Л. А. Кейси

L. A. Casey

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Лучшие книги Л. А. Кейси

  • Dominic L. A. Casey
    ISBN: 9781496174093
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    After a car accident killed her parents when she was a child, Bronagh Murphy chose to box herself off from people in an effort to keep herself from future hurt. If she doesn't befriend people, talk to them or acknowledge them in any way they leave her alone just like she wants. When Dominic Slater enters her life, ignoring him is all she has to do to get his attention. Dominic is used to attention, and when he and his brothers move to Dublin, Ireland for family business, he gets nothing but attention. Attention from everyone except the beautiful brunette with a sharp tongue. Dominic wants Bronagh and the only way he can get to her,…

  • Bronagh Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 978-1500850395
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Bronagh Murphy has been through a lot over the past few years, a hell of a lot, so when her 21st birthday rolls around all she wants to do is relax and spend the day with her family. Quietly. Her boyfriend, Dominic Slater, doesn't do relaxed or quiet. He never has, and he never will. He plans out a day for Bronagh that is both romantic, and exciting. However, Dominic's version of exciting is very different to Bronagh's as she will soon find out. When things take a turn for the worst, and a bad altercation leaves Dominic once again fighting for his girl, Bronagh will have to decide once and for all if she will fight in Dominic's corner…

  • Alec Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 978-1500681678
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Keela Daley is the black sheep of her family. She has always come second to her younger cousin Micah. Even in the eyes of her mother, Micah shone bright, and Keela faded to black. Now, in adulthood, Micah is a bride-to-be and the spotlight is solely on her. Keela is a low priority...or so she thinks.

    Alec Slater is a bachelor, never one to bed the same woman, or man, twice. He is a free agent who does what he pleases and answers to no one; that is until a fiery Irish redhead with a temper to match her hair colour knocks him on his arse. Literally.

    She hates to admit it, but Keela needs a favour from the cocky Slater brother, a huge favour. She needs him to not only escort her to Micah's wedding, but to also pose as her boyfriend. Alec agrees to help Keela, but has certain conditions for her to abide by. He wants her body and plans to have it before anyone can say I do.

    What he doesn't plan on is losing his heart as well as the possibility of losing his family when someone from his past threatens his future.

    Alec owns Keela, and what Alec owns, Alec keeps.
  • Kane Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 978-1511505192
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Aideen Collins is a free spirit. She is outspoken and tough as nails, but she has to be after growing up in a house full of men. Family means everything to Aideen. Her family consists of her four brothers, her father, and her group of wild friends. Aideen is protective of her family, there is not a lot she wouldn’t do to keep them safe.

    Kane Slater is a tortured soul. Literally. He is misunderstood by people, even feared by them thanks to the scars that mar his face and body. He relishes in their fear because people who fear you, won’t want to know you. He likes his circle limited to his brothers and their girlfriends, but a thorn from an Irish rose is dug deep into Kane’s side, and her name is Aideen Collins.

    Aideen and Kane don’t get along… at all. Aideen is the only woman who stands up to Kane and throws his bullshit back at him without fear of hurting him. Kane is the only man who can see right through Aideen's tough exterior. He knows her deepest, and darkest secrets. They can’t stand each other, but they want each other. Badly. They hide their need behind arguments, and banter, but when Kane drops his guard for all to see, and succumbs to an illness within his body, it’s Aideen who steps up to the plate to take care of him.

    An illness is the least of their worries when a devil from Kane’s past comes back to play with him. Everybody in Kane’s life is threatened, and with his body fighting against him, he doesn’t know if the luck of the Irish is enough to keep his family safe and his demons at bay.

    Kane needs Aideen, and what Kane needs, Kane takes.
  • Keela Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 978-1507553190
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Keela Daley is stressed out with nightmares and memories from her past, they are haunting her. She has no time to dwell on them as she is moving out of her dog box sized apartment and into her first house with her fiancé. Moving house is a dreaded task, and Keela would love nothing more than for things to go quietly and smoothly, but when you’re engaged to a Slater brother, nothing goes quietly or smoothly. Nothing.

    Alec Slater loves his woman. He also loves playing games and surprising her. Picking moving day to do both, turns out to be a failure of epic proportions. Alec wants to make it up to Keela for his mistakes, but as the day goes on, and things go from bad to worse, he doesn’t know if living with him is something she wants anymore.

    What started out as a simple day of packing and moving house turns into the day from Hell. Unwanted house guests. Business propositions. Alcohol. Pregnancy tests. Panic attacks. Fighting. Arguing. Sex, and everything else that is crazy and represents the name Slater. Keela has a choice to make, and not one she will make lightly.

