
Золотой Кинжал
George Dawes Green 0.0
Savannah may appear to be “some town out of a fable,” with its vine flowers, turreted mansions, and ghost tours that romanticize the city’s history. But look deeper and you’ll uncover secrets, past and present, that tell a more sinister tale. It’s the story at the heart of George Dawes Green’s chilling new novel, The Kingdoms of Savannah.

It begins quietly on a balmy Southern night as some locals gather at Bo Peep’s, one of the town’s favorite watering holes. Within an hour, however, a man will be murdered and his companion will be “disappeared.” An unlikely detective, Morgana Musgrove, doyenne of Savannah society, is called upon to unravel the mystery of these crimes. Morgana is an imperious, demanding, and conniving woman, whose four grown children are weary of her schemes. But one by one she inveigles them into helping with her investigation, and soon the family uncovers some terrifying truths—truths that will rock Savannah’s power structure to its core.

Moving from the homeless encampments that ring the city to the stately homes of Savannah’s elite, Green’s novel brilliantly depicts the underbelly of a city with a dark history and the strangely mesmerizing dysfunction of a complex family.
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Хавьер Серкас 0.0
Two dead at the Adell house . . .
But nothing in the duty officer's report can prepare Melchor Marin for what he finds. A wealthy couple tortured to death in an almost ritualistic manner. The little town of Gandesa in the backwater region of Terra
Alta, Catalonia, is suddenly at the eye of a media storm.
Melchor is no stranger to notoriety. He was sent to Terra Alta to lie low after foiling a terrorist attack. And, before
that, he was jailed for his role as driver for a Colombian drug cartel, his decision to join the police inspired by a
desire to avenge his mother's murder and a copy of Les Miserables from the prison library.
Gradually, the leads in the Adell case dry up, and Melchor is ordered to back off. He doesn't, willing to sacrifice his reputation and career in a ruthless pursuit of the truth. But dusk is already falling on the darkest night of his life.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
John Brownlow 0.0
*A Financial Times Best Thriller Book of 2022*

You'll never know my name.

But you won't forget my number.

Behind the events you know are the killers you don’t.

When diplomacy fails, we're the ones who gear up.

Officially, we don’t exist, but every government in the world uses our services.

We’ve been saving the world—and your ass—for one hundred years.

Sixteen people have done this job before me.

I am Seventeen. The most feared assassin in the world.

But to be the best, you must beat the best.

My next target is Sixteen, just as one day Eighteen will hunt me down.

It’s a dog-eat-dog world and it gets lonely at the top.

Nobody gets to stay for long.

But while we're here, all that matters is that we win.

Visceral, cinematic and wildly addictive,

Seventeen will keep you on the edge of your seat and live long in the memory.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Хейли Скривенор 4.0
My best friend wore her name, Esther, like a queen wearing her crown at a jaunty angle. We were twelve years old when she went missing.

On a sweltering Friday afternoon in Durton, best friends Ronnie and Esther leave school together. Esther never makes it home.

Ronnie's going to find her, she has a plan. Lewis will help. Their friend can't be gone, Ronnie won't believe it.

Detective Sergeant Sarah Michaels can believe it, she has seen what people are capable of. She knows more than anyone how, in a moment of weakness, a person can be driven to do something they never thought possible.

Lewis can believe it too. But he can't reveal what he saw that afternoon at the creek without exposing his own secret.

Five days later, Esther's buried body is discovered.

What do we owe the girl who isn't there?

Character-rich and propulsive, with a breathtakingly original use of voice and revolving points of view, Hayley Scrivenor delves under the surface, where no one can hide. With emotional depth and sensitivity, this stunning debut shows us how much each person matters in a community that is at once falling apart and coming together.

Esther will always be a Dirt Town child, as we are its children, still.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Jeff Marsick 0.0
Gage, a twenty-six-year-old Army veteran suffering from PTSD, is in the process of burglarizing a home when the owners return and he sees the wife kill her husband. Knowing he can’t go to the police without putting himself in jeopardy, Gage sets out to punish the wife by blackmailing her. The problem is, Gage begins questioning what he saw and if he actually saw it, and the deeper he dives into discovering the truth of that night, the closer he gets to a conspiracy that might well cost him his life.
Исторический кинжал
Д. В. Бишоп 0.0
The Darkest Sin is an atmospheric historical thriller by D. V. Bishop, set in Renaissance Florence and is the sequel to City of Vengeance.

Florence. Spring, 1537.

When Cesare Aldo investigates a report of intruders at a convent in the Renaissance city’s northern quarter, he enters a community divided by bitter rivalries and harbouring dark secrets.

His case becomes far more complicated when a naked man’s body is found deep inside the convent, stabbed more than two dozen times. Unthinkable as it seems, all the evidence suggests one of the nuns must be the killer.

Meanwhile, Constable Carlo Strocchi finds human remains pulled from the Arno that belong to an officer of the law missing since winter. The dead man had many enemies, but who would dare kill an official of the city’s most feared criminal court?

As Aldo and Strocchi close in on the truth, identifying the killers will prove more treacherous than either of them could ever have imagined . . .
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Венди Джозеф 0.0
'Every day in the UK lives are suddenly, brutally, wickedly taken away. Victims are shot or stabbed. Less often they are strangled or suffocated or beaten to death. Rarely they are poisoned, pushed off high buildings, drowned or set alight. Then there are the many who are killed by dangerous drivers, or corporate gross negligence. There are a lot of ways you can kill someone. I know because I've seen most of them at close quarters.'
High-profile murder cases all too often grab our attention in dramatic media headlines - for every unlawful death tells a story. But, unlike most of us, a judge doesn't get to turn the page and move on. Nor does the defendant, or the family of the victim, nor the many other people who populate the court room.
And yet, each of us has a vested interest in what happens there. And while most people have only the sketchiest idea of what happens inside a Crown Court, any one of us could end up in the witness-box or even in the dock.
With breath-taking skill and deep compassion, the author describes how cases unfold and illustrates exactly what it's like to be a murder trial judge and a witness to human good and bad. Sometimes very bad.
The fracture lines that run through our society are becoming harder and harder to ignore. From a unique vantage point, the author warns that we do so at our peril.
Золотой Кинжал
Рэй Целестин 0.0
Los Angeles. Christmas, 1967. A devil is loose in the City of Angels . . .

A young nurse, Kerry Gaudet, travels to the City of Angels desperate to find her missing brother, fearing that something terrible has happened to him: a serial killer is terrorising the city, picking victims at random, and Kerry has precious few leads.

Ida Young, recently retired Private Investigator, is dragged into helping the police when a young woman is discovered murdered in her motel room. Ida has never met the victim but her name has been found at the crime scene and the LAPD wants to know why . . .

Meanwhile mob fixer Dante Sanfelippo has put his life savings into purchasing a winery in Napa Valley but first he must do one final favour for the Mob before leaving town: find a bail jumper before the bond money falls due, and time is fast running out.

Ida’s friend, Louis Armstrong, flies into the city just as her investigations uncover mysterious clues to the killer’s identity. And Dante must tread a dangerous path to pay his dues, a path which will throw him headlong into a terrifying conspiracy and a secret that the conspirators will do anything to protect . . .

Completing his American crime quartet, Ray Celestin's Sunset Swing is a stunning novel of conspiracy, murder and madness, an unforgettable portrait of a city on the edge.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Симон Бухгольц 0.0
Twenty floors above the shimmering lights of the Hamburg docks, Public Prosecutor Chastity Riley is celebrating a birthday with friends in a hotel bar when twelve heavily armed men pull out guns, and take everyone hostage. Among the hostages is Konrad Hoogsmart, the hotel owner, who is being targeted by a young man whose life and family have been destroyed by Hoogsmart’s actions.

With the police looking on from outside their colleagues’ lives at stake and Chastity on the inside, increasingly ill from an unexpected case of sepsis, the stage is set for a dramatic confrontation and a devastating outcome for the team all live streamed in a terrifying bid for revenge.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Майкл Крэйвен 5.0
Detective Sergeant Washington Poe is in court, fighting eviction from his beloved and isolated croft, when he is summoned to a backstreet brothel in Carlisle where a man has been beaten to death with a baseball bat. Poe is confused - he hunts serial killers and this appears to be a straightforward murder-by-pimp - but his attendance was requested personally, by the kind of people who prefer to remain in the shadows.

As Poe and the socially awkward programmer Tilly Bradshaw delve deeper into the case, they are faced with seemingly unanswerable questions: despite being heavily vetted for a high-profile job, why does nothing in the victim's background check out? Why was a small ornament left at the murder scene - and why did someone on the investigation team steal it? And what is the connection to a flawlessly executed bank heist three years earlier, a heist where nothing was taken...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Дженис Халлетт 3.8
Дорогой читатель,

Привожу документы, связанные с постановкой пьесы «Все мои сыновья» и трагической гибелью одного из актеров. Другой участник сейчас находится в тюрьме за преступление, которое не совершал. Настоящий убийца выдал себя. Он везде: в электронных письмах и коротких сообщениях, в списке приглашенных на благотворительный вечер маленькой девочки, больной раком. Каждый под подозрением.

Сможете узнать правду?
Исторический кинжал
Рэй Целестин 0.0
Los Angeles. Christmas, 1967. A devil is loose in the City of Angels . . .

A young nurse, Kerry Gaudet, travels to the City of Angels desperate to find her missing brother, fearing that something terrible has happened to him: a serial killer is terrorising the city, picking victims at random, and Kerry has precious few leads.

Ida Young, recently retired Private Investigator, is dragged into helping the police when a young woman is discovered murdered in her motel room. Ida has never met the victim but her name has been found at the crime scene and the LAPD wants to know why . . .

Meanwhile mob fixer Dante Sanfelippo has put his life savings into purchasing a winery in Napa Valley but first he must do one final favour for the Mob before leaving town: find a bail jumper before the bond money falls due, and time is fast running out.

Ida’s friend, Louis Armstrong, flies into the city just as her investigations uncover mysterious clues to the killer’s identity. And Dante must tread a dangerous path to pay his dues, a path which will throw him headlong into a terrifying conspiracy and a secret that the conspirators will do anything to protect . . .

Completing his American crime quartet, Ray Celestin's Sunset Swing is a stunning novel of conspiracy, murder and madness, an unforgettable portrait of a city on the edge.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Джулия Лэйт 0.0

'A gripping, unputdownable masterpiece' Hallie Rubenhold, author of the Baillie Gifford prize-winning The Five

'Ingenious history writing' Mail on Sunday

'Extraordinary' Guardian

'A masterwork' Australian Book Review

'Imaginative and compelling, impassioned and powerful, and deeply, deeply moving' Matt Houlbrook, author of Prince of Tricksters

Lydia Harvey was meant to disappear. She was young and working class; she'd walked the streets, worked in brothels, and had no money of her own. In 1910, politicians, pimps, policemen and moral reformers saw her as just one of many 'girls who disappeared'. But when she took the stand to give testimony at the trial of her traffickers, she ensured she'd never be forgotten.

Historian Julia Laite traces Lydia's extraordinary life from her home in New Zealand to the streets of Buenos Aires and safe houses of London. She also reveals the lives of international traffickers Antonio Carvelli and his mysterious wife Marie, the policemen who tracked them down, the journalists who stoked the scandal, and Eilidh MacDougall, who made it her life's mission to help women who'd been abused and disbelieved.

Together, they tell an immersive story of crime, travel and sexual exploitation, of lives long overlooked and forgotten by history, and of a world transforming into the 20th century.
Золотой Кинжал
Крис Уитакер 4.1
Как убежать от прошлого, если жизнь – это замкнутый круг?

Тридцать лет назад Винсент Кинг стал убийцей. Отсидев весь срок, он возвращается в родной городок на побережье Калифорнии, где далеко не все рады видеть его снова. Например, Стар Рэдли – бывшая девушка Винсента и… родная сестра той, кого он убил.

Тридцать лет назад шериф Уокер был лучшим другом Винсента Кинга. Он так и не смог избавиться от всепоглощающего чувства вины. Ведь именно из-за его показаний Винсент на несколько десятков лет угодил в тюрьму.

Тридцать лет назад Дачесс Рэдли еще не родилась. Ей всего тринадцать, а она уже считает себя «вне закона». Правила придуманы для других – не для нее. Только она способна позаботиться о маленьком братике и беспутной матери, которую Дачесс, несмотря ни на что, яростно защищает.

И теперь эта ярость запускает цепь событий, обернувшихся трагедией не только для ее семьи, но и для всего города…
Криминальная литература в переводе
Юн Ко-юнь 3.8
An eco-thriller with a fierce feminist sensibility, The Disaster Tourist engages with the global dialog around climate activism, dark tourism, and the #MeToo movement

In The Disaster Tourist, Korean author Yun Ko-eun grapples with the consequences of our fascination with disaster, and questions an individual's culpability in the harm done by their industry.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Майкл Роботэм 3.5
Criminal psychologist Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac return in this new thriller from author Michael Robotham. Who is Evie, the girl with no past, running from? She was discovered hiding in a secret room in the aftermath of a terrible crime. Her ability to tell when someone is lying helped Cyrus crack an impenetrable case in Good Girl, Bad Girl. Now, the closer Cyrus gets to uncovering answers about Evie’s dark history, the more he exposes Evie to danger, giving her no choice but to run. Ultimately, both will have to decide if some secrets are better left buried and some monsters should never be named...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Эва Бьорг Эгисдоттир 0.0
When a body of a woman is discovered at a lighthouse in the Icelandic town of Akranes, it soon becomes clear that she’s no stranger to the area.

Chief Investigating Officer Elma, who has returned to Akranes following a failed relationship, and her collegues Sævar and Hörður, commence an uneasy investigation, which uncovers a shocking secret in the dead woman’s past that continues to reverberate in the present day …

But as Elma and her team make a series of discoveries, they bring to light a host of long-hidden crimes that shake the entire community. Sifting through the rubble of the townspeople’s shattered memories, they have to dodge increasingly serious threats, and find justice … before it’s too late.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Ханна Реддинг 0.0
Two women, twelve hours, one dead body. What really happened? Hannah Redding was called to the Bar in 2007 as an Inner Temple Scholar and is the mother of four children. In 2019 she was co-winner of the Escalator prize from the National Centre for Writing. In her spare time (of which there is very little), she is an enthusiastic, if distinctly average, long distance triathlete. Deception is her first crime novel.
Исторический кинжал
Васим Хан 0.0
Bombay, New Year's Eve, 1949
As India celebrates the arrival of a momentous new decade, Inspector Persis Wadia stands vigil in the basement of Malabar House, home to the city's most unwanted unit of police officers. Six months after joining the force she remains India's first female police detective, mistrusted, sidelined and now consigned to the midnight shift.
And so, when the phone rings to report the murder
Лучший рассказ
Clare Mackintosh 0.0
A powerful twist turns this vivid, brilliantly written and carefully plotted story about a child’s fear of the forbidden cellar into something much scarier.
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Сью Блэк 4.5
Our bones are the silent witnesses to the lives we lead. Our stories are marbled into their marrow.

Drawing upon her years of research and a wealth of remarkable experience, the world-renowned forensic anthropologist Professor Dame Sue Black takes us on a journey of revelation. From skull to feet, via the face, spine, chest, arms, hands, pelvis and legs, she shows that each part of us has a tale to tell. What we eat, where we go, everything we do leaves a trace, a message that waits patiently for months, years, sometimes centuries, until a forensic anthropologist is called upon to decipher it.

Some of this information is easily understood, some holds its secrets tight and needs scientific cajoling to be released. But by carefully piecing together the evidence, the facts of a life can be rebuilt. Limb by limb, case by case – some criminal, some historical, some unaccountably bizarre – Sue Black reconstructs with intimate sensitivity and compassion the hidden stories in what we leave behind.
Золотой Кинжал
Michael Robotham 4.2
A girl is discovered hiding in a secret room in the aftermath of a terrible crime. Half-starved and filthy, she won’t tell anyone her name, or her age, or where she came from. Maybe she is twelve, maybe fifteen. She doesn’t appear in any missing persons file, and her DNA can’t be matched to an identity.

Six years later, still unidentified, she is living in a secure children’s home with a new name, Evie Cormac. When she initiates a court case demanding the right to be released as an adult, forensic psychologist Cyrus Haven must determine if Evie is ready to go free. But she is unlike anyone he’s ever met—fascinating and dangerous in equal measure. Evie knows when someone is lying, and no one around her is telling the truth.

