Джоанна Троллоп

Joanna Trollope

  • 43 книги
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 236 читателей
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5 36
4 85
3 73
2 25
1 13

Джоанна Троллоп – лучшие книги

  • Разум и чувства Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 978-5-387-00631-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: СЛОВО/SLOVO
    Язык: Русский

    В рамках нового амбициозного проекта "Джейн Остин" выйдут шесть знаменитых романов английской писательницы, действие которых будет перенесено в наши дни. Шесть всемирно известных романистов задались целью, сохранив сюжет, стиль и очарование романов Остин, создать новые произведения о современной жизни. Увлекательные, трогательные и немного ироничные истории в лучших традициях английского романа никого не оставят равнодушным. Первым в проекте "Джейн Остин" стал роман "Разум и чувства", одно из самых известных произведений писательницы. Действие романа перенесено в наши дни, его герои живут - любят, страдают, ошибаются и взрослеют - в…

  • Чужие дети Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 978-5-17-043420-6, 978-5-9713-5816-9, 978-5-9762-3244-0
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский
    Этот роман имел сенсационный успех в Великобритании и стал основой знаменитого телесериала. Что же привлекло миллионы читателей в истории самых обычных браков, разводов и вечных конфликтов мужей и жен, отцов и детей? Искренность? Возможность узнать в ком-то из персонажей себя?
    Яркий талант автора?
    Или - все это и что-то еще?
  • Друзья и возлюбленные Троллоп Джоанна
    ISBN: 978-5-17-055426-3, 978-5-9713-9656-7
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский
    Кто сказал, что дружба между мужчиной и женщиной невозможна?
    Джина и Лоренс дружили с самого детства. Взрослая жизнь, конечно, развела их: Джина вышла за аристократа сноба Фергуса, а Лоренс женился на деловитой, практичной Хилари. Но ни новый статус, ни новые заботы не могли разрушить их давнюю дружбу.
    А потом Фергус попросту сбежал от Джины, оставив ее с дочерью-подростком. Мог ли Лоренс отказать лучшей подруге в помощи и поддержке?
    Однако с этого момента его собственная семейная жизнь превра­щается в настоящий ад, а уютное семейное счастье оказывается под угрозой...
  • Испанский любовник Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 5-7020-0917-7
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский

    Эта книга - история романтической и трогательной любви уже немолодой английской женщины и преуспевающего испанского бизнесмена.

  • Второй медовый месяц Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 978-5-17-063198-8, 978-5-271-35369-7, 978-5-4215-2267-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Полиграфиздат
    Язык: Русский
    Эди и Рассел. Актриса и театральный агент. Муж и жена, забывшие, что такое страсть… Их дети выросли и живут собственной жизнью, а брак давно превра-тился в союз друзей и единомышленников. Не пора ли Эди и Расселу вспомнить, что когда-то их соединила любовь? Ведь чувства никогда не поздно оживить. Но легко ли это сделать мужчине и женщине, которые так долго прожили в браке?..
  • Любовь без границ Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 978-5-17-057276-2
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Джулия и Хью Хантер были счастливы в браке. Кейт Бейн и ее возлюбленный Джеймс души не чаяли друг в друге. Ими восхищались даже самые циничные завистники.
    Но внезапно все меняется...

    Карьера Джулии идет на взлет - а ее муж успешный актер и телеведущий, похоже, "выходит в тираж".

    Кейт устала жить с немолодым мужчиной, ей хочется найти друзей-ровесников и чувствовать себя независимой...

