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Lily Adams ran away and never looked back. She got herself clean and lives a sober life, working hard to give her son a good home in a place where they’ll be safe.

It’s been years since she left Sugarlake, and the last thing she’d expect is her brother sending someone to find her.

Mason Wells is the best private investigator in Tennessee. Tasked with the mission of hunting down Lily Adams, he knows he’s the perfect man for the job. At least he thought he was, until he actually finds her.

Immediately, Mason feels a pull. He needs to know the perky, dark-haired woman and the son she loves more tha the world.

Before he can stop…
Цикл: Sugarlake, книга №4

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Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Beneath the Surface

Язык: Английский

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