Meanwhile, Cyrus is called in to investigate the shocking murder of a high school figure-skating champion, Jodie Sheehan, who dies on a lonely footpath close to her home. Pretty and popular, Jodie is portrayed by everyone as the ultimate girl-next-door, but as Cyrus peels back the layers, a secret life emerges—one that Evie Cormac, the girl with no past, knows something about. A man haunted by his own tragic history, Cyrus is caught between the two cases—one girl who needs saving and another who needs justice. What price will he pay for the truth?
Криминальная литература в переводе
Ханнелоре Кайре 3.0
Meet Patience Portefeux, fifty-three, an underpaid Franco–Arab judicial interpreter for the Ministry of Justice who specialises in telephone tapping. Widowed after the sudden death of her husband, Patience is now wedged between university fees for her two grown-up daughters and nursing home costs for her ageing mother. She’s laboured for twenty-five years to keep everyone’s heads above water.

Happening upon an especially revealing set of police wiretaps ahead of all other authorities, Patience makes a life-altering decision that sees her intervening in – and infiltrating – the machinations of a massive drug deal. She thus embarks on an entirely new career path: Patience becomes ‘the Godmother’.

This is not life in the French idyll of postcards and stock photos. With a gallery of traffickers, dealers, police officers and politicians who are more real than life itself, a sharp and amusing gaze on everyday survival in contemporary France, and an unforgettable woman at its centre, Hannelore Cayre’s bestselling novel shines a torchlight on a European criminal underground that has rarely been seen.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Lou Berney 0.0
Set against the assassination of JFK, a poignant and evocative crime novel that centers on a desperate cat-and-mouse chase across 1960s America—a story of unexpected connections, daring possibilities, and the hope of second chances from the Edgar Award-winning author of The Long and Faraway Gone.

Frank Guidry’s luck has finally run out.

A loyal street lieutenant to New Orleans’ mob boss Carlos Marcello, Guidry has learned that everybody is expendable. But now it’s his turn—he knows too much about the crime of the century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Within hours of JFK’s murder, everyone with ties to Marcello is turning up dead, and Guidry suspects he’s next: he was in Dallas on an errand for the boss less than two weeks before the president was shot. With few good options, Guidry hits the road to Las Vegas, to see an old associate—a dangerous man who hates Marcello enough to help Guidry vanish.

Guidry knows that the first rule of running is "don’t stop," but when he sees a beautiful housewife on the side of the road with a broken-down car, two little daughters and a dog in the back seat, he sees the perfect disguise to cover his tracks from the hit men on his tail. Posing as an insurance man, Guidry offers to help Charlotte reach her destination, California. If she accompanies him to Vegas, he can help her get a new car.

For her, it’s more than a car— it’s an escape. She’s on the run too, from a stifling existence in small-town Oklahoma and a kindly husband who’s a hopeless drunk.

It’s an American story: two strangers meet to share the open road west, a dream, a hope—and find each other on the way.

Charlotte sees that he’s strong and kind; Guidry discovers that she’s smart and funny. He learns that’s she determined to give herself and her kids a new life; she can’t know that he’s desperate to leave his old one behind.

Another rule—fugitives shouldn’t fall in love, especially with each other. A road isn’t just a road, it’s a trail, and Guidry’s ruthless and relentless hunters are closing in on him. But now Guidry doesn’t want to just survive, he wants to really live, maybe for the first time.

Everyone’s expendable, or they should be, but now Guidry just can’t throw away the woman he’s come to love.

And it might get them both killed.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Тревор Вуд 0.0
'I can safely say it will be huge ... an excellent read' PATRICIA GIBNEY, author of the DI Lottie Parker series

'A unique protagonist and a cracking plotline ... bags of heart and humanity' MARI HANNAH

When homeless veteran Jimmy thinks he witnesses a murder in Newcastle, the police refuse to believe him. He's not quite sure he believes his own eyes. Then he sees missing persons posters matching the description of the man he saw killed, and he realises he wasn't mistaken. But how do you catch a killer when nobody believes a murder has been committed?

Together Jimmy and the dead man's daughter decide to take matters into their own hands and hunt down the murderer themselves. They soon realise it will be a far more dangerous task than they could ever imagine.

But Jimmy has one big advantage: when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.
Исторический кинжал
Abir Mukherjee 4.5
1905, London. As a young constable, Sam Wyndham is on his usual East London beat when he comes across an old flame, Bessie Drummond, attacked in the streets. The next day, when Bessie is found brutally beaten in her own room, locked from the inside, Wyndham promises to get to the bottom of her murder. But the case will cost the young constable more than he ever imagined.

1922, India. Leaving Calcutta, Captain Sam Wyndham heads for the hills of Assam, to the ashram of a sainted monk where he hopes to conquer his opium addiction. But when he arrives, he sees a ghost from his life in London – a man thought to be long dead, a man Wyndham hoped he would never see again.

Wyndham knows he must call his friend and colleague Sergeant Banerjee for help. He is certain this figure from his past isn’t here by coincidence. He is here for revenge . . .

Praise for the Sam Wyndham series:

‘A thought-provoking rollercoaster’ Ian Rankin

'Death in the East is as vivid and atmospheric as its predecessors' Guardian

‘Confirms Abir Mukherjee as a rising star of historical crime fiction’ The Times

‘Cracking… A journey into the dark underbelly of the British Raj’ Daily Express

‘A brilliantly conceived murder mystery set amidst political and social turmoil – beautifully crafted’ C. J. Sansom

'Mukherjee brings sardonic wit to his portrayal of British rule in India, and the action is perfectly paced.' Daily Mirror

'An absolute delight' Daily Mail
** Selected by the Telegraph, FT and Guardian as one of the best crime books of 2019**

**'A skilfully blended dual narrative: twice the intrigue, twice the fun. Mukherjee is at the top of his game' Mick Herron, author of the Jackson Lamb series, on Death in the East**

**'The gloriously atmospheric Death in the East is his [Mukherjee’s] best book so far, a cracking read' Scotsman**

**'The perfect combination of mystery and history' Telegraph**

Calcutta police detective Captain Sam Wyndham and his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not Banerjee, are back for another rip-roaring adventure set in 1920s India.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Кейси Сеп 2.0
The stunning story of an Alabama serial killer and the true-crime book that Harper Lee worked on obsessively in the years after To Kill a Mockingbird.

Reverend Willie Maxwell was a rural preacher accused of murdering five of his family members for insurance money in the 1970s. With the help of a savvy lawyer, he escaped justice for years until a relative shot him dead at the funeral of his last victim. Despite hundreds of witnesses, Maxwell’s murderer was acquitted–thanks to the same attorney who had previously defended the Reverend.

Sitting in the audience during the vigilante’s trial was Harper Lee, who had traveled from New York City to her native Alabama with the idea of writing her own In Cold Blood, the true-crime classic she had helped her friend Truman Capote research seventeen years earlier. Lee spent a year in town reporting, and many more working on her own version of the case.

Now Casey Cep brings this story to life, from the shocking murders to the courtroom drama to the racial politics of the Deep South. At the same time, she offers a deeply moving portrait of one of the country’s most beloved writers and her struggle with fame, success, and the mystery of artistic creativity.
Мартин Эдвардс
Бриллиантовый Кинжал Картье
Мартин Эдвардс / Kenneth Martin Edwards
11 книг
2 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Майкл Крэйвен 4.2
Великобритания, графство Камбрия.

В древних каменных кругах Озерного края находят обугленные тела пожилых мужчин. Все жертвы сожжены заживо. И все указывает на то, что это дело рук одного человека, таинственного серийного убийцы, прозванного в прессе Камбрийским Сжигателем.

Он не оставляет улик, полиция в растерянности.

Пока на теле одной из жертв не находят вырезанное имя одного из детективов - Вашингтона По. Теперь опальный полицейский вынужден вернуться из отставки и вести расследование, в котором у него совсем нет желания участвовать.

Вместе с Тилли Брэдшоу, гениальной, но очень замкнутой женщиной-аналитиком из Национального агентства по борьбе с преступностью, Вашингтон По выходит на след убийцы. Очень скоро становится понятно, что у Сжигателя есть план, и детектив по какой-то причине играет в нем главную роль. В шокирующем финале Вашингтону предстоит усомниться во всем, что он знал о себе самом, и понять, что есть вещи намного хуже, чем быть сожженным.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Дов Элфон 0.0
Chinese gangsters and Israeli intelligence face off in Paris - Israel's bestselling book of 2017, perfect for fans of Homeland, John Le Carré and Mick Herron.

When an Israeli tech entrepreneur disappears from Charles de Gaulle airport with a woman in red, logic dictates youthful indiscretion. But Israel is on a state of high alert nonetheless. Colonel Zeev Abadi, the new head of Unit 8200's autonomous Special Section, who just happens to be in Paris, also just happens to have arrived on the same flight.

For Commissaire Léger of the Paris Police coincidences have their reasons, and most are suspect. When a second young Israeli is kidnapped soon after arriving on the same flight, this time at gunpoint from his hotel room, his suspicions are confirmed - and a diplomatic incident looms.

Back in Tel Aviv, Lieutenant Oriana Talmor, Abadi's deputy, is his only ally, applying her sharp wits to the race to identify the victims and the reasons behind their abduction. In Paris a covert Chinese commando team listens to the investigation unfurl and watches from the rooftops. While by the hour the morgue receives more bodies from the river and the city's arrondissements.

The clock has been set. And this could be a long night in the City of Lights.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Холли Уотт 0.0
A journalist must follow the clues, no matter how far that takes her.

Casey Benedict, star reporter at the Post, has infiltrated the lives and exposed the lies of countless politicians and power players. Using her network of contacts, Casey is always on the search for the next big story, no matter how much danger this might place her in, no matter what cost emotionally.

Tipped off by an overheard conversation at an exclusive London nightclub, she begins to investigate the apparent suicide of a wealthy young British man, whose death has left his fiancée and family devastated.

Casey's determined hunt for the truth will take her from the glitz of St Tropez to the deserts of Libya and on to the very darkest corners of the human mind.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Крис Хаммер 3.3
In an isolated country town brought to its knees by endless drought, a charismatic and dedicated young priest calmly opens fire on his congregation, killing five parishioners before being shot dead himself.

A year later, troubled journalist Martin Scarsden arrives in Riversend to write a feature on the anniversary of the tragedy. But the stories he hears from the locals about the priest and incidents leading up to the shooting don't fit with the accepted version of events his own newspaper reported in an award-winning investigation. Martin can't ignore his doubts, nor the urgings of some locals to unearth the real reason behind the priest's deadly rampage.

Just as Martin believes he is making headway, a shocking new development rocks the town, which becomes the biggest story in Australia. The media descends on Riversend and Martin is now the one in the spotlight. His reasons for investigating the shooting have suddenly become very personal.

Wrestling with his own demons, Martin finds himself risking everything to discover a truth that becomes darker and more complex with every twist. But there are powerful forces determined to stop him, and he has no idea how far they will go to make sure the town's secrets stay buried.

A compulsive thriller that will haunt you long after you have turned the final page.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Шелли Бурр Уэйк 0.0
The tiny outback town of Nannine lies in the harsh red interior of Australia. Once a thriving center of stockyards and sheep stations, years of punishing drought have petrified the land and Nannine has been whittled down to no more than a stoplight, a couple bars, and a police station.

And it has another, more sinister claim to fame: the still-unsolved disappearance of young Evelyn McCreery nineteen years ago.

Mina McCreery's life has been defined by the intense public interest in her sister's case--which is still a hot topic in true-crime chat rooms and on social media. Now an anxious and reclusive adult, Mina lives alone on her family's sunbaked destocked sheep farm.

Enter Lane Holland, a young private investigator who dropped out of the police academy to earn a living cracking cold cases. Before she died, Mina's mother funded a million-dollar reward for anyone who could explain how Evelyn vanished from her bed in the family's farmhouse. The lure of cash has only increased public obsession with Evelyn and Mina--but yielded no answers.

Lane wins Mina's trust when some of his more unconventional methods show promise. But Lane also has darker motivations, and his obsession with the search will ultimately risk both their lives--and yield shocking results.

Compulsively readable, with an unforgettable setting and cast of characters, Wake is a powerful, unsparing story of how trauma ripples outward when people's private tragedies become public property, and how it's never too late for the truth to come out.
Исторический кинжал
Шона Маклин 0.0
'A gripping tale of crime and sedition' Sunday Times on The Black Friar

'The best historical crime novel of the year' Sunday Express on The Seeker

Captain Damian Seeker has gone north. Charged with preparing the way for the rule of the major-generals, he is now under the command of Colonel Robert Lilburne at York. But when Lilburne orders him to a small village on the North York moors with details of the stringent new anti-Royalist laws, Seeker finds that what should be a routine visit will reveal a plot to rival anything in scheming London

An invitation to dinner at the house of local businessman Matthew Pullan lifts the lid on the bubbling cauldron of grudges and resentment that is Faithly village. The local constable, drunk on the tiny bit of power he holds, using it to avenge old resentments. The hated lord of the manor, the last of a staunchly Royalist family who has managed to avoid suspicion of treachery - for now. The vicar on trial for his job and his home, accused of ungodly acts. And the Pullans themselves, proudly Puritan but disillusioned with Cromwell's government, respected and despised in Faithly in equal measure. The man for whom this unlikely gathering was organised - The Trier, the enforcer of Puritan morality for the local villages - hasn't shown up. And by the end of the night, on of those gathered around Matthew Pullan's table will be fatally poisoned.

Seeker must find out the motive behind the death - mushroom misidentification, petty revenge, or part of a larger plot against Cromwell's government in the north? But who in Faithly, if anyone, can he trust? And when the most painful part of his past reappears after eleven years, will the Seeker meet his match?
Лучший рассказ
Danuta Reah 0.0
An eclectic mix of tales of female strength - from nail-biting suspense to otherworldy dilemmas; from touching portraits of personal tragedy to heart-warming stories of triumph over adversity. The Dummies' Guide to Serial Killing and other Fantastic Female Fables showcases new talent alongside seasoned professionals. It will take you on a rollercoaster of emotion from heart-stopping terror to tears of joy.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Ben Macintyre 4.4
If anyone could be considered a Russian counterpart to the infamous British double-agent Kim Philby, it was Oleg Gordievsky. The son of two KGB agents and the product of the best Soviet institutions, the savvy, sophisticated Gordievsky grew to see his nation's communism as both criminal and philistine. He took his first posting for Russian intelligence in 1968 and eventually became the Soviet Union's top man in London, but from 1973 on he was secretly working for MI6.For nearly a decade, as the Cold War reached its twilight, Gordievsky helped the West turn the tables on the KGB, exposing Russian spies and helping to foil countless intelligence plots, as the Soviet leadership grew increasingly paranoid at the United States's nuclear first-strike capabilities and brought the world closer to the brink of war. Desperate to keep the circle of trust close, MI6 never revealed Gordievsky's name to its counterparts in the CIA, which in turn grew obsessed with figuring out the identity of Britain's obviously top-level source.Their obsession ultimately doomed Gordievsky: the CIA officer assigned to identify him was none other than Aldrich Ames, the man who would become infamous for secretly spying for the Soviets.
Unfolding the delicious three-way gamesmanship between America, Britain, and the Soviet Union, and culminating in the gripping cinematic beat-by-beat of Gordievsky's nail-biting escape from Moscow in 1985, Ben Macintyre's latest may be his best yet. Like the greatest novels of John le Carré, it brings readers deep into a world of treachery and betrayal, where the lines bleed between the personal and the professional, and one man's hatred of communism had the power to change the future of nations.
Кейт Эллис
Библиотечный Кинжал
Кейт Эллис / Kate Ellis
2 книги
0 в избранном
Роберт Годдард
Бриллиантовый Кинжал Картье
Роберт Годдард / Robert Goddard
42 книги
0 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Стив Кавана 0.0
A must-read for fans of Lee Child, John Grisham and Michael Connelly. Combining gripping action and ingenious plotting, THE LIAR is the brilliant new legal thriller from the author of THE DEFENCE and THE PLEA.