    Многие счастливые пары переживают трудные времена.
    Идеальные отношения не всегда идеальны.
    И все же любви удается преодолеть самые серьезные преграды...
  • Marrying The Mistress Trollope, Joanna
    ISBN: 9780552998727
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
  • City of Friends Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 9781509823468
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Pan Books
    An emotional journey portraying the multiple frustrations, pressures and hidden agonies of four women. City of Friends is the number one bestselling novel from the highly acclaimed author, Joanna Trollope.
    The day Stacey Grant loses her job feels like the last day of her life. Or at least, the only life she'd ever known. For who was she if not a City high-flyer, Senior Partner at one of the top private equity firms in London?
    As Stacey starts to reconcile her old life with the new - one without professional achievements or meetings, but instead, long days at home with her dog and ailing mother, waiting for her successful husband to come home - she at least has The Girls to fall back on. Beth, Melissa and Gaby. The girls, now women, had been best friends from the early days of university right through their working lives, and for all the happiness and heartbreaks in between.
    But these career women all have personal problems of their own, and when Stacey's redundancy forces a betrayal to emerge that was supposed to remain secret, their long cherished friendships will be pushed to their limits…
  • Tasakaalutrikk Joanna Trollope
    ISBN: 9789985342411
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Varrak
    Язык: Эстонский
    Neli energilist ärinaist, ema ja kolm tütart, igaühel oma lapsepõlvetrauma, mis edasi kannustab või – mõnikord – kammitseb.
    Neli väga erinevat meest, kellel on ehk selles romaanis täita tähtsamgi roll kui edukatel naistel. Millega tegelevad nemad, kui naised on hõivatud äriasjadest? Kuidas kanda hoolt, et järgmise põlvkonna lapsed – kui neid üldse on otsustatud saada – ei tunneks end hüljatuna, kui ema on alatasa kodunt ära? Kas mees, kes otsustab töölt ära jääda, et hoolitseda kodu ja laste eest ning lasta naisel karjääri teha ja raha teenida, on haletsusväärne tuhvlialune või hoopis see kindel kalju, kelle najal kogu edukus üleval püsib? Millal jõuab kätte hetk, kus ta soovib „oma elu tagasi“?

    Tänapäeva (pere)suhteid lahkavate romaanidega tuntust kogunud Joanna Trollope kirjeldab selleski raamatus köitvalt, kui raske on panna eri huvisid klappima ning kuidas üksteisest möödarääkimine või vaikimine võib habrast tasakaalu kõigutada. Ja mis saab siis, kui võrrandisse lisandub veel üks tundmatu.
  • Brother & Sister Trollope, Joanna
    ISBN: 9780552771733
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
  • The Other Family Trollope, Joanna
    ISBN: 9780552775434
    Год издания: 2014
    Chrissie, in the twenty-three years she'd been together with Richie, had always believed that he loved her.

    He loved their three daughters and their house in Highgate and their happy, lively existence. But if she really was the love of his life, why had he never given her the one thing that would have made her life perfect?

    Then suddenly Richie is no longer there, and without him Chrissie's carefully constructed life is in jeopardy.The one big fact she had always tried to keep from her daughters threatens to overwhelm them all. For Richie had still been married to his first wife, the one with a son that he had abandoned in Newcastle.

    And now, with Richie gone and the practicalities of wills and money to be sorted out, it is finally time for the two families to face each other ...
  • The Soldier's Wife Trollope, Joanna
    ISBN: 9780552776424
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    The soldiers are coming home – after six months in Afghanistan. Surely being reunited with their wives and girlfriends and families will be heaven, after the hell they have been through.