    Keela adores Alec, and what Keela adores, Keela cherishes.
  • Aideen L.A. Casey
    ISBN: 978-1518695094
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Aideen Collins is fed up. She is at her wits’ end with her eon long pregnancy, her new-found paranoia, but mostly she is fed up with her boyfriend’s constant hovering and nit-picking.

    Kane Slater is happier than ever. He is about to become a father for the first time with the woman he loves. Little does he know that Aideen is both literally and figuratively a ticking time bomb. He just has to survive a few more weeks of murderous hormonal outbursts, and all will be well… or so he hopes.

    They’re both caught up with the expected arrival of their little one, but in the back of their minds is a shadow that won’t fade away. Neither of them talk about it, but the shadow’s lingering presence casts doubt over their relationship.

    Big Phil worked his way into their minds many weeks ago and rooted himself as the haunting figure. Without even trying, he ruins things and causes problems. He watches them from afar, hoping he can break their family.

    Aideen’s instincts to protect her own are stronger than ever. If Big Phil wants to hurt those dearest to her, he is going to have one hell of a fight on his hands.

    Aideen worships Kane, and what Aideen worships, Aideen shelters
  • Ryder Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 9781519782038
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Branna Murphy is broken. For months now she has been a part of a one-sided relationship to a man she loves more than life itself. She prayed for a miracle, and hoped something would change, but found that was wishful thinking. Talking didn't work. Shouting didn't work. Crying didn't work. Nothing bloody worked. Ryder Slater is furious. For months now he has been lying to a woman he would take a bullet for in order to protect her. He is involved in something that goes deeper than his old past, and if he strays off target, people will start to die. People he loves. He couldn't talk. He couldn't slip up. He couldn't lose focus. He couldn't do a damn thing. Things between Ryder and Branna are at rock bottom, and Ryder knows it. Not only will he be taking on a force that could destroy his whole family, but he will be battling tooth and nail to save his relationship and keep the love of his life by his side. Ryder targeted Branna from the first moment he saw her, and what Ryder targets, Ryder dominates.
  • Frozen Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 9781503933118
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский
    Neala Clarke is a woman of her word, when she gives you it, expect her to deliver. Neala gave her niece Charli her word that she would get her a doll for Christmas. Never mind that there is only one week until Christmas, and everywhere that stocked toys is practically sold out. Neala gave her word that she would get that doll for Charli, so she will move mountains to make it happen.

    Darcy Hart is a people pleaser, when he is asked last minute for a doll by his adorable six year old nephew Dustin, he of course, says yes. However, Darcy faces a dilemma, the particular doll he needs is sold out everywhere. Darcy makes one last attempt to get the doll at a local toy store, and finds out they have only one left in stock, but he also finds out he is not the only person interested in claiming the doll.

    Neala and Darcy go way back, playing in each other’s play pens kind of way back. They are not friends, more like mortal enemies, and both of them wanting a single doll was the start of a series of events that no one could have predicted, not even Father Christmas himself.
  • Branna Л. А. Кейси
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Branna Murphy is a survivor, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a soon-to-be-mother. She doesn’t have time to linger on anything, especially on a silly argument about how many children she will bear.

    Ryder Slater is a hardass, a husband, a friend, a brother, and a soon-to-be-father. Unlike his wife, he has nothing but time to argue his case about how many children they will have… until that time is threatened to be taken away from him.

    A surprise honeymoon deep in a beautiful forest for a secluded getaway was supposed to be fun, romantic and peaceful – until the storm of the century hits and both Branna and Ryder face a new enemy that has means to harm their family.

    Mother nature.

    Branna is consumed by her love for Ryder, and will fight to the end to keep her family safe. Branna treasures Ryder, and what Branna treasures, Branna defends.
  • Damien Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 9781912223015
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Alannah Ryan had always suffered in silence, until that silence became so deafening she spilled secrets that she never intended to. At one point in her life, she yearned for adventure, a nail biting journey … something other than the mundane life she led. Her pleas were answered in the form of a tall, handsome heart breaker with a mop of white hair.

    Alannah’s dreams for an exciting twist in her life were shattered because of a teenage mistake. One that has haunted her for over five years, and left her in pieces.

    Damien Slater was the reason for every bad thing in the lives of those he loved most. A decision he made when he was just fifteen destroyed his brothers’ lives, and there was nothing he could do to change the things they had endured. Ruining them hurt, but ruining the only woman who wanted him for more than one night hurt a hell of a lot more.

    Running away helped Damien heal, and returning to Ireland only caused Alannah more pain. Pain he intended to eradicate and replace with the passion he knew they both shared. Breaking down her walls was not the only challenge Damien faced. Another had plans of his own, and his intentions weren’t for physical vengeance, but something far worse.