'Plotting that takes the breath away.' Ian Rankin

'Steve is a fantastic thriller writer' Mark Billingham



Leonard Howell's worst nightmare has come true: his daughter Caroline has been kidnapped. Not content with relying on the cops, Howell calls the only man he trusts to get her back.


Eddie Flynn knows what it's like to lose a daughter and vows to bring Caroline home safe. Once a con artist, now a hotshot criminal attorney, Flynn is no stranger to the shady New York underworld.


However, as he steps back into his old life, Flynn realizes that the rules of game have changed - and that he is being played. But who is pulling the strings? And is anyone in this twisted case telling the truth...?

A missing girl, a desperate father and a case that threatens to destroy everyone involved - Eddie Flynn's got his work cut out in the thrilling new novel from the author of The Defence.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Henning Mankell 4.5
Seit Fredrik Welin als Chirurg ein Kunstfehler unterlief, lebt er allein auf einer einsamen Insel in Schweden. Ihm ist nach dem Brand seines Hauses so gut wie nichts geblieben. Nur wenige Menschen, die ihm nahestehen: Jansson, der pensionierte Postbote, die Journalistin Lisa Modin, in die er sich verliebt, und seine Tochter Louise, die schwanger ist und in Paris lebt. Als sie wegen eines Diebstahls in Untersuchungshaft gerät, ruft sie ihn zu Hilfe. Während er in Paris über ihre Freilassung verhandelt, erfährt er, dass auf den Schären schon wieder ein Haus in Flammen steht. Mankells letzter Roman, der Nachfolger des Bestsellers „Die italienischen Schuhe“, ist ein sehr persönliches Buch und beschwört die Möglichkeit menschlicher Nähe angesichts von Einsamkeit, Alter und Tod.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Attica Locke 4.5
*Coming soon to FX as a TV series*

"In Bluebird, Bluebird Attica Locke had both mastered the thriller and exceeded it." --Ann Patchett
"A heartbreakingly resonant new novel about race and justice in America" --USA Today

When it comes to law and order, East Texas plays by its own rules--a fact that Darren Mathews, a black Texas Ranger, knows all too well. Deeply ambivalent about growing up black in the lone star state, he was the first in his family to get as far away from Texas as he could. Until duty called him home.

When his allegiance to his roots puts his job in jeopardy, he travels up Highway 59 to the small town of Lark, where two murders--a black lawyer from Chicago and a local white woman--have stirred up a hornet's nest of resentment. Darren must solve the crimes--and save himself in the process--before Lark's long-simmering racial fault lines erupt. From a writer and producer of the Emmy winning Fox TV show "Empire", "Bluebird, Bluebird" is a rural noir suffused with the unique music, color, and nuance of East Texas.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Мелисса Скривнер Лав 0.0
The Crenshaw Six are a small but up-and-coming gang in South Central LA who have recently been drawn into an escalating war between rival drug cartels. To outsiders, the Crenshaw Six appear to be led by a man named Garcia . . . but what no one has figured out is that the gang's real leader (and secret weapon) is Garcia's girlfriend, a brilliant young woman named Lola.

Lola has mastered playing the role of submissive girlfriend, and in the man's world she inhabits she is consistently underestimated. But in truth she is much, much smarter--and in many ways tougher and more ruthless--than any of the men around her, and as the gang is increasingly sucked into a world of high-stakes betrayal and brutal violence, her skills and leadership become their only hope of survival.

An astonishing debut crime thriller about an unforgettable woman who combines the genius and ferocity of Lisbeth Salander with the ruthless ambition of Walter White. Lola marks the debut of a hugely exciting new thriller writer, and of a singular, magnificent character unlike anyone else in fiction.
Исторический кинжал
Rory Clements 0.0
From the award-winning Sunday Times bestselling author of CORPUS

The eve of war: a secret so deadly, nothing and no one is safe

June 1939. England is partying like there is no tomorrow, gas masks at the ready. In Cambridge the May Balls are played out with a frantic intensity - but the good times won't last... In Europe, the Nazis have invaded Czechoslovakia, and in Germany the persecution of the Jews is now so widespread that desperate Jewish parents send their children to safety in Britain aboard the Kindertransport. Closer to home, the IRA's S-Plan bombing campaign has resulted in more than 100 terrorist outrages around England.

But perhaps the most far-reaching event of all goes largely unreported: in Germany, Otto Hahn has produced the first man-made fission and an atomic device is now a very real possibility. The Nazis set up the Uranverein group of physicists: its task is to build a superbomb. The German High Command is aware that British and US scientists are working on similar line. Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory is where the atom was split in 1932. Might the Cambridge men now win the race for a nuclear bomb? Hitler's generals need to be sure they know all the Cavendish's secrets. Only then will it be safe for Germany to wage war.

When one of the Cavendish's finest brains is murdered, Professor Tom Wilde is once more drawn into an intrigue from which there seems no escape. In a conspiracy that stretches from Cambridge to Berlin and from Washington DC to the west coast of Ireland, he faces deadly forces that threaten the fate of the world.

Praise for NUCLEUS

'Rory Clements evokes the nervous, reckless build-up to the outbreak of war in a convincingly detailed thriller' Daily Mail

'The series really hits its stride with the second volume. The murder of a physicist is one of many storylines that Clements juggles with aplomb' Daily Express

'A pulsating story that brings alive the fraught, paranoid and terrifying months when the world stood on the brink of war. Dark history with a thrilling fictional edge' Lancashire Evening Post

'Well-researched and plausible, Nucleus offers an attractive combination of history and suspense' Shots Magazine

'A pacy and dramatic historical spy thriller' Historical Novel Society

'I am already looking forward to the next Tom Wilde novel. This is a great read' Nudge Books

'Nucleus is a fascinating historical thriller which is totally convincing in its authenticity, alive with menace and teeming with characters that stay with you long after the last page is turned' Jaffa Reads Too Blog

Praise for CORPUS

'Dramatic . . . pacy and assured' Daily Mail

'Political polarisation, mistrust and simmering violence' The Times

'A standout historical novel and spy thriller' Daily Express
Лучший рассказ
Denise Mina 0.0
In this sinister tale of a vindictive child, the dread builds, pulling you in so that you can’t look away. Its ending will stay with you for some time.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Томас Хардинг 3.0
'Meticulous and gripping - a thriller that disturbs for revelations about a singular act of murder, and the national security state which we call home' Philippe Sands, author of East West Street

' An In Cold Blood for our time – a brilliant and unflinching anatomy of a murder that is both brutal true crime and heartbreaking human tragedy' Tony Parsons

'A fine and fascinating read, bolstered by exemplary research and nuanced insights.' Observer

‘A real-life procedural... which might have important implications for us all.’ Guardian

'Reads like a thriller... a rigorous investigation... a revealing piece of social history.' Sunday Times

'Detailed, painstaking and fascinating.' Evening Standard

A groundbreaking examination of a terrifying murder and its aftermath by the bestselling author of Hanns and Rudolf and The House by the Lake.

In June 2006, police were called to number 9 Downshire Hill in Hampstead. The owner of the house, Allan Chappelow, was an award-winning photographer and biographer, an expert on George Bernard Shaw, and a notorious recluse, who had not been seen for several weeks. Someone had recently accessed his bank accounts, and attempted to withdraw large amounts of money. Inside the darkened house, officers found piles of rubbish, trees growing through the floor, and, in what was once the living room, the body of Chappelow, battered to death, partially burned and buried under four feet of paper.

The man eventually arrested on suspicion of his murder was a Chinese dissident named Wang Yam: a man who claimed to be the grandson of one of Mao’s closest aides, and a key negotiator in the Tiananmen Square protests. His trial was the first in modern British history to be held ‘in camera’: closed, carefully controlled, secret. Wang Yam was found guilty, but has always protested his innocence.

Thomas Harding has spent the past two years investigating the case, interviewing key witnesses, investigating officers, forensic experts and the journalists who broke the story, and has unearthed shocking and revelatory new material on the killing, the victim and the supposed perpetrator. It is a crime that has been described in the press and by the leading detective as 'the greatest whodunnit’ of recent years: an extraordinary tale of isolation, deception and brutal violence, stretching from the quiet streets of north London to the Palace of Westminster and beyond. It is an explosive new work of non-fiction from an author working at the height of his powers.
Мартин Эдвардс
Библиотечный Кинжал
Мартин Эдвардс / Kenneth Martin Edwards
11 книг
2 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Джейн Харпер 4.1
Австралия, фермерский городок Кайверра второй год не видел дождя. Аарон Фальк, сделавший блестящую карьеру в мельбурнской полиции, приезжает в эти измученные палящим солнцем края, где он не был двадцать лет, на похороны своего когда-то лучшего друга Люка Хэдлера. Смерть Люка нельзя назвать легкой: если верить результатам расследования, то он убил свою жену и шестилетнего сына, а потом застрелился. Но стоит ли им верить?..

Фальку предстоит глубоко погрузиться в большие секреты маленького города, жители которого каждый день борются за выживание, и на своем опыте узнать, что выстоять в этой борьбе суждено не всем...
Криминальная литература в переводе
Leif G W Persson 3.9
Lars Martin Johansson, i sin krafts dagar chef för Rikskriminalen, legendarisk mordutredare och bland sina kolleger känd som mannen som kunde se runt hörn. Numera är han pensionär och lever ett annat liv än då. Fast se runt hörn kan han fortfarande.
Stockholm i början på juli, Johansson har åkt in från landet för att uträtta ärenden. På vägen åter faller han för frestelsen att göra en avstickare till Sveriges bästa korvkiosk på Karlbergsvägen. För vem orkar köra bil till landet på fastande mage?
När han tre dygn senare kvicknar till liv ligger han på intensiven på Karolinska sjukhuset drabbad av en blodpropp i hjärnan sekunden innan han skulle hugga tänderna i sin grillade Zigeunerwurst med surkål och fransk senap. En annan Johansson och att se runt några hörn är inte längre att tänka på. Samtidigt som hans gamla liv plötsligt försöker gripa tag i honom på nytt. Hans egen läkare berättar en hemsk historia om ett tjugofem år gammalt ouppklarat mord på en nioårig flicka. Prima virke för den som kan se runt hörn men knappast något för Johansson i det skick som han numera befinner sig i.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Mick Herron 4.3
Never outlive your ability to survive a fight.

Twenty years retired, David Cartwright can still spot when the stoats are on his trail.

Jackson Lamb worked with Cartwright back in the day. He knows better than most that this is no vulnerable old man. 'Nasty old spook with blood on his hands' would be a more accurate description.

'The old bastard' has raised his grandson with a head full of guts and glory. But far from joining the myths and legends of Spook Street, River Cartwright is consigned to Lamb's team of pen-pushing no-hopers at Slough House.

So it's Lamb they call to identify the body when Cartwright's panic button raises the alarm at Service HQ.

And Lamb who will do whatever he thinks necessary, to protect an agent in peril . . .
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Крис Уитакер 4.5
Высокие Дубы – совсем небольшой и тихий калифорнийский городок. Здесь все знают друг друга целую жизнь. Никому и в голову не придет запирать двери на ночь. Но сейчас в Высоких дубах разразился хаос. Трехлетний Гарри Монро похищен посреди ночи неизвестным в клоунском костюме. Мать ребенка, рыдая, сообщила полиции, что слышала через динамик видеоняни, как этот клоун, подбираясь к кроватке Гарри, шептал ее имя… Джееессикааа…
Похитителем может оказаться кто угодно. Потому что на самом деле Высокие Дубы – городок, где все не так, как кажется. Здесь каждому есть что скрывать…
Расследование ведет местный шериф Джим, мучимый скрытой одержимостью и чувством вины. Он знает, что…
Отчаявшаяся Джессика разрушает сама себя в попытках найти малыша и борьбе со своим горем. Наконец она…
У подростка Мэнни весьма странные идеи о том, как оставить свой след в жизни. В один прекрасный день он…
Фотограф Джерри, жирный неудачник, набирается решимости порвать с жестко контролирующей его матерью. А для этого ему нужно…
Они не предполагают, насколько неожиданной будет развязка, и какую роль в ней сыграет каждый из них.
Исторический кинжал
Абир Мукерджи 4.0
Индия, 1919 год. Отчаянно желая начать все сначала, капитан Сэм Уиндем прибывает из Британии, чтобы занять важный пост в полиции Калькутты. Вскоре его вызывают на место странного убийства. Жертва — высокопоставленный чиновник, тело нашли в трущобном квартале, где европейцы не бывают, скомканная записка у него во рту требует, чтобы британцы покинули Индию, а иначе последуют новые жертвы. Капитан Уиндем берет в помощники первого в полиции офицера-индийца, сержанта Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим. Быстро выясняется, что история куда запутанней, чем политическое убийство.

Атмосферный, в духе Конан Дойла детектив, разворачивающийся в ярких декорациях колониальной Индии. Это первая книга из детективной серии про Уиндема и Несокрушима. Роман получил престижную жанровую премию CWA Endeavour Dagger как лучший исторический детектив.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Стивен Первис 0.0
For over a decade Stephen Purvis had been a pillar of Havana's expat community, one of many foreign businessmen investing in Cuba's crawl from Cold War communism towards modernity. But for reasons unknown to him he was also under State Security's microscope. One morning during the height of President Raúl Castro's purges in 2012, while his family slept the unmarked Ladas of State Security arrived at his home and he was taken away into the absurd and brutal world of Cuban justice.

In this engrossing memoir, Purvis recounts his fifteen-month ordeal. Accused at first of selling state secrets, he is taken to the notorious interrogation centre Villa Marista, where he endures brutal conditions designed by the KGB and Stasi to break the bodies and minds of spies and political prisoners, and resists the paranoia and incompetence of his jailers. Later, held in a maximum-security prison, he finds himself surrounded by a motley crew of convicts: people-smugglers and drug-runners together with a handful of confused businessmen also awaiting formal charges.

From his arrest to his farcical secret trial and sudden release, Purvis exposes the madness of modern Cuba with wit, grit and a sharp eye for character. As tourists flock to Havana to marvel at a city frozen in time, he shows that despite reforms and international reconciliation the Castro regime remains a corrupt, dictatorial relic. CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR is part thriller, part comedy and part morality tale, but most of all a true story that takes the reader into a dark side of a sunny place that remains an enigma.
Мари Ханна
Библиотечный Кинжал
Мари Ханна / Mari Hannah
3 книги
0 в избранном
Barry Forshaw
Специальная премия за заслуги
Barry Forshaw
3 книги
0 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Билл Беверли 4.0
It is the story of a young LA gang member named East, who is sent by his uncle along with some other teenage boys—including East's hothead younger brother—to kill a key witness hiding out in Wisconsin. The journey takes East out of a city he's never left and into an America that is entirely alien to him, ultimately forcing him to grapple with his place in the world and decide what kind of man he wants to become.
Written in stark and unforgettable prose and featuring an array of surprising and memorable characters rendered with empathy and wit, Dodgers heralds the arrival of a major new voice in American fiction.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Пьер Леметр 4.3
«До свидания там, наверху» — роман Пьера Леметра, который можно было бы назвать «Живые и мертвые». Выжить на Первой мировой, длившейся четыре долгих года, огромное счастье и огромное везение. Так почему герои романа «До свидания там, наверху», художник Эдуар и его друг Альбер, чудом уцелевшие в кровавой бойне, завидуют павшим товарищам, а их несбыточной мечтой оказываются новые ботинки и ампула с морфином? Тогда как хладнокровно распоряжавшийся их жизнями капитан Анри д’Олнэ-Прадель с легкостью зарабатывает миллионы на… гробах.

Перед нами роман-фреска, роман-событие, увенчанный Гонкуровской премией, крупная литературная рыба на безрыбье последних лет.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Don Winslow 4.2
From the internationally best-selling author of the acclaimed novel The Power of the Dog comes The Cartel, a gripping, true-to-life, ripped-from-the-headlines epic story of power, corruption, revenge, and justice spanning the past decade of the Mexican-American drug wars.

It’s 2004. DEA agent Art Keller has been fighting the war on drugs for thirty years in a blood feud against Adán Barrera, the head of El Federación, the world’s most powerful cartel, and the man who brutally murdered Keller’s partner. Finally putting Barrera away cost Keller dearly—the woman he loves, the beliefs he cherishes, the life he wants to lead.