    When Dan Riley returns to his adored wife, Alexa, and their children, his Army life still comes first. Alexa thought she was prepared to help him, and the whole family, to make the transition to normal life again – but no-one had told her how lonely and near impossible the task would be. Does marrying a soldier always have to mean that you are not marrying a man, but a regiment?
  • Kirglik mees Joanna Trollope
    ISBN: 9985303296
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Varrak
    Язык: Эстонский
    Andrew on armastatud ja austatud kohalik arst, tema naine on kooliõpetaja. Kui kusagil sisimas kipitabki rahulolematus, suruvad nad selle maha. Ootamatult saabub aga külla Andrew isa, kes on leidnus endale uue armastuse, eksootilise ja enesekindla ameeriklanna. See sündmus näib lõhkuvat pere hapra tasakaalu, mida taastada pole sugugi lihtne.
    Joanna Trollope, kuulsa inglise romaanikirjaniku Anthony Trollope'i kauge sugulane, kirjutab kaht eri laadi romaane: tänapäeva inglise keskklassi elu kirjeldusi ja romantilisi ajaloolisi raamatuid.
    Ta tajub ülihästi pisiasju, millest koosneb argipäev, ning annab edasi pealtnäha tüüne ja igava elu varjatud kirgi, pettumusi ja rõõme. Trollope'i kangelased ei ole üliinimesed ega kuulu nad ka selle maailma rikaste ja ilusate hulka. Nende probleemid on aga tuttavad ilmselt igale tänapäeva inimesele.
  • The Choir Trollope, Joanna
    ISBN: 9780552994941
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    In the gentle precinct of Aldminster Cathedral, crisis loomed. The urbane and worldly Dean (Purdey guns and the regular arrival of a delivery van from Berry Brothers) wanted nothing so much as to restore and beautify his beloved Cathedral - even if it meant sacrificing the Choir School to pay for it. Alexander Troy, Headmaster of the school, a conscientious man, somewhat out of his depth with his elusive and poetical wife (once seen walking barefoot in the dew across the Cathedral Close) was determined that nothing and no-one - certainly not the overbearing Dean - should destroy the Choir. As the rift widened into machiavellian dimensions, many others found themselves caught in the schism - Leo Beckford, brilliant but wayward organist, repelling the adoration of the Dean's dreadful daughter - the gentle, left-wing Bishop, trying to soothe the angry protagonists - Sally Ashworth, mother of the leading chorister, fighting loneliness and an erring and absent husband. Each frail and human dilemma took its part in the greater turmoil of Chapter and Close and the final battle for the survival of the Choir.
  • Next Of Kin Trollope, Joanna
    ISBN: 9780552997003
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
  • The Rector's Wife Джоанна Троллоп
    ISBN: 9780552994705
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    For twenty years Anna Bouverie, as a priest's wife (?9000 a year and a redbrick rectory that looked like a bus shelter) had served God and the parish in a diversity of ways. She had organised the deanery suppers, made cakes for the Brownies' Easter Cake Bake, delivered parish magazines, washed and ironed her husband's surplices (not altogether perfectly according to Miss Dunstable), grown her own vegetables and clothed herself and her children in left-over jumble-sale items. When her husband failed to gain promotion to archdeacon and retreated into isolated bitterness, and the bullying of her younger daughter at the local comprehensive reached unendurable proportions, Anna suddenly rebelled. Taking a job in the local supermarket she earned money, a sense of her own worth, the shocked disapproval of the parish, and the icy fury of her husband. As her loneliness and isolation increased, she was observed with passionate interest by three significant men, each of whom was to play a part in the part-tragic, part-triumphant blossoming of Anna's life.
  • Daughters-in-Law Joanna Trollope
    ISBN: 9780552776400
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    When you've dedicated your life to your children, what happens when they grow up?

    Rachel loves being at the centre of her large family. She has devoted herself fiercely to bringing up her three sons, but at their childhood home on the wide, bird-haunted coast of Suffolk, Rachel finds that her control begins to slip away. Other women - her daughters-in-law - are usurping her position. They have become more important to her boys than she is.

    A crisis brings these subtle rifts to the surface.

    Can there be a way forward, if they are to survive as a family?
  • Friday Nights Joanna Trollope
    ISBN: 9780552774123, 055277412X
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    Friday nights, the best night of the week, the night they all looked forward to more than they cared to admit - talking, drinking, laughing and crying together.

    They were six female friends, different in age and circumstances, but with one common need: the warmth and support of their Friday nights. It was a time to share secrets and fears, triumphs and tragedies and, above all, to feel safe in the company of women friends. But things never stay the same forever, especially when a man is introduced into the mix...
  • Girl From The South Joanna Trollope
    ISBN: 9780552770873
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    Gillon - red-haired, intelligent, vulnerable - comes to London to escape from the demands of her wealthy, conventional, socially superior family in Charleston, South Carolina. An art historian, she has a chance meeting with Tilly, whose long-term boyfriend Henry is a wildlife photographer who is finding it hard to commit. Before long Gillon has moved into their flat, replacing Henry's old mate William, William's on-off-girlfriend Susie, and a lots of mess and disorganisation. Things are changing, and Tilly finds it difficult to accept that her dreams of settling down with Henry are receding further into the distance, especially when Henry announces that he is going to South Carolina to photograph the abundant wildlife of the area.

    There, Henry is wholly seduced by the charms of Charleston, by Gillon's family, and by the old patrician way of life which presents itself. The rules seem to be changing, the time passing by, and the future is becoming less and less certain...
  • A Village Affair Joanna Trollope
    ISBN: 9780552994101
    Год издания: 1990
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    The Grey House is the final piece in the jigsaw of Alice Jordan's perfect life. It seems to be the ultimate achievement of her outwardly happy marriage - a loyal, if dull husband, three children, two cars and now the house. So why does she feel as if something is missing?

    As Alice and her family settle themselves into village life the something missing becomes something huge and then breaks, scandalizing the village, opening up old wounds. But because of it, Alice begins to feel that there is hope and humour and understanding and compassion in the new life she must build for herself.