    Damien values Alannah above all else, and what Damien values, Damien fights for.
  • Alannah Л. А. Кейси
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Alannah Ryan is plagued by an old face haunting her dreams, turning her waking hours into a mess of worry. Talking it out with the person she loves the most isn’t a possibility, not when the same face haunts him, too.

    To protect the love of her life from another burden, she keeps her fear to herself, even as that fear begins to consume her.

    Damien Slater has the life he always wanted with the woman he adores by his side, but there’s a problem. His woman is keeping a secret, and they swore they would never let another secret come between them again.

    Breaking Alannah’s guard will be Damien’s greatest challenge yet as he proves once and for all that he is in it for the long haul.

    Alannah admires Damien, and what Alannah admires, Alannah watches over
  • Brothers Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 978-1912223039
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Each word describes the Slater brothers and how they were moulded into the men they are today … but what did it take to get them where they are?


    Peeling back each layer to find the brothers’ core means looking at their past to see how they got their future. From overcoming family feuds and breaking a warlord's hold on them to moving to another country and finding women who make their world spin.

    The Slater brothers idolise their women, and what the Slater brothers idolise, the Slater brothers guard.
  • Until Harry Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 9781503936607
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский
    He was my best friend, my best not-really-big-brother, and my best protector.

    He was my best everything.

    He was mine.

    Coming home is hard for Lane. Hard because Harry, her beloved uncle, has died suddenly, but also because of him. Kale.

    Kale Hunt has been her best friend since childhood. But it was never that simple. He was Lane’s reason for leaving home and moving to New York. Seeing him with someone else, in love with someone else, shouldn’t have hurt. But it did. It really, really did. So she upped sticks and left, started a new life and cut herself off from her past.

    But now she’s back, and all the feelings are right there. As if she had never left.