Then Barrera gets out, determined to rebuild the empire that Keller shattered. Unwilling to live in a world with Barrera in it, Keller goes on a ten-year odyssey to take him down. His obsession with justice—or is it revenge?—becomes a ruthless struggle that stretches from the cities, mountains, and deserts of Mexico to Washington’s corridors of power to the streets of Berlin and Barcelona.

Keller fights his personal battle against the devastated backdrop of Mexico’s drug war, a conflict of unprecedented scale and viciousness, as cartels vie for power and he comes to the final reckoning with Barrera—and himself—that he always knew must happen.

The Cartel is a story of revenge, honor, and sacrifice, as one man tries to face down the devil without losing his soul. It is the story of the war on drugs and the men—and women—who wage it.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Билл Беверли 4.0
It is the story of a young LA gang member named East, who is sent by his uncle along with some other teenage boys—including East's hothead younger brother—to kill a key witness hiding out in Wisconsin. The journey takes East out of a city he's never left and into an America that is entirely alien to him, ultimately forcing him to grapple with his place in the world and decide what kind of man he wants to become.
Written in stark and unforgettable prose and featuring an array of surprising and memorable characters rendered with empathy and wit, Dodgers heralds the arrival of a major new voice in American fiction.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Марк Брэнди 2.0
In the long, hot summer of 1989, Ben and Fab are best friends.

Growing up in a small country town, they spend their days playing cricket, yabbying in local dams, wanting a pair of Nike Air Maxes and not talking about how Fab's dad hits him or how the sudden death of Ben's next-door neighbour unsettled him. Almost teenagers, they already know some things are better left unsaid.

Then a newcomer arrived in the Wimmera. Fab reckoned he was a secret agent and he and Ben staked him out. Up close, the man's shoulders were wide and the veins in his arms stuck out, blue and green. His hands were enormous, red and knotty. He looked strong. Maybe even stronger than Fab's dad. Neither realised the shadow this man would cast over both their lives.

Twenty years later, Fab is still stuck in town, going nowhere but hoping for somewhere better. Then a body is found in the river, and Fab can't ignore the past any more.

Wimmera is the Winner of the 2016 Crime Writers' Association Debut Dagger (UK), and the 2018 Indie Book Award for Best Debut Fiction.
Исторический кинжал
Дэвид Янг 0.0
David Young's chillingly intricate Stasi Child was A London Times “Crime Book of the Month” and a Telegraph Pick of the Week.

1975: When Oberleutnant Karin Muller is called to investigate a teenage girl's body at the foot of the Berlin Wall, she imagines she's seen it all before. But she soon realizes that this is a death like no other before it - the girl was evidently trying to escape from West Berlin.

As a member of the People's Police, Muller's power in East Germany only stretches so far. The Ministry for State Security, the Stasi, assures her the case is closed, all they need to know is the girl's name. Yet they strongly discourage her from asking questions. The evidence doesn't add up, and it soon becomes clear the crime scene has been staged. But this regime does not tolerate curious minds, and it takes Müller too long to realize that the trail she's been following may lead her dangerously close to home ...
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Эндрю Ханкинсон 0.0
Winner of a Northern Writers Award

These are the last days of Raoul Moat.

Moat was the fugitive Geordie bodybuilder-mechanic who became notorious one hot July week when, after killing his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, shooting her in the stomach, and blinding a policeman, he disappeared into the woods of Northumberland, evading discovery for seven days – even after TV tracker Ray Mears was employed by the police to find him. Eventually, cornered by the police, Moat shot himself.

Andrew Hankinson, a journalist from Newcastle, re-tells Moat’s story using Moat’s words, and those of the state services which engaged with him, bringing the reader disarmingly close at all times to the mind of Moat. It is a reading experience unrelieved by authorial distance or expert interpretation. The narrative Hankinson has woven is entirely compelling, even if Moat’s weaknesses are never far from sight, requiring the reader to work out where they should stand.
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Michael Robotham 4.0
Why would a man serving a long prison sentence escape the day before he's due to be released?

Audie Palmer has spent ten years in a Texas prison after pleading guilty to a robbery in which four people died and seven million dollars went missing. During that time he has suffered repeated beatings, stabbings and threats by inmates and guards, all desperate to answer the same question: where's the money?

On the day before Audie is due to be released, he suddenly vanishes. Now everybody is searching for him - the police, FBI, gangsters and other powerful figures - but Audie isn't running to save his own life. Instead, he's trying to save someone else's.

Michael Robotham has created the ultimate underdog hero, an honorable criminal shrouded in mystery and ready to lead readers on a remarkable chase.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Пьер Леметр 3.8
Анна Форестье, любимая женщина знаменитого комиссара Верховена, случайно становится свидетельницей разбойного нападения на ювелирный магазин неподалеку от Елисейских Полей. Чудом ей удается остаться в живых, однако она ранена, а лицо ее обезображено, и в довершение всего на нее начинается охота. Для Верховена расследование становится глубоко личным делом. Комиссар и бандит сходятся в смертельной схватке, цена победы - жизнь или смерть Анны. Но кто здесь на самом деле охотник и кто жертва?
Впервые на русском ЖЕРТВОПРИНОШЕНИЯ, завершающая книга трилогии Пьера Леметра, лауреата Гонкуровской премии, о комиссаре Камиле Верховене.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Karin Slaughter 4.0
As a brutal killing rocks the city, Kate Murphy wonders if her first day on the police force will also be her last. For life is anything but easy in the male-dominated world of the Atlanta Police Department.
Kate isn't the only woman on the force who is finding things tough. Maggie Lawson followed her uncle and brother into the ranks to prove her worth in their cynical eyes.
When Maggie and Kate become partners, and are sidelined in the search for the city's cop killer, they decide to pursue their own line of investigation. But are they prepared to risk everything as they venture into the city's darkest heart?
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Смит Хендерсон 0.0
In this shattering and iconic American novel, PEN prize-winning writer, Smith Henderson explores the complexities of freedom, community, grace, suspicion and anarchy, brilliantly depicting our nation's disquieting and violent contradictions.
Исторический кинжал
S.G. MacLean 4.0
London, 1654. Oliver Cromwell is at the height of his power and has declared himself Lord Protector. Yet he has many enemies at home and abroad. London is a complex web of spies and merchants, priests and soldiers, exiles and assassins.

One of the web's most fearsome spiders is Damian Seeker, agent of the Lord Protector. No one knows where Seeker comes from, who his family is, or even his real name. All that is known of him for certain is that he is utterly loyal to Cromwell and that nothing can be long hidden from him. In the city, coffeehouses are springing up, fashionable places where men may meet to plot and gossip. Suddenly they are ringing with news of a murder.

John Winter, hero of Cromwell's all-powerful army, is dead, and lawyer Elias Ellingworth is found standing over the bleeding body, clutching a knife. Yet despite the damning evidence, Seeker is not convinced of Ellingworth's guilt. He will stop at nothing to bring the killer to justice - and Seeker knows better than any man where to search.
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Дэн Дэйвис 0.0
Winner of the 2015 Gordon Burn Prize and the 2015 CWA Non-Fiction Dagger

Shortlisted for the Orwell Prize and the James Tait Black Prize

Dan Davies has spent more than a decade on a quest to find the real Jimmy Savile, and interviewed him extensively over a period of seven years before his death. In the course of his quest, he spent days and nights at a time quizzing Savile at his homes in Leeds and Scarborough, lunched with him at venues ranging from humble transport cafes to the Athenaeum club in London and, most memorably, joined him for a short cruise aboard the QE2. Dan thought his quest had come to an end in October 2011 when Savile's golden coffin was lowered into a grave dug at a 45-degree angle in a Scarborough cemetery. He was wrong. In the last two and a half years, Dan has been interviewing scores of people, many of them unobtainable while Jimmy was alive. What he has discovered was that his instincts were right all along and behind the mask lay a hideous truth. Jimmy Savile was not only complex, damaged and controlling, but cynical, calculating and predatory. He revelled in his status as a Pied Piper of youth and used his power to abuse the vulnerable and underage, all the while covering his tracks by moving into the innermost circles of the establishment.
Золотой Кинжал
Уайли Кэш 0.0
The critically acclaimed author of the New York Times bestseller A Land More Kind Than Home—hailed as "a powerfully moving debut that reads as if Cormac McCarthy decided to rewrite Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird" (Richmond Times Dispatch)—returns with a resonant novel of love and atonement, blood and vengeance, set in western North Carolina, involving two young sisters, a wayward father, and an enemy determined to see him pay for his sins.

After their mother's unexpected death, twelve-year-old Easter and her six-year-old sister Ruby are adjusting to life in foster care when their errant father, Wade, suddenly appears. Since Wade signed away his legal rights, the only way he can get his daughters back is to steal them away in the night.

Brady Weller, the girls' court-appointed guardian, begins looking for Wade, and he quickly turns up unsettling information linking Wade to a recent armored car heist, one with a whopping $14.5 million missing. But Brady Weller isn't the only one hunting the desperate father. Robert Pruitt, a shady and mercurial man nursing a years-old vendetta, is also determined to find Wade and claim his due.

Narrated by a trio of alternating voices, This Dark Road to Mercy is a story about the indelible power of family and the primal desire to outrun a past that refuses to let go.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Артуро Перес-Реверте 3.9
Кадис, начало XIX века. Город все чаще становится мишенью для ядер наполеоновской армии - жители привыкли к ним так же, как и к раскаленному дыханию ветра, издавна блуждающему по лабиринту улиц. Город балансирует на грани страха и абсолютной вседозволенности: дни начинаются молитвами в церкви, а заканчиваются вечерами в портовых кабаках. Но жизнь в Кадисе и за его стенами не замирает. Корсары все так же бросают вызов морю, торговцы заключают с ними рискованные сделки, шпионы замышляют интриги, а комиссар преследует опасного убийцу. Каждая фигура играет ту роль, которая отведена ей правилами шахматной доски. Но останутся ли они прежними, если на одной доске разыгрывается сразу несколько партий, а паутину ходов плетет сам случай?
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Роберт Харрис 4.3
Франция, 1890-е годы. Сотрудник французской спецслужбы капитан Альфред Дрейфус объявлен особо опасным преступником, подвергнут гражданской казни и сослан на тропический остров в Атлантическом океане. Официальное обвинение — шпионаж в пользу Германии. Жорж Пикар, бывший наставник Дрейфуса, а затем начальник одного из отделов департамента разведки, ведет собственное расследование этого противоречивого дела, к тому же откровенно окрашенного в националистические тона. Главный обвинительный материал против Дрейфуса — таинственная «секретная папка», якобы содержащая все необходимые доказательства. Вот ее-то и надо найти Пикару, чтобы показать миру невиновность своего подопечного.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Рэй Целестин 0.0
New Orleans, 1919. As a dark serial killer – The Axeman – stalks the city, three individuals set out to unmask him…

Though every citizen of the ‘Big Easy’ thinks they know who could be behind the terrifying murders, Detective Lieutenant Michael Talbot, heading up the official investigation, is struggling to find leads. But Michael has a grave secret – and if he doesn’t find himself on the right track fast – it could be exposed…

Former detective Luca d’Andrea has spent the last six years in Angola state penitentiary, after Michael, his protégée, blew the whistle on his corrupt behaviour. Now a newly freed man, Luca finds himself working with the mafia, whose need to solve the mystery of the Axeman is every bit as urgent as the authorities’.

Meanwhile, Ida is a secretary at the Pinkerton Detective Agency.Obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and dreaming of a better life, Ida stumbles across a clue which lures her and her trumpet-playing friend, Lewis ‘Louis’ Armstrong, to the case and into terrible danger…

As Michael, Luca and Ida each draw closer to discovering the killer’s identity, the Axeman himself will issue a challenge to the people of New Orleans: play jazz or risk becoming the next victim. And as the case builds to its crescendo, the sky will darken and a great storm will loom over the city…
Кинжал Дебютанта
Jody Sabral 0.0
A routine assignment covering protests in Turkey turns deadly for American reporter Kate Roberts, when a young dissident is viciously murdered in Istanbul. As rioting grips the city, Kate's camerawoman discovers she has an unexpected connection to the victim, and that there are forces who will stop at nothing to prevent them uncovering the truth.
Исторический кинжал
Антония Ходжсон 0.0
London, 1727. Tom Hawkins refuses to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a country parson. His preference is for wine, women, and cards. But there’s honor there too, and Tom won’t pull family strings to get himself out of debt—not even when faced with London’s notorious debtors’ prison.

The Marshalsea Gaol is a world of its own, with simple rules: Those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of its ruthless governor and his cronies. The trouble is, Tom has never been good at following rules, even simple ones. And the recent grisly murder of a debtor, Captain Roberts, has brought further terror to the gaol. While the captain's beautiful widow cries for justice, the finger of suspicion points only one way: do the sly, enigmatic figure of Samuel Fleet.

Some call Fleet a devil, a man to avoid at all costs. But Tom Hawkins is sharing his cell. Soon Tom’s choice is clear: get to the truth of the murder—or be the next to die.

A dazzling evocation of a startlingly modern era, The Devil in the Marshalsea is a thrilling debut novel full of intrigue and suspense.
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Adrian Levy, Cathy Scott-Clark 0.0
Winner of the CWA Nonfiction Dagger Award, the definitive account of the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai

Mumbai, 2008. On the night of November 26, Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists attacked targets throughout the city, including the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, one of the world’s most exclusive luxury hotels. For sixty-eight hours, hundreds were held hostage as shots rang out and an enormous fire raged. When the smoke cleared, thirty-one people were dead and many more had been injured. Only the courageous actions of staff and guests—including Mallika Jagad, Bob Nichols, and Taj general manager Binny Kang—prevented a much higher death toll.

With a deep understanding of the region and its politics and a narrative flair reminiscent of Midnight in Peking, journalists Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy vividly unfold the tragic events in a real-life thriller filled with suspense, tragedy, history, and heroism.
Золотой Кинжал
Mick Herron 5.0
London's Slough House is where the washed-up MI5 spies go to while away what's left of their failed careers. The "slow horses," as they’re called, have all disgraced themselves in some way to get relegated here. Maybe they messed up an op badly and can't be trusted anymore. Maybe they got in the way of an ambitious colleague and had the rug yanked out from under them. Maybe they just got too dependent on the bottle—not unusual in this line of work. One thing they all have in common, though, is they all want to be back in the action. And most of them would do anything to get there─even if it means having to collaborate with one another.

Now the slow horses have a chance at redemption. An old Cold War-era spy is found dead on a bus outside Oxford, far from his usual haunts. The despicable, irascible Jackson Lamb is convinced Dickie Bow was murdered. As the agents dig into their fallen comrade's circumstances, they uncover a shadowy tangle of ancient Cold War secrets that seem to lead back to a man named Alexander Popov, who is either a Soviet bogeyman or the most dangerous man in the world. How many more people will have to die to keep those secrets buried?
Криминальная литература в переводе
Фред Варгас 4.3
Спокойную жизнь комиссара Адамберга омрачают несколько обстоятельств: кто-то в округе издевается над голубями, в сгоревшем «мерседесе» найден труп промышленного магната; в полицейском управлении появляется тихая, застенчивая женщина, которая рассказывает средневековую легенду о Воинстве Сатаны. Именно ее история побуждает Адамберга отправиться в провинциальный городок , который неожиданно становится местом действия дьявольских сил, ополчившихся против мирных жителей. А начинается все, как в сказке «Мальчик-с-пальчик», — с хлебных крошек!
Криминальная литература в переводе
Пьер Леметр 4.2
Комиссар Камиль Верховен находится в крайне затруднительном положении: впервые в его практике у него нет ничего — ни подозреваемого, ни мотива преступления, а надежда, что похищенная девушка жива, быстро тает. Все, что ему известно от случайных свидетелей, это что красавицу Алекс Прево схватили на парижской улице и затолкали в белый фургон. Но что если замкнутая и загадочная Алекс — вовсе не обычная жертва?!
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Роджер Хоббс 3.8
Дерзкое ограбление казино в Атлантик-Сити. Одного из двух грабителей охранникам удается застрелить. Второй скрывается с миллионом долларов в пластиковой упаковке. Он понятия не имеет, что деньги «заряжены» взрывчаткой и бомба сработает через 48 часов. Этого парня – вместе с деньгами – и поручено разыскать Джеку Делтону. Поручение исходит от главаря банды, организовавшего ограбление. Отказаться Джек не может – у бандитов достаточно способов заставить его быть послушным. Правда, для начала им надо его найти. Ведь его не просто так зовут Призраком.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Дерек Миллер 3.3
He will not admit it to Rhea and Lars - never, of course not - but Sheldon can't help but wonder what it is he's doing here..

