Моя оценка

Isla loves hanging out at her best friend Hailey's house, especially since Hailey has just gotten a beautiful kitten named Silky! But someone isn't too thrilled with the new arrival -- the family's older cat, Pickle.

When Hailey's family goes away for the night, Isla offers to "cat-sit". But to Isla's surprise, Hailey's new kitten, Silky, is clearly terrified of Pickle, Hailey's older cat. How can Isla break the news to Hailey that her new kitten is so unhappy?
Цикл: Истории о зверятах, книга №46

Форма: повесть

Оригинальное название: The Saddest Kitten

Дата написания: ~2020

Первая публикация: July 9, 2020

Язык: Английский

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