    Emotions are running high for everyone, and tragedy has a funny way of bringing people together. But is Lane reading the signs right? Are they still just friends, or is there something more?
  • Эйдин Л. А. Кейси
    Эйдин Коллинз сыта по горло. Ей надоела ее затянувшаяся беременность, новообретенная паранойя, но больше всего ей надоели постоянные хлопоты и беспокойство ее парня. Кейн Слэйтер счастлив как никогда. Он собирается впервые стать отцом вместе с любимой женщиной. Но он еще не знает, что Эйдин — это в прямом и переносном смысле бомба замедленного действия. Ему нужно пережить еще несколько недель убийственных гормональных всплесков, и все будет хорошо... или он так надеется. Они оба поглощены ожидаемым появлением малыша, но на задворках их сознания маячит тень, которая никак не хочет исчезать. Никто из них не говорит об этом, но эта тень заставляет сомневаться в их отношениях.
    Большой Фил пробрался в их сознание много недель назад и укоренился в качестве преследующей фигуры. Даже не пытаясь, он разрушает все вокруг и создает проблемы. Он наблюдает за ними издалека, надеясь, что сможет разрушить их семью. Инстинкты Эйдин, стремящейся защитить своих, сильны как никогда. Если Большой Фил хочет навредить самым дорогим для нее людям, ему предстоит адская схватка. Эйдин боготворит Кейна, а то, что Эйдин боготворит, Эйдин оберегает.
  • Кейн Л. А. Кейси
    У Эйдин Коллинз свободный дух. Она откровенна и тверда, как камень, но это неудивительно, ей пришлось расти в доме полном мужчин. Семья — четыре брата, отец и компания сумасшедших друзей — значит для Эйдин все. Эйдин защищает свою семью, и нет ничего, чего бы она не сделала, чтобы ее уберечь. У Кейна Слэйтера измученная душа. Буквально. Люди неправильно его понимают и даже боятся из-за шрамов, уродующих его лицо и тело. Он наслаждается страхом людей, потому что если они вас боятся, то не захотят узнать поближе. Ему спокойнее, когда круг его общения ограничен братьями и их девушками, но острый шип от одной ирландской розы глубоко вонзается в бок Кейна, и ее зовут Эйдин Коллинз. Эйдин и Кейн не ладят… вообще. Она — единственная женщина, которая противостоит Кейну и бросает ему его дерьмо в ответ, не боясь причинить боль. Кейн — единственный мужчина, который может разглядеть настоящую Эйдин сквозь её жесткую натуру. Он знает ее самые потаенные и темные секреты. Им нестерпимо вместе, но в то же время они нуждаются друг в друге. Сильно. Они скрывают свою потребность за спорами и колкостями, но когда Кейн слабеет у всех на глазах и поддается болезни, захватившей его тело, именно Эйдин проявляет инициативу, чтобы позаботиться о нем. Болезнь становится наименьшей из их забот, когда демон из прошлого Кейна возвращается, чтобы поиграть с ним. Все близкие в жизни Кейна находятся в опасности, и поскольку его тело борется против него, он не знает, достаточно ли одной невероятной удачи, чтобы уберечь его семью и держать его демонов в страхе. Кейну нужна Эйдин, а то, что нужно Кейну, Кейн получает.
  • Кила Л. А. Кейси
    Кила Дейли страдает от ночных кошмаров и от воспоминаний из прошлого, которое преследует ее. Но у нее совсем нет времени с этим разбираться, так как она переезжает из своей квартиры размером с собачью будку в свой первый дом вместе со своим женихом. Переезд - это довольно сложное и утомительное занятие, и Кила не о чем не мечтает так сильно, чем чтобы все прошло тихо и гладко, но, когда ты помолвлена с одним из братьев Слєйтер, ничего не может идти тихо и гладко. Ничего.
    Алек Слєйтер любит свою женщину. Также он любит разыгрывать ее и удивлять. Но выбрать для этого день переезда, оказывается провалом эпических масштабов. Алек хочет загладить свою вину перед Килой, но день продолжается, а дела идут все хуже и хуже, и он уже не так уверен в том, что она по-прежнему хочет с ним жить.
    То, что начиналось как обычный день переезда в новый дом, превращается в день из ада. Непрошенные гости. Деловое предложение. Алкоголь. Тест на беременность. Приступы паники. Драка. Споры. Секс и все те безумные вещи, которые свойственны имени Слєйтер. Кила должна сделать выбор, но он не будет таким простым, как кажется.
    Кила обожает Алека, а то, что Кила обожает, Кила оберегает.
  • До Гарри Л. А. Кейси
    «Он был моим лучшим другом, моим лучшим защитником и моей лучшей опорой.
    Он был лучшим для меня во всем.
    Он был моим…»
    Для Лейн возвращение домой далось очень тяжело, не только из-за внезапной смерти ее любимого дяди Гарри, но также из-за него. Кейла.
    Кейл Хант был ее лучшим другом с самого детства. Но оказалось, что ее чувства к нему были чем-то большим. Именно из-за него Лейн покинула родной город и переехала в Нью-Йорк. Она не должна была испытывать боль, видя его влюблённым в другую. Но она испытывала. Поэтому она собрала все свои вещи и уехала, начала новую жизнь и попыталась забыть свое прошлое.
    Но теперь она вернулась, и прежние чувства вновь поглотили Лейн. Будто она никуда и не уезжала.
    Обоих переполняют эмоции, а трагедия забавным способом может сближать людей. Но правильно ли Лейн читает знаки? Они с Кейлом все еще друзья, или тут скрывается что-то большее?
  • The Man Bible: A Survival Guide Л. А. Кейси
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Do you know what you’ve got in your hands?

    A little piece of fucking treasure, that’s what. I’ve taken initiative here and have turned my trusty Man Bible into an actual survival guide, because the loot between these pages will lead to each of you having happy, stress free lives with your women.

    Pick this gem up, put your big boy pants on, and start reading. Trust me, you won't regret it. I present to you, The Man Bible ... you're fucking welcome.

    By Nico Slater
  • Echoes of the Heart Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 9781542023320
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Montlake
    Язык: Английский
    A sizzling second-chance romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L.A. Casey—Frankie pushed her first love away. A decade later, he walks back into her life, but is she prepared to trust again?

    When rock star Risk Keller shows up in Frankie’s diner with his heart on his sleeve, it turns her world upside down. Letting him go was the hardest thing she ever had to do. For years, his voice has been a reminder of everything she sacrificed, and now it’s time to face the music.

    For Risk, coming home shows him what he’s always known deep down—every song, every gig, every drink, every girl—it’s always been about Frankie.

    There’s no denying their intense chemistry. But Risk still has a career that takes him around the world; Frankie still has a sick mother she loves too much to leave. Can they overcome everything in their way to give first love a second chance?
  • Forgetting You Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 9781542022538
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Montlake Romance

    In this fiery new romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L.A. Casey, can she unlock her memories—and find true love? ​ When Noah Ainsley wakes up in a hospital room with no recollection of how she got there, all she knows is that she needs to see Elliot, the love of her life. Then she learns the horrifying truth: her short-term memory has been destroyed by a car accident . She and Elliot broke up five years ago. And now she’s married to Anderson, a man she doesn’t even recognise. ​ In an instant Noah’s world is turned on its head. All she wants is Elliot by her side, but it’s clear Anderson is hurt by her…

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