Eighty-two years old, and recently widowed, Sheldon Horowitz has grudgingly moved to Oslo, with his grand-daughter and her Norwegian husband. An ex-Marine, he talks often to the ghosts of his past - the friends he lost in the Pacific and the son who followed him into the US Army, and to his death in Vietnam.

When Sheldon witnesses the murder of a woman in his apartment complex, he rescues her six-year-old son and decides to run. Pursued by both the Balkan gang responsible for the murder, and the Norwegian police, he has to rely on training from over half a century before to try and keep the boy safe. Against a strange and foreign landscape, this unlikely couple, who can't speak the same language, start to form a bond that may just save them both.

An extraordinary debut, featuring a memorable hero, Norwegian by Night is the last adventure of a man still trying to come to terms with the tragedies of his life. Compelling and sophisticated, it is both a chase through the woods thriller and an emotionally haunting novel about ageing and regret.
Исторический кинжал
Andrew Taylor 0.0
From the No. 1 bestselling author of THE AMERICAN BOY comes a brilliant new historical thriller set during the American War of Independence. Manhattan, 1778. A city of secrets, profiteers, loyalists and double agents. As the last part of America under British rule, New York is home to a swelling tide of refugees seeking justice from the British crown. Edward Savill is sent from London to investigate the claims of dispossessed loyalists. No sooner does he land than he becomes embroiled in the case of a gentleman murdered in the city's notorious Canvas Town. An escaped slave hangs for the crime, but Savill is convinced they have executed the wrong man. Lodging with the respected Wintour family, Savill senses the mystery deepening. Judge Wintour's beautiful daughter-in-law, Arabella, hides a tragedy in her past, while his son plans a dangerous mission into enemy territory. And what of Mr Noak, the enigmatic clerk seemingly bent on a dubious course of his own? One thing is clear - the killing in Canvas Town was just the start of a trail of murder, and it's leading directly to Savill...
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Paul French 5.0
Peking in 1937 is a heady mix of privilege and scandal, opulence and opium dens, rumors and superstition. The Japanese are encircling the city, and the discovery of Pamela Werner's body sends a shiver through already nervous Peking. Is it the work of a madman? One of the ruthless Japanese soldiers now surrounding the city? Or perhaps the dreaded fox spirits? With the suspect list growing and clues sparse, two detectives—one British and one Chinese—race against the clock to solve the crime before the Japanese invade and Peking as they know it is gone forever. Can they find the killer in time, before the Japanese invade?

Historian and China expert Paul French at last uncovers the truth behind this notorious murder, and offers a rare glimpse of the last days of colonial Peking.

Winner of the both the Edgar Award for Best Fact Crime and the CWA Non-Fiction Dagger
Криминальная литература в переводе
Andrea Camilleri 0.0
A New York Times bestseller, Winner of the Crime Writers' Association's International Dagger and longlisted for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award

Witty and entertaining, the Montalbano novels by Andrea Camilleri-a master of the Italian detective story-have become favorites of mystery fans everywhere. In this latest installment, an unidentified corpse is found near Vigàta, a town known for its soil rich with potter's clay. Meanwhile, a woman reports the disappearance of her husband, a Colombian man with Sicilian origins who turns out to be related to a local mobster. Then Inspector Montalbano remembers the story from the Bible-Judas's betrayal, the act of remorse, and the money for the potter's field, where those of unknown or foreign origin are to be buried-and slowly, through myriad betrayals, finds his way to the solution to the crime.

A BEAM OF LIGHT is the newest novel in the Montalbano series and is now available from Penguin Books
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Чарльз Камминг 3.8
Загадочные и страшные события, которые произошли в разное время и на разных континентах, сначала не привлекли большого внимания. В конце 1990­х в Тунисе бесследно исчезла молодая помощница по хозяйству, оставив в неведении влюбленного в нее соблазнителя. Годы спустя в египетском Шарм­эль­Шейхе с невероятной жестокостью были убиты приехавшие на отдых супруги из Франции. Вскоре после этого на темной улице Парижа похитили молодого французского бухгалтера. Но когда на юге Франции пропала Амелия Левин, которой в скором времени предстояло взять на себя роль первой женщины­начальника МИ­6, британская Секретная разведывательная служба столкнулась едва ли не с самым серьезным кризисом в своей истории. Отчаявшись не только найти Левин, но и не допустить, чтобы скандал просочился в прессу, британские высокопоставленные разведчики обращаются к Томасу Келли - одному из своих опальных экс­офицеров. Устремляясь по следу, который приводит его во Францию, а затем в Тунис, Келли раскрывает шокирующий тайный заговор, который может иметь необратимые последствия для Великобритании и ее союзников. И понимает, что только он один способен предотвратить катастрофу...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Уайли Кэш 0.0
In his phenomenal debut novel—a mesmerizing literary thriller about the bond between two brothers and the evil they face in a small North Carolina town—author Wiley Cash displays a remarkable talent for lyrical, powerfully emotional storytelling. A Land More Kind than Home is a modern masterwork of Southern fiction, reminiscent of the writings of John Hart (Down River), Tom Franklin (Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter), Ron Rash (Serena), and Pete Dexter (Paris Trout)—one that is likely to be held in the same enduring esteem as such American classics as To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and A Separate Peace. A brilliant evocation of a place, a heart-rending family story, a gripping and suspenseful mystery—with A Land More Kind than Home, a major American novelist enthusiastically announces his arrival.
Исторический кинжал
Aly Monroe 0.0
1947 England is haggard by the scarcities of war and the blight of a harsh winter. In this cold, corrupt, and bankrupt world, Peter Cotton, a Colonial Intelligence officer, continues his adventurous series as Harold Watkins (homosexual previously convicted for "gross indecency") is found dead in his hotel room, suspected of committing suicide by means of a poisoned apple. Cotton's quest for truth envelopes a world of theatrical grandiosity, political hostilities, and a myriad of dark secrets, as he closes off possibilities till he reaches a final conclusion
Стив Мосби
Библиотечный Кинжал
Стив Мосби / Steve Mosby
6 книг
1 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Том Франклин 3.5
Tom Franklin's extraordinary talent has been hailed by the leading lights of contemporary literature—Philip Roth, Richard Ford, Lee Smith, and Dennis Lehane. Reviewers have called his fiction "ingenious" (USA Today) and "compulsively readable" (Memphis Commercial Appeal). His narrative power and flair for character-ization have been compared to the likes of Harper Lee, Flannery O'Connor, Elmore Leonard, and Cormac McCarthy.

Now the Edgar Award-winning author returns with his most accomplished and resonant novel so far—an atmospheric drama set in rural Mississippi. In the late 1970s, Larry Ott and Silas "32" Jones were boyhood pals. Their worlds were as different as night and day: Larry, the child of lower-middle-class white parents, and Silas, the son of a poor, single black mother. Yet for a few months the boys stepped outside of their circumstances and shared a special bond. But then tragedy struck: Larry took a girl on a date to a drive-in movie, and she was never heard from again. She was never found and Larry never confessed, but all eyes rested on him as the culprit. The incident shook the county—and perhaps Silas most of all. His friendship with Larry was broken, and then Silas left town.

More than twenty years have passed. Larry, a mechanic, lives a solitary existence, never able to rise above the whispers of suspicion. Silas has returned as a constable. He and Larry have no reason to cross paths until another girl disappears and Larry is blamed again. And now the two men who once called each other friend are forced to confront the past they've buried and ignored for decades.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Андерс Рослунд, Берге Хелльстрем 3.6
Писательский дуэт тележурналиста Андерса Рослунда, автора криминальных репортажей, и Бёрье Хелльстрёма, специалиста по реабилитации уголовников, музыканта и барда, оказался на редкость успешным: их детективная сага о комиссаре Эверте Гренсе, переведенная на три десятка языков, принесла создателям множество наград, включая "Стеклянный ключ” и многочисленные призы читательских симпатий. “Три секунды”, пятый роман цикла, признанный “Книгой года” Шведской академией детектива и удостоенный “Кинжала” Британской ассоциации авторов-детективщиков, в настоящее время экранизируется голливудской студией 20th Century Fox.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Стив Гамильтон 4.1
Майкл, страдающий немотой, может быстро открыть любой замок и потому быстро становится добычей воротил преступного мира. Он понимает, что ему придётся призвать на помощь все свои таланты и хитрость, чтобы вырваться из рабства. И вернуться к единственному человеку, способному помочь ему разоблачить страшную тайну детства.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
С. Дж. Уотсон 4.0
Каждое утро Кристин Лукас просыпается в незнакомой комнате, в постели с мужчиной, которого не узнает. Каждое утро этот мужчина терпеливо объясняет Кристин, что он ее муж, а она страдает амнезией с тех пор, как в молодости попала в аварию. По совету врача, занимающегося ее случаем, Кристин втайне от мужа начинает вести дневник, записывая туда все, что ей удается узнать и вспомнить в течение дня. Отчаянно пытаясь сложить из обрывков воспоминаний свое прошлое, Кристин задает все больше вопросов — себе и окружающим. Но каждое новое воскресшее воспоминание все больше пугает ее, ей все сложнее понять, что же на самом деле случилось с ней много лет назад, что именно стерло из памяти всю ее прежнюю жизнь?
Кинжал Дебютанта
Michele Rowe 0.0
When Detective Persephone (Persy) Jonas is forced to work with retired criminal psychologist Dr Marge Labuschagne to solve the murder of a suspected sex offender, suspicion and distrust threaten to derail the investigation. Persy believes the killer is her childhood sweetheart, now turned vicious gangster; Marge is sure the answer lies in the victim's shady past.

As the women race against time and their own prejudice to hunt the killer, past and present collide, unearthing long buried secrets and lies. As the hunt intensifies they realise they have more in common than they think and are bound in ways they could never have imagined. Finally faced with a ruthless killer, it seems that the darkest secrets are the ones they are hiding from themselves
Исторический кинжал
Andrew Martin 0.0
The Somme Stations plunges into the horrors of World War One trench combat. Stringer and his unit must undertake dangerous nocturnal assignments: driving the trains taking munitions to the front. Death is everywhere, as the trains travel through blasted surrealistic landscapes, and a single-minded military policeman continues to investigate a killing that occurred before the departure for France.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Дуглас Старр 0.0
A riveting true crime story that vividly recounts the birth of modern forensics.

At the end of the nineteenth century, serial murderer Joseph Vacher, known and feared as “The Killer of Little Shepherds,” terrorized the French countryside. He eluded authorities for years—until he ran up against prosecutor Emile Fourquet and Dr. Alexandre Lacassagne, the era’s most renowned criminologist. The two men—intelligent and bold—typified the Belle Époque, a period of immense scientific achievement and fascination with science’s promise to reveal the secrets of the human condition.

With high drama and stunning detail, Douglas Starr revisits Vacher’s infamous crime wave, interweaving the story of how Lacassagne and his colleagues were developing forensic science as we know it. We see one of the earliest uses of criminal profiling, as Fourquet painstakingly collects eyewitness accounts and constructs a map of Vacher’s crimes. We follow the tense and exciting events leading to the murderer’s arrest. And we witness the twists and turns of the trial, celebrated in its day. In an attempt to disprove Vacher’s defense by reason of insanity, Fourquet recruits Lacassagne, who in the previous decades had revolutionized criminal science by refining the use of blood-spatter evidence, systematizing the autopsy, and doing groundbreaking research in psychology. Lacassagne’s efforts lead to a gripping courtroom denouement.

The Killer of Little Shepherds is an important contribution to the history of criminal justice, impressively researched and thrillingly told.
Мартин Эдвардс
Специальная премия за заслуги
Мартин Эдвардс / Kenneth Martin Edwards
11 книг
2 в избранном
Диана Джейнс
Специальная премия за заслуги
Диана Джейнс / Diane Janes
1 книга
0 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Белинда Бауэр 3.8
Стивен живет на угрюмом, насквозь продуваемом плато в самом центре Англии. Куда ни глянь, везде лишь вереск и утесник. Вечный дождь и рвущий душу ветер. Не самое лучшее место для детских игр. Но Стивен и не играет. Он пытается раскрыть давнюю тайну. Много лет назад его дядя Билли, которому тогда было столько же, сколько Стивену, вышел из дома и больше не вернулся. С тех пор в семье все пошло наперекосяк. Бабушка Стивена дни напролет стоит у кухонного окна, не замечая ничего и никого, она ждет, не появится ли вдруг на дорожке ее Билли... А Стивен мечтает о нормальной семье, о милых домашних глупостях, которых у него никогда не было. Но, узнав о трагедии, он понял, что, пока тело Билли не будет найдено, ничего в их жизни не наладится. И одиннадцатилетний мальчик вступает в сложную и опасную игру с убийцей, который даже за решеткой чрезвычайно опасен. Удивительно напряженный, наполненный готической атмосферой, обаятельный и чрезвычайно оригинальный детектив Белинды Бауэр получил в 2010 году "Золотой кинжал" и еще три престижные детективные премии.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Юхан Теорин 4.1
По легенде, этот затерянный на пустынном острове хутор построен из бревен, оставшихся после кораблекрушения. Поэтому рядом с живыми здесь всегда присутствуют мертвые.
Катрин и Йоаким приезжают сюда из Стокгольма. Они хотят прожить здесь долгую, счастливую жизнь и вместе вырастить своих детей. Но этим мечтам не суждено сбыться. Однажды при странных и трагических обстоятельствах Катрин погибает. Йоаким не готов смириться со смертью жены. Он ждет ее прихода, он верит, что в ночь перед Рождеством Катрин вернется к своей семье, чтобы отметить этот праздник вместе с близкими. Но Йоаким не знает, что не только призрак умершей Катрин навестит его этой праздничной ночью, он даже не думает о том, что бояться нужно не мертвых. Бояться нужно живых…
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Simon Conway 0.0
Winner of the Ian Fleming steel dagger award 2010 for best thriller of the year!
The last time Jonah saw Nor ed-Din, he was lying face down in a pool of black water in the Khyber Pass. For many years, Jonah had been under the impression that he'd killed him there. How far can loyalty be stretched before it reaches a limit? Millions of lives depend on the answer, as a twisting road of betrayal and revenge leads from the mountains of Afghanistan to the heart of London... and a ticking bomb.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Ryan David Jahn 4.0
Katrino Marino is about to become America's most infamous murder victim. This is Katrina's story, and the story of her killer.
Исторический кинжал
Клементс Рори 3.9
Англия и Испания в состоянии войны, а двор королевы Елизаветы раздираем соперничеством ее двух молодых и амбициозных фаворитов. Блестящий мастер следствия Джон Шекспир уже пять лет как в отставке, но граф Эссекс предлагает Джону расследовать одно странное дело, связанное с исчезновением английской колонии Роанок в Северной Америке, однако в результате Шекспир раскрывает заговор с целью убийства Елизаветы.

