еще придется столкнуться с последствиями своего решения обрести личную свободу.
Книжная премия «Я»
Луиза О'Нилл 4.5
In a world in which baby girls are no longer born naturally, women are bred in schools, trained in the arts of pleasing men until they are ready for the outside world. At graduation, the most highly rated girls become “companions”, permitted to live with their husbands and breed sons until they are no longer useful.

For the girls left behind, the future – as a concubine or a teacher – is grim.

Best friends Freida and Isabel are sure they’ll be chosen as companions – they are among the most highly rated girls in their year.

But as the intensity of final year takes hold, Isabel does the unthinkable and starts to put on weight. ..
And then, into this sealed female environment, the boys arrive, eager to choose a bride.

Freida must fight for her future – even if it means betraying the only friend, the only love, she has ever known. . .