«Мститель» — второй роман популярного британского писателя Рори Клементса о расследованиях королевского тайного агента Джона Шекспира.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Рут Дадли Эдвардс 0.0
The Omagh bomb was the worst massacre in Northern Ireland's modern history—yet from it came a most extraordinary tale of human resilience, as families of murdered people channeled their grief into action. As the bombers congratulated themselves on escaping justice, the families determined on a civil case against them and their organization. In Omagh, on Saturday, August 15, 1998, a massive bomb placed by the so-called Real IRA murdered five men, fourteen women, nine children, and a pair of unborn twins. Although the police believed they knew the identities of the killers, there was insufficient evidence to bring charges. Taking as their motto "For evil to triumph, all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing," families of ten of the dead decided to pursue these men through the civil courts, where the burden of proof is lower. This is the remarkable account of how these families—who had no knowledge of the law and no money, and included a cleaner, a mechanic, and a bookie—became internationally recognized, formidable campaigners and surmounted countless daunting obstacles to win a famous victory. How these mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers turned themselves into the scourge of the Real IRA is not just an astonishing story in itself. It is also a universal story of David challenging Goliath, as well as an inspiration to ordinary people anywhere devastated by terrorism.
Золотой Кинжал
Уильям Бродрик 0.0
A hugely moving and intelligent novel from the bestselling author of The Sixth Lamentation and The Gardens of the Dead, A Whispered Name reaches into the mysteries of one man's past and casts light on the long shadows war leaves behind
Криминальная литература в переводе
Фред Варгас 3.6
В Париже происходят странные события: почти каждую ночь то здесь, то там появляются круги, начерченные синим мелом. В каждом из них лежит какая-нибудь старая вещица, найденная в мусорном контейнере или подобранная прямо на тротуаре. Парижане считают это дурной шуткой или выходкой безобидного сумасшедшего. Никто, кроме комиссара Адамберга, не считает, что дело может принять скверный оборот. И вдруг как-то ночью в очередном круге находят тело зверски убитой женщины. Однако на этом история не заканчивается…
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Джон Харт 4.2
Джон Харт — единственный писатель в истории, дважды подряд получивший одну из главных остросюжетных литературных наград — премию Эдгара Аллана По. Его произведения переведены на 30 языков и продаются в 17 странах мира. Перед вами — история, достойная пера Стивена Кинга. Феноменальная история потери и надежды, обретения себя, стойкости перед лицом зла. Детство Джонни закончилось в одночасье — когда год назад пропала его сестра-близнец Алисса. Отец, не выдержав бремени вины, ушел из семьи. Мать нашла забвение в алкоголе и таблетках. А сам Джонни перестал быть обычным мальчишкой и превратился в одержимого. Каждый день он творит странные ритуалы и посвящает все свое время поискам сестры. Все окрестности и подозрительные соседи изучены вдоль и поперек. Но надежда разгорается с новой силой, когда Джонни внезапно становится свидетелем жуткой погони со смертельным исходом. Последние слова сбитого мотоциклиста дают ему новую зацепку...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Юхан Теорин 4.1
Увлекательный и небанальный детектив – третий самостоятельный роман в известной «островной серии» Юхана Теорина.

Однажды на уединенный остров Эланд опустился очень густой туман, что случалось нечасто - всего несколько раз в год. И именно в этот день маленький мальчик, Йенс Давидссон, вышел из дома дедушки погулять и потерялся. В белом, как молоко, тумане он встретил человека в темном пальто, который представился как Нильс Кант. Он взял мальчика за руку и пообещал отвести его домой. С тех пор Йенса больше никто не видел, как и человека в пальто, который, по сведениям полиции, умер задолго до этих событий...

Написанная в лучших традициях Агаты Кристи, эта книга напоминает читателям, что самые необычные и запутанные преступления часто случаются именно в тихих деревушках.

Юхан Теорин – великолепный рассказчик. Его книги одновременно пугают и завораживают. Это захватывающие триллеры о реальных людях, по воле судьбы оказавшихся игрушками в руках потусторонних сил…
Исторический кинжал
Philip Kerr 4.7
Berlin 1934. The Nazis have been in power for just eighteen months but already Germany has seen some unpleasant changes. As the city prepares to host the 1936 Olympics, Jews are being expelled from all German sporting organisations - a blatant example of discrimination. Forced to resign as a homicide detective with Berlin's Criminal Police, Bernie is now house detective at the famous Adlon Hotel. The discovery of two bodies - one a businessman and the other a Jewish boxer - involves Bernie in the lives of two hotel guests. One is a beautiful left-wing journalist intent on persuading America to boycott the Berlin Olympiad; the other is a German-Jewish gangster who plans to use the Olympics to enrich himself and the Chicago mob. As events unfold, Bernie uncovers a vast labour and construction racket designed to take advantage of the huge sums the Nazis are prepared to spend to showcase the new Germany to the world. It is a plot that finds its conclusion twenty years later in pre-revolution Cuba, the country to which Bernie flees from Argentina at the end of A Quiet Flame.
Колин Коттерилл
Библиотечный Кинжал
Колин Коттерилл / Colin Cotterill
9 книг
0 в избранном
Margaret Murphy
Специальная премия за заслуги
Margaret Murphy
2 книги
0 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Франсис Файфилд 0.0
Marianne Shearer is at the height of her career, a dauntingly successful barrister, respected by her peers and revered by her clients. So why has she killed herself? Her latest case had again resulted in an acquittal, although the outcome was principally due to the death of the prime witness after Marianne's forceful cross-examination. Had this wholly professional and unemotional lawyer been struck by guilt or uncertainty, or is there some secret to be discovered in her blandly comfortable private life? Her tenacious colleague Peter Friel is determined to find out of that last trial held the reason for her taking her own life. The transcript holds intriguing clues, but it is another witness at the trial who holds the key to the truth.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Доминик Манотти 0.0
A factory owned by the Korean Daewoo group in Pondange, Lorraine, makes cathode ray tubes. Working conditions are awful, but as it's the only source of employment in this bleak region, the workers daren't protest. Until a strike breaks out and there's a fire at the factory. But is it an accident?
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Том Роб Смит 3.8
1933 год, разгар голодомора. Братья Павел и Андрей ловят кота, чтобы хоть чем-то набить пустые желудки. Старший из них домой не вернется, а младший…лучше бы он умер! Ведь спустя годы 44 ребенка, нарушив простое правило никогда не разговаривать с незнакомцами, станут жертвами его жестокости!
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Мэтт Рис 0.0
“Matt Beynon Rees has taken a complex world of culture clash and suspicion and placed upon it humanity.” David Baldacci, author of The Camel Club “A beautifully written story. I have walked the streets of Bethlehem with Omar Yussef, smelled the dust and the fear, tasted his food, shared his anger and his hope. His decency is a light in the gloom. I shall not forget him.” Anne Perry, author of Dark Assassin “The Collaborator of Bethlehem is the best and the rarest sort of mystery: exciting and compelling, but it is also a deeply moving story that will, for many readers, shed much needed light on the conditions in the Palestinian territories. Matt Beynon Rees’s ability to blend the political and the emotional is reminiscent of Graham Greene.” David Liss, author of The Ethical Assassin “Omar Yussef has everything I admire in a detective: humility, humanity, a great faith in the power of knowledge and a few bad habits too!” Barbara Nadel, author of The Ottoman Cage

For decades, Omar Yussef has been a teacher of history to the children of Bethlehem. When a favorite former pupil, George Saba, a member of the Palestinian Christian minority, is arrested for collaborating with the Israelis in the killing of a Palestinian guerrilla, Omar is sure he has been framed. If George is not cleared, he faces imminent execution. Then the wife of the dead man, also one of Omar Yussef’s former pupils, is murdered, possibly raped. When he begins to suspect the head of the Bethlehem al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is the true collaborator, Omar and his family are threatened. But as no one else is willing to stand up to the violent Martyrs Brigades men, who hold the real power in the town, it is up to him to investigate.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Amer Anwar 0.0

Southall, West London.
Recently released from prison, Zaq Khan is lucky to land a dead-end job at a builders' yard. All he wants to do is keep his head down and put his past behind him.
But when he has to search for his boss's runaway daughter it quickly becomes apparent he's not simply dealing with family arguments and arranged marriages as he finds himself caught up in a deadly web of deception, murder and revenge.
With time running out and pressure mounting, can he find the missing girl before it's too late? And if he does, can he keep her - and himself - alive long enough to deal with the people who want them both dead?

If you like gritty action, sharp dialogue and pacy plotting, then you'll love this award winning action thriller from Amer Anwar.

Get you copy of Western Fringes today!
Исторический кинжал
Лаура Уилсон 0.0
London, June 1940. When the body of silent screen star Mabel Morgan is found impaled on a wrought-iron fence, the coroner rules her death as suicide. Detective Ted Stratton is not convinced and suspects that Morgan’s fatal fall may have been the work of one of Soho’s most notorious gangsters.

Meanwhile, MI5 agent Diana Calthrop is leading a covert operation when she discovers that her boss is involved in espionage. Only when Stratton’s path crosses Diana’s does the pair start to uncover the truth. And soon they also begin to realize they like each other a little too much. . . .
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Kester Aspden 0.0
A year after David Oluwale’s death, rumours that the Nigerian man had been abused by police led to a criminal investigation. This imaginative reconstruction of the life and death of this obscure man is an exposé of police racism in Britain.
Золотой Кинжал
Питер Темпл 3.1
Впервые на русском языке криминальный роман австралийского писателя Питера Темпла "Расколотый берег" (2005), удостоенный ряда престижных литературных премий: "Кинжал Дункана Лоури" (крупнейшая в англоязычном мире детективная награда), "Премия австралийской ассоциации книгоиздателей" ("австралийский Букер") и др.Неподалеку от тихого приморского городка Порт-Монро в собственном особняке смертельно ранен престарелый предприниматель, уважаемый член общества и известный благотворитель Чарльз Бургойн. Расследование возглавляет полицейский детектив Джо Кэшин, ведущий спокойную, почти отшельническую жизнь в своем родном городе после ухода из убойного отдела полиции штата, служа в котором, он получил тяжелое ранение и потерял напарника. Розыски выводят Кэшина и его коллег на троих мальчишек из "черного" района Даунт, в обвинении которых заинтересованы местные власти; попытка задержать их заканчивается неожиданно кроваво. Эта трагедия - лишь пролог дальнейших драматических событий, в ходе которых сонный провинциальный городок у моря - где прибрежную скалу прорезают каменные ступеньки, выбитые некогда местным сумасшедшим, где проворные чайки ловят на лету брошенные с пирса окурки и где, несмотря на внешнее благополучие, витает молчаливый дух одиночества и самоубийства, - постепенно приоткрывает свои давние мрачные тайны…
Криминальная литература в переводе
Фред Варгас 4.3
У комиссара парижского уголовного розыска Жан-Батиста Адамберга есть младший брат — Рафаэль, обвинённый в убийстве подружки. Комиссар Адамберг с самого начала знал, что настоящий убийца — судья Фюльжанс, но, как ни старался, ничего не мог доказать. В конце концов, до него доходит известие, что судья умер. А много лет спустя происходит убийство, в котором Адамберг узнаёт почерк Фюльжанса.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Гиллиан Флинн 3.8
Камилла Паркер, не особо удачливый репортер одной из не особо успешных газет Чикаго, мечтает о блестящей карьере. И вот девушке выпадает счастливый шанс, способный резко повысить ее журналистский статус, — Камиллу посылают корреспондентом в маленький городок, где жертвой маньяка стали несколько малолетних девочек. Ее задача выдать читателям сенсационное сообщение с места событий. Дело в том, что Камилла в этом городе родилась и выросла, а потому кому, как не ей, легче других найти общий язык с жителями и выяснить нюансы расследования. Но погружение в страшную реальность провинциальной жизни оборачивается для нее цепью кошмаров, достойных кисти Иеронима Босха…
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Гиллиан Флинн 3.8
Камилла Паркер, не особо удачливый репортер одной из не особо успешных газет Чикаго, мечтает о блестящей карьере. И вот девушке выпадает счастливый шанс, способный резко повысить ее журналистский статус, — Камиллу посылают корреспондентом в маленький городок, где жертвой маньяка стали несколько малолетних девочек. Ее задача выдать читателям сенсационное сообщение с места событий. Дело в том, что Камилла в этом городе родилась и выросла, а потому кому, как не ей, легче других найти общий язык с жителями и выяснить нюансы расследования. Но погружение в страшную реальность провинциальной жизни оборачивается для нее цепью кошмаров, достойных кисти Иеронима Босха…
Кинжал Дебютанта
Алан Брэдли 4.1
В старинном английском поместье Букшоу обитают последние представители аристократического рода - эксцентричный полковник де Люс и три его дочери. Летом 1950 года тягучее болото сельской жизни нарушают невероятные события: убийство незнакомца и арест полковника. Пока старшие дочери, как положено хорошо воспитанным английским леди, рыдают в платочки, младшая, одиннадцатилетняя Флавия, в восторге: наконец-то в ее жизни что-то произошло! Аналитический склад ума, страсть к химии и особенно к ядам помогут ей разобраться в этом головоломном деле, на котором сломали зубы местные полицейские. Флавия приступает к поискам, которые приведут ее ни больше ни меньше, как к королю Англии собственной персоной. В одном она уверена: отец невиновен - наоборот, он защищает своих дочерей от чего-то ужасного... СЛАДОСТЬ НА КОРОЧКЕ ПИРОГА - это мастерски рассказанная история обманов и пронзительное в своей достоверности погружение в английскую жизнь середины XX века.
Исторический кинжал
Ариана Франклин 3.7
Неподалеку от дома богатого еврейского купца из реки выловлено тело жестоко убитого мальчика. Вскоре бесследно исчезают еще трое детей. Жители графства обвиняют в убийстве кембриджских евреев - и им угрожает жестокая расправа.
Король Генрих II, пытаясь предотвратить кровавую резню, посылает для расследования этих загадочных преступлений весьма необычную команду - знаменитого дознавателя Симона Неаполитанского, таинственного араба Мансура и молодую женщину Аделию Агилар, совершенстве овладевшую искусством врачевания. Им приказано немедленно найти настоящего убийцу!
Но пока все их версии рассыпаются в прах, а преступник ждет, чтобы нанести новый удар...
Джон Харви
Бриллиантовый Кинжал Картье
Джон Харви / John Harvey
28 книг
1 в избранном
Peter Walker
Специальная премия за заслуги
Peter Walker
4 книги
1 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Энн Кливз 4.0
Классический детектив, вот только не английский, а шотландский. Энн Кливз — последовательница самого успешного шотландского детективщика Йена Рэнкина. Она сплетает детективный сюжет с психологической историей и помещает все это в загадочный шотландсий пейзаж.

"Вороново крыло" — это не просто шотландский детектив, а шетландский, ведь история разворачивается на одном из Шетландских островов. Холодное январское утро, заснеженные Шетланды. Монохромный бледный пейзаж нарушает лишь одно яркое пятно, над которым кружат вороны. На промерзшей земле лежит тело молодой девушки…

На острове никогда не происходило серьезных преступлений, и убийство становится главным событием для всех без исключения жителей. Все указывает на то, что в страшном злодеянии виновен Магнус, одинокий старик со странностями. Но вскоре под подозрением оказываются едва ли не все обитатели острова. И впервые здесь начинают запирать двери и окна — ведь по острову все еще бродит таинственный убийца.

История, начинающаяся, как романтическое приключение под Новый год, очень быстро обращается в затейливый детектив — не менее затейливый, чем традиционный шетландский узор на теплом свитере.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Фред Варгас 4.0
Однажды утром София Симеонидис, в прошлом оперная певица, обнаружила у себя в саду незнакомое деревце. Бук. Кто его посадил? И зачем? Пьеру, мужу Софии, нет дела до этих странностей. Однако она встревожена, теряет сон и, наконец, просит своих соседей, трех молодых чудаковатых историков, выкопать под деревом яму, чтобы узнать, не захоронено ли под ним что-нибудь... А еще через несколько недель София исчезла. Вскоре нашли обгоревший труп. Ее труп? Полиция ведет расследование. Соседи тоже. Им нравилась София. Внезапное появление бука кажется теперь еще более загадочным...
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Ник Стоун 3.8
Десять миллионов долларов - награда, которую американский магнат Густав Карвер предлагает частному детективу Максу Мингусу, если тот найдет его маленького внука Чарли, два года назад исчезнувшего на Гаити.
Похищение? Но преступники не просили выкупа...
Убийство? Однако тело ребенка так и не было обнаружено...
Свидетели уверены: Чарли - одна из многочисленных жертв таинственного Мистера Кларнета, согласно местной легенде, уносящего оставленных без присмотра детей в Страну мертвых...
Но Максу ясно: легендами здесь и не пахнет.
Под маской Мистера Кларнета скрывается человек, хитростью и жестокостью превосходящий самых безжалостных хищников.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Луиза Пенни 3.9
Блестящий дебют в жанре детективного романа! Премии «John Creasy New Bloody Dagger», «Arthur Ellis Award», «Anthony Award», «Dilys Award», «Barry Award»! Роман «Убийственно тихая жизнь» открывает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша - нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, ставшей единственным в мире пятикратным лауреатом премии Агаты Кристи. Старший инспектор Арман Гамаш из полиции Квебека приступает к расследованию подозрительной смерти в деревне Три Сосны, что к югу от Монреаля. Тело Джейн Нил, бывшей учительницы, которая пользовалась всеобщей любовью и уважением, найдено в лесу на окраине деревни. Смерть наступила в результате выстрела из лука. Местные жители уверены, что это несчастный случай на охоте, но у Гамаша возникает смутное предчувствие, что не все здесь так очевидно. И искать нужно не незадачливого стрелка, а безжалостного убийцу...
Исторический кинжал
Эдвард Райт 0.0
John Ray Horn, blacklisted B-movie hero and ex-con turned debt collector, reluctantly takes on a job to help out Owen Bruder, a former writer on his way to prison for his suspected communist sympathies, until a violent death makes matters worse. This powerful noir thriller evokes all the decadence and superficial glamour of late 1940s Hollywood.
Джим Келли
Библиотечный Кинжал
Джим Келли / Jim Kelly
3 книги
0 в избранном
Золотой Кинжал
Арнальд Индридасон 4.2
Арнальд Индридасон - один из самых известных и любимых в Европе исландцев. Поклонники жанра увлеченно наблюдают за необычными расследованиями Эрленда, полицейского детектива из Рейкьявика. ""Каменный мешок"" - продолжение нашумевшей ""Трясины"" - в 2005 году удостоен британской литературной премии ""Золотой кинжал"" как лучший криминальный роман. В пригороде Рейкьявика на строительном участке обнаружен полувековой давности скелет. Мысли Эрленда заняты тяжелым состоянием дочери, лежащей в больнице. Однако он считает, что убийство есть убийство, когда бы оно ни случилось, и методично собирает крошечные обрывки информации в осмысленную картину, извлекая из небытия печальные истории нескольких исландских семей в годы Второй мировой войны. И как незадачливый отец, и как талантливый следователь он выясняет, что темная сторона общества слишком медленно меняется к лучшему…
Серебряный Кинжал
Барбара Надель 0.0
A naked teenage girl is found dead near the beautiful Byzantine Yoros Castle in Turkey. She has stabbed herself through the heart but there is evidence of bizarre sexual practice. In another part of Istanbul, a young boy sems to have committed suicide in similar circumstances. What dark rituals could have compelled them to fatal self-abuse? Inspectors Cetin Ikmen and Mehmet Suleyman follow an internet trail that leads them to an underworld of Goth nightclubs and Satanic worship. But even those murkey shadows hide more than they reveal and the answers to an ever increasing number of suspicious deaths is more shocking and terrible than they could ever have imagined.
Криминальная литература в переводе
Фред Варгас 4.0
Однажды утром София Симеонидис, в прошлом оперная певица, обнаружила у себя в саду незнакомое деревце. Бук. Кто его посадил? И зачем? Пьеру, мужу Софии, нет дела до этих странностей. Однако она встревожена, теряет сон и, наконец, просит своих соседей, трех молодых чудаковатых историков, выкопать под деревом яму, чтобы узнать, не захоронено ли под ним что-нибудь... А еще через несколько недель София исчезла. Вскоре нашли обгоревший труп. Ее труп? Полиция ведет расследование. Соседи тоже. Им нравилась София. Внезапное появление бука кажется теперь еще более загадочным...
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Генри Портер 0.0
In this brilliant, multilayered, espionage thriller, the 2005 Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award winner Henry Porter captures the tense final moments before the fall of the Berlin Wall. September 1989. The Communist government in East Germany is on the brink of collapse. Even the Stasi, one of the most formidable intelligence agencies of all time, can't stop the rebellion that ends in the fall of the Berlin Wall. Dr. Rudi Rosenharte, formerly a Stasi foreign agent, is sent to Trieste to rendezvous with his old lover and agent, Annalise Schering, who the Stasi believe Annalise has vital intelligence. The problem: Rudi knows she's dead. He saw her lying in her own bloodied bathwater, and then kept her suicide a secret. As collateral for this mission, the Stasi have imprisoned Rosenharte's family. But the Stasi is not the only intelligence agency using Rosenharte. Soon the British and Americans encircle him, forcing him to choose between abandoning his beloved brother to a torturous death and returning to East Germany as a double agent. As the political pressures against the East German government rise, Rudi must face his own crises. Brandenburg Gate shows Henry Porter at the top of his game.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Дреда Сэй Митчелл 0.0
Elijah Schoolboy' Campbell is taking a great offer to leave Hackney behind and start a new life, but he has just seven days to get out of a London underworld where bling, ringtones, and petty deaths are accessories of life. Schoolboy knows that when you're running hot all it takes is one call, one voicemail, one text to disconnect you from this life - permanently. A stark, moving, and funny account of a largely hidden world.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Ruth Dugdall 0.0
Ruth Dugdall's novels are intelligent and gripping, with a sophisticated psychological sensibility. She is a huge talent.' Sophie Hannah

'An absolute tour de force that left me thinking for days.' Alex Marwood

They came for me, just like I knew they would. Luke had been dead for just three days.

Rose Wilks' life is shattered when her newborn baby Joel is admitted to intensive care. Emma Hatcher has all that Rose lacks. Beauty. A loving husband. A healthy son. Until tragedy strikes and Rose is the only suspect.

Now, having spent nearly five years behind bars, Rose is just weeks away from freedom. Her probation officer Cate must decide whether Rose is remorseful for Luke's death, or whether she remains a threat to society. As Cate is drawn in, she begins to doubt her own judgement.

Where is the line between love and obsession, can justice be served and, if so... by what means?

New Edition includes exclusive material and author Q&A

A clever, sophisticated, psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Gillian Flynn, S.J. Watson, B A Paris and Sophie Hannah
Исторический кинжал
К. Дж. Сэнсом 4.4
1540 год, Англия. Самое страшное оружие на этот момент истории — греческий огонь, обладание которым может решить исход любой военной кампании. Искусство его изготовления хранится в глубокой тайне, и могущественные противоборствующие группировки при дворе короля Генриха VIII пускаются во все тяжкие, чтобы завладеть этим секретом. Одно за другим следует череда преступлений, и горбун лорда Кромвеля Мэтью Шардлейк вместе со своим помощником Барроком, занимающиеся их расследованием, постоянно рискуют жизнью, невольно становясь на пути у сильных мира сего.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Gina Hill 0.0
Henry Hill's business partner, Jimmy Burke has whacked every person who could possibly implicate him in the infamous Lufthansa robbery at JFK airport. On his way to prison, lifelong ganster Henry is given two options: sleep with the fishes, or enter the FBI's Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately for Gregg and Gina, they're dragged along for the ride. Like nomads, they're forced to wander from state to state, constantly inventing new names and finding new friends, only to abandon them at a moment's notice. Living under constant fear of being found and killed. But Henry, the rock Gregg and Gina so desperately need, is a heavy cocaine user and knows only the criminal life. He is soon up to his old tricks and consistently putting their identities in jeopardy. And so it continues until the kids, now almost grown, can no longer ignore that the Mob might be less of a threat to them than remaining under the roof of their increasingly unbalanced father.
Золотой Кинжал
Sara Paretsky 4.0
When Chicago Private Investigator V.I. Warshawski checks out reports of an intruder at derelict Larchmont Hall, she doesn't expect to stumble over a dead man. But the murdered journalist is about to lead V.I. deep into the heart of a dark mystery, involving a terrified young Muslim boy, two of Chicago's most powerful families, and a generation of shameful secrets - political and sexual. It seems that somebody is desperate for the past to stay buried. But who? And why? And if attempting to bring the truth to light has already cost at least one man his life . . . who's next?
Серебряный Кинжал
Джон Харви, Джон Харви 3.3
Дело об исчезновении шестнадцатилетней Сьюзен Блэклок так и осталось нераскрытым.
Главные подозреваемые - насильники и убийцы Шейн Доналд и Алан Маккернан - давно сидят в тюрьме за совершенно другое преступление.
Но старая история не дает покоя детективу Фрэнку Элдеру.
Он подозревает: прошлое обязательно вернется.
И однажды его подозрения перерастают в уверенность.
Вскоре после побега Доналда полиция находит чудовищно изуродованное тело еще одной девушки, и Элдер имеет все основания полагать, что следующая в кровавом списке - его собственная дочь...
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Джеффри Дивер 3.9
Пол Шуман — американец немецкого происхождения, ветеран Первой Мировой войны. И в гангстерских, и в полицейских кругах Нью-Йорка он хорошо известен как киллер, виртуозно выполняющий «заказы». И хотя он принципиально убивает только других убийц, спецпрокурор, давший клятву покончить с организованной преступностью в городе, мечтает посадить его на электрический стул.

Угодив в подстроенную спецслужбой ловушку, Шуман получает предложение, от которого нельзя отказаться. Он должен отправиться в Берлин и уничтожить Рейнхарда Эрнста, гениального организатора, руководящего перевооружением гитлеровского рейха.

Роман удостоен премии «Стальной кинжал Яна Флеминга» Ассоциации писателей-криминалистов.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Mark Mills 0.0
In the small town of Amagansett, perched on Long Island's windswept coast, generations have followed the same calling as their forefathers, fishing the dangerous Atlantic waters. Little has changed in the three centuries since white settlers drove the Montaukett Indians from the land. But for Conrad Labarde, a second-generation Basque immigrant recently returned from the Second World War, and his fellow fisherman Rollo Kemp, this stability is shattered when a beautiful New York socialite turns up dead in their nets.
On the face of it, her death was accidental, but deputy police chief Tom Hollis - an incomer from New York - is convinced the truth lies in the intricate histories and family secrets of Amagansett's inhabitants. Meanwhile the enigmatic Labarde is pursuing his own investigation.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Penny Grubb 0.0
PI Annie Raymond's dreams of being a successful insurance fraud investigator start to look precarious when she is accused of corruption. She decides that it is time to come clean, both to her aunt who raised her as her own, and to her estranged father, a police sergeant in rural Argyle. However, neither wants to listen. Her father is swamped by a murder enquiry and her aunt is full of conspiracy theories and gossip. Suddenly, news from London has Annie racing south, but the case is not the lifeline she hoped for—or is it? After all, it wouldn't take much to fake the evidence and deliver the miracle. Annie knows she has to clear her head and concentrate, yet echoes from Scotland resonate, and when a witness in London provides a horrifying revelation, the loose ends in her case become entangled with events hundreds of miles north. All at once, Annie realizes that she must get back to her father before it is too late.
Исторический кинжал
Барбара Клеверли 0.0
In her acclaimed mysteries set in the age of the British Raj, Barbara Cleverly brilliantly captures a fascinating collision of cultures against a backdrop of jasmine-scented nights and neatly trimmed English gardens. In her gripping new novel, the author of The Last Kashmiri Rose and Ragtime in Simla transports us to the remote and exotic setting of India’s North-West Frontier, where a group of travelers is swept into a spellbinding drama of kidnapping, vengeance, and murder.

Scotland Yard Detective Joe Sandilands has been given the unenviable mission of guarding a spirited young American woman with far more wealth than sense. Lily Coblenz, accompanied by a cunning businessman, a woman doctor, and two quarreling military strategists, expects the adventure of a lifetime when she arrives at a remote British outpost. But when the son of a Pathan tribal leader is discovered dead, Sandilands, a decorated war veteran, knows that his mission to protect Lily has suddenly taken a startling new turn that may bring them all to the brink of war.

Now, from the far reaches of an empire, Joe Sandilands must separate lies from truths, innocents from killers—and find the one person with a desperate motive for murder and the key to India’s destiny.
Лучший рассказ
Jeffery Deaver 0.0
Originally issued as part of the short story collection Twisted. This story spans one fateful evening, when an attempted drug store robbery goes horribly wrong. Following one patron's murder, Jack Prescot kidnaps a man and drags him to a vacant summer home. There Jack learns the true meaning of faith and patience.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Джон Дики 4.3
Hailed in Italy as the best book ever written about the mafia in any language, Cosa Nostra is a fascinating, violent, and darkly comic account that reads like fiction and takes us deep into the inner sanctum of this secret society where few have dared to tread.In this gripping history of the Sicilian mafia, John Dickie uses startling new research to reveal the inner workings of this secret society with a murderous record. He explains how the mafia began, how it responds to threats and challenges, and introduces us to the real-life characters that inspired the American imagination for generations, making the mafia an international, larger than life cultural phenomenon. Dickie's dazzling cast of characters includes Antonio Giammona, the first "boss of bosses''; New York cop Joe Petrosino, who underestimated the Sicilian mafia and paid for it with his life; and Bernard "the Tractor" Provenzano, the current boss of bosses who has been hiding in Sicily since 1963.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Сара Уайз 0.0
"A work of great skill and sympathy, a meditation on one of the sorrowful mysteries once to be found on the streets of London. For any student of the city and its secret life, it is indispensable reading."
-Peter Ackroyd, The Times (London)

Before his murder in 1831, the "Italian boy" was one of thousands of orphans on the streets of London, begging among the livestock, hawkers, and con men. When his body was sold to a medical college, the suppliers were arrested for murder. Their high-profile trial would unveil a furtive trade in human corpses carried out by "resurrection men" who killed to satisfy the first rule of the cadaver market: the fresher the body, the higher the price.

Historian Sarah Wise reconstructs not only the boy's murder but the chaos and squalor of his world. In 1831 London, the poor were desperate and the wealthy petrified, the population swelling so fast that class borders could not hold. All the while, early humanitarians were attempting to protect the disenfranchised, the courts were establishing norms of punishment, and doctors were pioneering the science of anatomy.

As vivid and intricate as a novel by Charles Dickens, The Italian Boy restores to history the lives of the very poorest Londoners and offers an unparalleled account of England's great metropolis at the brink of a major transformation.
Золотой Кинжал
Майнет Уолтерс 3.8
В английском загородном поместье время охоты на лис.
Однако погибают почему-то не звери, а люди...
Первая жертва - жена хозяина имения, полковника Локайер-Фокса. Ее убийство пока остается нераскрытым.
Вскоре за этим преступлением следуют новые и новые...
Кто же убийца?
Соседи и даже полиция подозревают полковника, а тот почему-то не произносит ни слова в свою защиту.
Расследование начинают Нэнси, внучка Локайер-Фокса, и ее друг - поверенный - Марк Анкертон.
Серебряный Кинжал
Мораг Джосс 0.0
A gripping tale of psychological suspense perfect for the readership of Minette Walters and Ruth Rendell, Half Broken Things is a novel that peers into the lives of three dangerously lost people…and the ominous haven they find when they
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Дэн Фесперман 0.0
Vlado Petric, a former homicide detective in Sarajevo, is now living in exile, and making a meagre living working at a Berlin construction site, when an American investigator for the International War Crimes Tribunal recruits him to return home on a mission. The assignment sounds simple enough. He is to help capture an aging Nazi collaborator who has become a war profiteer. But nothing is simple in the Balkans: Petric is also being used as bait to lure his quarry into the open, and when the operation goes sour he is drawn across Europe into a dangerous labyrinth of secret identities, stolen gold, and horrifying discoveries about his own family’s past.

Intelligent and suspenseful, The Small Boat of Great Sorrows brings together chilling crimes, the lies people live and the cold facts of international politics into a masterful, electrifying thriller.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Уильям Лэндей 3.9
Нити от загадочного убийства, совершенного в маленьком тихом городишке Версаль, тянутся в Бостон - и местный шериф Бен Трумэн отправляется туда.
Но в Бостоне "коллеги по работе" с явной издевкой относятся к "копу из захолустья", - а расследование превращается в цепь вопросов без ответов.
Бену готов помочь только один полицейский, знающий о бостонском криминальном мире все - и подозревающий, что "версальское дело" связано с серией таинственных преступлений, совершенных двадцать лет назад...
Исторический кинжал
Эндрю Тейлор 3.6
Школьный учитель Томас Шилд волею судеб оказывается вовлеченным в непростую жизнь семьи своего воспитанника Чарльза Франта, который знакомит наставника с лучшим школьным другом Эдгаром Алленом По, будущим гениальным писателем и мистификатором: жизнь юного Эдгара началась с таинственного исчезновения его отца, а закончилась не менее таинственной смертью самого По.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Samantha Weinberg 0.0
This is the true story of thirty-five-year-old Helena Greenwood, a doctor with a Ph.D. in chemical pathology, who had recently moved with her husband from England to California and was embarking on a new, exciting career in biotechnology when she was the victim of sexual assault in her own home. She survived and was scheduled to appear in court as the key witness against her attacker. But after moving to another town to escape her past, one morning she was found brutally murdered in her garden. Everyone believed the killer was her past attacker, but there was not enough evidence to convict him--until ten years later when a local district attorney working the "cold cases" used Helena's own DNA research to finally bring her killer to justice. Pointing from the Grave is not only a riveting true-crime story but also a fascinating history of the development of DNA research and its role in forensics, taking the reader on a virtual history of DNA with hard science presented in a very accessible and exciting way. It is also an unforgettable story about an unforgettable woman
Золотой Кинжал
Хосе Карлос Сомоса 3.9
Афины времен Платона.
Эпоха расцвета философии - и серии жестоких, непонятных убийств, жертвами которых становятся юноши-эфебы.
Снова и снова находят в уединенной роще останки тел, на первый взгляд, растерзанных волками...
Снова и снова уходит от расплаты истинный убийца...
Наконец, расследование преступлений начинают двое друзей-философов, способных подойти к нему с самой неожиданной стороны...
Серебряный Кинжал
Джеймс Крамли 0.0
James Crumley caught the attention of crime-fiction aficionados as a promising new writer with his 1975 debut, The Wrong Case , a memorably sleazy thriller featuring hard-drinking private investigator Milo Milodragovitch. Three years later he delivered on that promise with his masterpiece, The Last Good Kiss , which has become one of the seminal PI novels of the late 20th century.

Crumley published only three more novels (Dancing Bear, The Mexican Tree Duck, and Bordersnakes) over the next 18 years and has come to be known as an author who takes his time to perfect his craft, although none of his later novels matched the level of his early work. Given that context, The Final Country is an unexpected pleasure -- a fierce, funny, wickedly well written novel, easily Crumley's finest since The Last Good Kiss.

The Final Country brings back Milo Milodragovitch, who has stumbled into a prosperous, peaceful late middle age and hates every minute of it. He owns a bar and a motel in the Texas Hill Country, has more money than he ever really wanted, and has entered the terminal stages of his latest long-term relationship. To counteract the boredom that has permeated his life, Milo resumes his interrupted career as a private eye. While tracking down a runaway wife, he meets -- and shares a drink with -- an on-the-lam ex-con named Enos Walker, who has just gunned down a drug dealer in the Over the Line Saloon. Milo feels an atavistic sympathy for Walker, who might have acted in self-defense. For various complex reasons, he attempts to follow Walker's trail and to investigate his criminal past. That investigation threatens to unearth some long-buried secrets and also threatens the security of some ruthless, highly placed people.

Milo's quest, which seems simple at first, widens exponentially, gradually encompassing a vast, interconnected web of lies, crimes, and betrayals that reach back 20 years into the past. His inquiry takes him from Texas to Las Vegas to Montana and involves a vividly drawn cast of characters on both sides of the law. Among them are a corrupt district attorney and his lethal twin, a multimillionaire with a questionable past, a slightly kinky acupuncturist, and a number of Milo's own closest associates. In the course of his investigation, Milo nearly dies on a number of occasions, ingests heroic quantities of alcohol and cocaine, and endures more physical punishment than most of us will ever experience. By the time the last shot has been fired and the final secret illuminated, the 60-year-old Milo has changed for good, becoming an old, virtually unrecognizable man.

The Final Country is a lurid, over-the-top account of violence, retribution, and greed. In lesser hands, it might have collapsed into parody, but Crumley holds it together with his effortless mastery of setting, character, and mood, his drop-dead accurate dialogue, and his rhythmic, flexible prose. (Bill Sheehan)

Bill Sheehan reviews horror, suspense, and science fiction for Cemetery Dance, The New York Review of Science Fiction, and other publications. His book-length critical study of the fiction of Peter Straub, At the Foot of the Story Tree, won the International Horror Guild's award for best nonfiction book of 2000.
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
John Creed 0.0
Jack Valentine has been in the intelligence game too long and it is starting to show, but he accepts one more mission. He always does. It seems like a simple task but it starts to throw up questions and he doesn't know the answers. What were American Special Forces doing in Ireland twenty-five years ago and why does it matter now? What is the thread that leads from a deserted mountainside to the offices of the White House? Suddenly Valentine has information that everybody wants and he finds himself the quarry in a pitiless chase. To complicate matters he is joined by an old friend who is staying just ahead of his own deadly pursuit. And he draws an old flame into danger, because it seems that wherever Jack Valentine goes, innocence seems to suffer. Valentine no longer know which threatens him most - the dark alliance of men who want to kill him, the terrible storm crossing he is forced to undertake in a battered, converted trawler, or his own dangerous cynicism.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Луиза Уэлш 3.5
Случайно наткнувшись на фотографии со "снаффом", мистер Рильке решает узнать правду об их происхождении. Над ним смеются, его бьют, забирают в полицию, ему рассказывают истории. Безумцы, наркоманы, религиозные фанатики и люди, имена которых лучше не
Кинжал Дебютанта
Илона ван Мил 0.0
Hidden among the glacial hills and lakes of the Canadian Shield lies Sugarmilk Falls, a close-knit community with the worst of secrets. Everyone, including the aging priest and the town’s sole policeman, who have their own reasons for concealing the facts, remembers a different version of what really happened there over twenty years ago.

But secrets cannot stay buried forever. As the thick snow of a winter’s night sets in, the inhabitants gather together, induced by a questioning stranger to talk openly for the first time about the sinister events of the past. Some think that it all began when Grand’mère Osweken, an Ojibwa shaman, lost the maple forests on a gamble during a game of craps. Others contend it goes further back, to the arrival of the schoolteacher Marina Grochowska, a newcomer with a tightly guarded past. Or perhaps it really started years before that when the woodsman Zack Guillem discovered a curious powdery coating over an area of foliage in the bush.

Beautifully crafted and darkly compelling, this is a remarkable debut that captures the spirit and repression of a blighted community as it slowly turns in on itself. Sugarmilk Falls has earned comparisons with David Guterson’s Snow Falling on Cedars, as it similarly takes readers deep inside a community riven by prejudice and by the secrets of the past.
Исторический кинжал
Сара Уотерс 3.9
Лондонский бедный квартал, вторая половина XIX века. Сью Триндер, сирота, выросшая среди воров и мошенников, не знает, что судьба странными узами соединила ее жизнь с юной наследницей богатого имения, живущего замкнуто и уединенно. И едва порог дома переступает неотразимый Джентльмен, начинаются приключения, захватывающие дух своей непредсказуемостью.
Золотой Кинжал
Хеннинг Манкелль 4.3
Роман из сериала о шведском полицейском Валландере. Следователь по уголовным делам разыскивает маньяка, совершившего кошмарные убийства-жертвоприношения. Но в арсенале полицейского нестандартные ходы, обостренная интуиция и немного удачи в распутывании детективных головоломок.

Книги о Валландере пользуются огромным успехом на Западе, неизменно становятся бестселлерами, экранизируются. Они переведены на 26 языков.
Серебряный Кинжал
Джайлс Блант 3.8
В маленьком канадском городке Алгонкин-Бей пропадают четыре подростка. Расследование заходит в тупик, и полиция готова сдать дело в архив. С этим согласны все, кроме детектива Джона Кардинала, который своим упорством добивается лишь того, что его увольняют из отдела убийств. Тут-то и обнаруживается изуродованное тело тринадцатилетней Кэти Пайн. Но даже теперь Кардинал остается в одиночестве: никто в этой патриархальной глуши не готов признать, что здесь орудует самый чудовищный из маньяков и очередная жертва - у него в руках.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Сюзанна Джонс 3.3
Люси Флай — изгой. Она сбежала из Англии и смогла обрести покой только в далеком и чуждом Токио. Загадочный японский фотограф подарил ей счастье. Но и оно было отнято тупой размалеванной соотечественницей-англичанкой. Мучительная ревность, полное отчаяние, безумие... А потом соперницу находят убитой и расчлененной. Неужели это сделала Люси? Возможно. Она не знает точно. Не знает даже, был ли на самом деле повод для ревности. Ничего не понимает и полиция. Известно лишь, что в жизни Флай было столько случайных смертей, что ее впору считать непреднамеренным серийным убийцей…

Вместе с героиней вы будете прорываться к истине сквозь толщу ее сознания, замутненного комплексами, страхами и саморазрушением.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Wright, Edward 0.0
Once he was Sierra Lane, hero to countless youngsters in a series of B-movie westerns. Now, after two years in prison, John Ray Horn lives on the margins of post-World War II Los Angeles. His wife has left him, and, blacklisted by the studios, he makes ends meet by collecting debts for his old Indian co-star, Joseph Mad Crow. Then an old friend, Scotty, contacts Horn. He has come across some obscene photos, including one, several years old, of Horn's stepdaughter, Clea. Within days, Scotty is dead, and Clea has run away. Horn's search takes him from neon-lit ocean-front piers to wooded canyons, from rich homes in the Hollywood Hills to Central Avenue, the Harlem of LA, a street rich in jazz and corruption. But will the on-screen tough-guy hero be able to sustain his role off-screen?
Исторический кинжал
Andrew Taylor 0.0
Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she's beautiful; she has a handsome husband, a clergyman on the verge of promotion; and most of all she has an adorable little daughter, Rosie. So when Wendy's life falls apart, it's to her oldest friend, Janet, that she turns.

At first it seems to Wendy as though nothing can touch the Byfields' perfect existence in 1950s Cathedral Close, Rosington,, but old sins gradually come back to haunt the present, and new sins are bred in their place. The shadow of death seeps through the Close, and only Wendy, the outsider, is able to glimpse the truth. But can she grasp its dark and twisted logic in time to prevent a tragedy whose roots lie buried deep in the past?

The Office of the Dead is a chilling novel of crime and retribution, and is the third volume of Andrew Taylor's stunning and acclaimed Roth Trilogy
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Philip Etienne, Tony Thompson 0.0
Philip Etienne and Martin Maynard are two of London's most successful villains. They specialize mainly in drugs, trading huge amounts of cocaine, ecstasy, crack and cannabis. They also deal in guns, stolen cars, credit cards and pretty much anything else that comes their way. And business is booming; crime does pay. Martin drives a brand-new top-of-the-range BMW, Philip a slick Mercedes. When they hit town their wallets are fat with banknotes. If a deal looks good they can lay their hands on hundreds of thousands of pounds in cash at a moment's notice. They can be contacted only through word-of-mouth recommendation. Only too aware that you can never be sure who's listening in, they never brag about their exploits. Tough, streetwise, professional and absolutely fearless, they're the kind of men other crooks feel comfortable dealing with. And that's just the idea, because Philip and Martin are undercover police officers. Revealed for the first time, "The Infiltrators" is the story of Scotland Yard's covert operations from the two men in the front line. It's an intense, unpredictable world of gangsters, drug dealers, contract killers and gun runners where any mistake can have lethal consequences. We're lucky they're the good guys!
Золотой Кинжал
Джонатан Летем 3.5
Четверо сирот, в числе которых страдающий нервными тиками Лайонел Эссрог, слепо преданы своему покровителю Фрэнку Минне, вытащившему их из приюта, чтобы сделать "своими парнями". Они готовы выполнить любое его поручение, чем, собственно, и занимаются под крышей то ли транспортного, то ли детективного агенства. Но в один черный день Фрэнка убивают, и Лайонелу приходится стать настоящим детективом, расследующим преступление.
Серебряный Кинжал
Донна Леон 3.9
В дом к комиссару Брунетти является некий Франко Росси, чиновник Кадастрового отдела муниципалитета Венеции, и сбивчиво объясняет, что квартира комиссара, надстроенная над зданием XV века, будет снесена, если не отыщутся документы более чем полувековой давности, разрешающие перепланировку этого памятника архитектуры. Через несколько месяцев тот же Франко Росси звонит комиссару с мобильного телефона с намерением сообщить ему нечто сугубо секретное, но связь рвется, а на следующий день чиновника находят под строительными лесами реставрируемого здания с тяжелейшими увечьями, от которых он и умирает. Брунетти берется расследовать странную смерть, однако без друзей в верхах ему все-таки не обойтись...
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Boston Teran 5.0
The feral wasteland of the southern California desert and the badlands of Mexico: these are the settings for Boston Teran’s searing debut novel—a dark, wrenching thriller about personal conviction, retribution, and survival.

Fall 1970. In a remote playa a twelve-year-old boy stumbles upon a hideous scene in a dust-strewn trailer: the savage murder of a woman that will remain unsolved for twenty-five years.

Christmas week, 1995. A fourteen-year-old girl is kidnapped by a bloodthirsty satanic cult that calls itself the Left-Handed Path. The leader, Cyrus, considers murder the “ultimate freedom, ultimate joy…ultimate service.” His “tribe” is a group of drug-fueled young psychopaths honing their skills under the tutelage of a master. Helter Skelter. And then some.

Bob Hightower, the girl’s father, is a cop, suddenly more desperate than he ever imagined possible. There are no clues to his daughter’s whereabouts, only a scene of unfathomable carnage—the mutilated corpses of her mother and stepfather—left behind by the kidnappers. His only hope is a fierce ex-cult member named Case Hardin, a woman tempered to an extraordinary strength by what she’s endured, who’s just getting off the junkie trail in a halfway house in Hollywood. Bob has absolutely no reason, and every need, to trust her.

Case suspects that the killings, committed within fifty miles of each other and separated by a quarter of a century, are part of a byzantine nightmare she knows too well, a nightmare that has now engulfed Bob’s daughter. Their quest—he for his child, she to exorcise her demons—becomes a primal hunt-and-chase through a savage subculture of drugs and ritualistic violence (“the black land of plenty”) that takes them inexorably toward the limits of physical and psychological torment and trauma.

God Is a Bullet is an indelible story of people who must discover what it means to surrender oneself completely—to drugs, or power, or faith, or love—and, when necessary, what it takes to come back. It is a stunning debut.
Кинжал Дебютанта
Саймон Ливек 3.5
Жрецы и прорицатели оказались не в силах растолковать страшные сны, терзающие властителя ацтекской империи Монтесуму.

Царь приказал бросить их в темницу... но вскоре узники бесследно исчезли из заточения.

Возможно, их похитили демоны?

Возможно, им удалось открыть путь в обитель богов?

Но Яотль, секретарь и тайный дознаватель министра Монтесумы, которому поручено расследование случившегося, уверен - к похищению не причастны ни боги, ни демоны.

Виною всему люди.

Люди настолько высокопоставленные и могущественные, что не страшатся даже гнева самого Монтесумы...
Исторический кинжал
Gillian Linscott 0.0
December 1918. The vote has been won at long last, the Great War is over and suffragette Nell Bray is standing for election. Everything seems to be falling into place for the dedicated activist. Yet, with a month to go to the first general election, Nell is still without party backing, writing desperately to friends and contacts to drum up support for her cause. Further, the former Conservative candidate has been blown up by a firework while celebrating the Armistice, his widow is certain that he's sending her messages about his killer through a haunted piano, and at least one person in the constituency has a murderous hatred of all politicians. To add to Nell's troubles, two men from her checkered past are home from the war.

Nell finds herself in the middle of a baffling case, with the odds most definitely against her--both for election victory and survival. The suffragette turned amateur sleuth must then show a dedication to the truth as strong as her loyalty to women's rights to solve the mystery and come out on top.
Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественн...
Edward Bunker 0.0
In Education of a Felon, the reigning champion of prison novelists finally tells his own story.The son of an alcoholic stagehand father and a Busby Berkley chorus girl, Bunker was--at seventeen--the youngest inmate ever in St. Quentin.His hard-won experiences on L.A.'s meanest streets and in and out of prison gave him the material to write some of the grittiest and most affecting novels of our time. From smoking a joint in the gas chamber to leaving fingerprints on a knife connected to a serial killer, from Hollywood's seamy underside to swimming in the Neptune pool at San Simeon, Bunker delivers a memoir as colorful as any of his novels and as compelling as the life he led. AUTHORBIO: EDWARD BUNKER'S novels No Beast So Fierce and Animal Factory were made into the movies Straight Time with Dustin Hoffman and Animal Factory with Edward Furlong.Bunker played Mr. Blue in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and was a cowriter of the screenplay for Runaway Train.Education of a Felon is his first nonfiction book.He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and son.
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